《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 17. Laurie. 》


Just where was she going? She's getting inside that red car and leaving.

Michael watched from afar at the old couple. Once the elder woman went in, the only one outside is her husband. The masked man quietly approached him without him noticing and immediately slashed his throat, throwing his body inside, where his wife looked at Michael in terror.

Michael walked towards her, ignoring her weak attempt on attacking. The grip on his knife tightened and the woman screamed.

He then attacked her.

After a while, the woman dragged herself back to the living room, where she saw the phone. As she tried to reach out for it, Michael roughly grabbed her and showed the woman a picture of Laurie, the blonde female he's been stalking the whole day. He was positive that was his younger sister.

" No! " She screamed, pushing the image out of his hold. This angered the tall male, so he smashed her body against the glass table, causing it to shatter. Her face was now full of cuts.

He grabbed her by her hair and pulled her up, snapping her neck.

Michael threw her to the side and grunted. There wasn't anything more for him to do. He didn't know where she was headed to.

From afar, he had heard Laurie say that she was going to babysit the kid that was with her that morning. What he could do is silently walk around the neighborhood until he spots the familiar vehicle.

Yes. That's probably what's best for now.

It also wasn't good that he's wasting too much time, (Y/N) is waiting for him to come back. Leaving her wasn't a good idea, now that teens find it great to have sex in his house. He didn't even tape her mouth shut, so she's perhaps crying out for help.

Michael walked out of that house normally, watching as a few kids walked past the decorated house. His eyes search for that car. It would be difficult now since there must be cars that resemble the one Laurie got into.


Eventually, he came to a stop in a two-story house. The car was in the parking lot, so he walked around the house until he found Laurie's friend talking on the phone.

He didn't hear the conversation and didn't bother to even try to listen to it.

Michael instead tried to find a way to get inside. The back doors are open, so that's how he got in. He made sure to lock them. The sound of the television distracted him, he walked to where it was coming from and saw a young girl watching a movie.

A memory of his last Halloween flashed on his head for a split second. He remembers watching a movie before he went out to get candy. He guessed that is what caught his attention in the first place.

When it was time for them to go out, Michael walked a few feet behind them to another house nearby and hid behind a tree.

Yes. That was it. That is where she's staying.

A blue car parked in front of the house after a couple of minutes.

Out came her friend and this time without the small girl.


(Y/N) huffed. She's tired from rubbing the rope on a broken piece of wood and didn't even know if it was working.

Just how much longer was she going to be kept there?

The female was trying different ways to break free and literally nothing was working. It was as if she's in chains.

Giving up wasn't an option for her, she needed to get out and get away from the male. He'll just end up killing her.

" Crap! " She cussed, kicking her legs in annoyance, her fingers rub the rope, examining if it was going to snap with just a few more tries. No such luck. It only managed to scratch the surface.


Loud footsteps cause her to flinch. It meant that he was back, but this time, the tall man was not alone. (Y/N) lifted her head up a bit to see that he held a girl in his arms.

This time, she really wished that the poor girl was not dead.

' What's with this perv? '

The tied-up female shook her head. She wondered what his deal was with girls. Michael sets the unconscious girl right next to (Y/N) and reached his and out to stroke the blonde's cheek.

(Y/N) cringed. She would have slapped his hand away if she wasn't tied up. Luckily, she was fine and was breathing normally.

Now with his hand out of the way, (Y/N) could clearly see who this girl was. It is none other than Laurie, the teen she bumped into this morning.

" H...Hey! Why is she here?! " Now, (Y/N) was desperate for an answer. She needed to know why Laurie was here.

Michael looks at his girl and crouched down in front of her.

He twirled his knife around, playing with it until his icy gaze met her beautiful eyes. She will have her answer and she will only have that once his younger sister woke up.

Michael got closer to her, his masked chin rests on her shoulder, his knife slides in between the rope, cutting it and letting her wrists go.

She's free, but not from him.

(Y/N) grunts, placing her hands on his chest, struggling to push him back.

" I asked a question, therefore I demand an answer. " She calmly tells him, hoping it wouldn't provoke him to act up. The scared woman swallows the lump on her throat.

Michael noticed how afraid she was. He frowned under his mask. This wasn't how he expected things to come out, maybe once he shows them his face, they'll stop being afraid.

At the same time, he wanted (Y/N) to be afraid of him. He felt that if she feared him that much, she'll stay by his side for a long time. No one in this world really wants to die, not even her.

Michael only wants her for himself.

That's why she's his girl.

Not only that, but she's vulnerable when she's afraid. Weak.

Michael pulls back and pressed his forehead against hers like the last time. His large hands are on her shoulders, the strong grip making her yelp.

(Y/N) grasped onto the top half of his jumpsuit in pain, teary eyes looking into his.

" Stop. " She begged him in a faint voice. He didn't stop and instead added a bit more of pressure to the point where (Y/N) cried.

His hands then gently rub her shoulders and slid them up to cup her small face. His thumb ran over her lower lip, having a sudden urge to press his against her soft ones. His frown then turned into a smirk.

(Y/N) thought just what he was thinking and there was no way she'd let him do such a thing. The man just hurt her! Not only that but why would she even kiss a stranger that kidnapped her not too long ago.

She turned her head away.

Michael growled and turned it back, making her look at him. After a while of having a staring contest, Michael decided to get up and walk away.

More like he needed to process things.

He's thinking of things he never thought of doing.

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