《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 11. Again. 》


The book is on the bookshelf. It's left untouched for d a y s.

(Y/N) didn't have the guts to open that book again, mostly because she was afraid of what she could read next.

The second time she opened the book, she read a few chapters and it just got darker from there.

She didn't want to read what comes next, so she's leaving that book on hold for the time being.

It's a day before Halloween and of course, it is another school day, so she has to go teach her kids how to strengthen their motor skills, but Tomorrow she has a day off, well, more like she asked for it.

Her parents had called her three days ago and begged for her help packing up some stuff, so she agreed to do so.

They have a lot of stuff there that they have to get rid of, perhaps they'll end up selling or giving some to their fellow neighbors.

It'll be a heavy day tomorrow, so she'll have to take it easy. She always does, her students don't stress her out as much.

She opened her trunk and tossed her folders and planner inside as well as a few important papers. The girl was having a meeting today with the other Kindergarten teachers about their progress, which is why she was carrying a bunch of stuff. If that didn't happen, then she'd only take her folder and planner.

(Y/N) huffs, opening the door and getting in the car, turning it on.

Her hand reached out towards the radio, changing the station to one that could be of interest to her. When she heard a song she was familiar with, she stopped and began to drive off to school.

Her good mood was soon replaced with annoyance once the radio host spoke of a certain someone.

" Damnit, what is it with me and Michael Myers these days?! " She grunted, stopping on a red light and throwing her head back, eyes never leaving the road. Her hands gripped tightly on the wheel as her jaw clenched in anger.

" I'm literally getting help, this is insane. " (Y/N) shook her head, still listening to the host talk about Michael and his past murders.

" Same here. " (Y/N) whispers, having a somewhat bad feeling.


" Shit happens. " She told herself, beginning her drive to school again, her heart pounding hard against her chest.


If she could only stop herself from feeling this worried. What could she be worried about? Him coming to get her? It was basically impossible. The police have been doing their job correctly for the past 15 years, so there's no way he could get out.


(Y/N) felt as if she's worrying over nothing, but that was written in the book, VERY well written.

" Psh...Whatever. " She shrugged taking a left on the school entrance and parking her car on the parking lot.

" Don't worry about it. Just focus on your kiddos. " She swallows the lump in her throat, grabbed her things and walked inside the building.


She had just come home from work and now there was a knock on the door. She thought it probably was her parents, but no.

She opened the door to see a familiar face.

" Morgan? What a surprise. "

The (H/C) girl hugged her first childhood friend tightly, rubbing her back. A smiled formed on her lips. She's really happy to have seen her after two long years.

" Your mother gave me your address yesterday. " Morgan released (Y/N) and tucked a few strands of her brown locks behind her ear. Morgan needed to take a good look at her.

Still beautiful.

" I see. Come in...we need to catch up. " (Y/N) grabbed her arm and bought her inside, closing the door behind her.

" So, how are you and William doing? Hopefully, everything is fine. " (Y/N) spoke from the kitchen as Morgan sat back on the large, comfortable black couch.

The brunette took a look around, seeing pictures on the wall of when her best friend was younger. She was also included in some of them. Her favorite one was at their high school graduation.

2 hours of sitting down, listening to their fellow classmates being called up one by one to the stage. Both girls had to be patient, but in the end, they managed to take good pictures.

" Ah! About that. I have something to show you. " She giggled, a blush forming on her pale face.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow and was curious at what the girl had to tell her. She carefully made her way over to the living room, as she was also carrying two full glasses of water.

Morgan reached out to help her out, placing the glasses of water on the small table.


" So? Spill it! "

" Oh my. " Morgan's blush turned a darker shade of red, holding out her hand for (Y/N) to see.

" You're...engaged?! " The girl gasped, covering her mouth to stop her from squealing at how happy she was for Morgan. Her eyes stare down at her shiny diamond ring.

" Wow, William...you made a good decision. " Morgan nods, smiling like an idiot.

" William is just...really amazing. I mean...we've been together since senior year of high school and he never left my side. He makes me really happy. " (Y/N) reached out to pinch her cheek tightly.

" Awi why are you such a cutie. " (Y/N) laughed, winking at her.

" I'm glad that happened. I'm honestly happy. "

Morgan now sighed, grabbing (Y/N)'s hands. This action made her raise an eyebrow.

" Any luck with you? "

" What do you mean? I mean I'm good. I'm a teacher now. "

Morgan shook her head. That wasn't what she was referring to.

" No! Have you found a man? Come on, you're like...fucking beautiful and amazing. Girl, you're 26, you need to at least have another boyfriend before you turn 30. "

(Y/N) rolled her eyes.

" What happened to Josh? "

" He cheated. "

" Well, what about Alex? "

" He moved. "

" And Austin? "

" I dunno. Morgan ugh. " (Y/N) huffed, rubbing her temples and looking at the brunette.

" All of these guys are history. I literally haven't seen them since I graduated from college. Besides I'm good. "

" It's just me, myself and I. "

Her friend chuckled, shaking her head.

" I know where you can find some guys. "

" Oh. Please don't take me to the male strip club. " Morgan furrowed her brows, bursting out in laughter.

" No. No. None of that. Why would you assume that? "

(Y/N) sighed in relief.

" A crazy friend of mine wanted me to go. I'm a teacher, I can't be doing that type of crap. "

Morgan cringed and shrugged.

" Anyways, (Y/N), let's go to a Halloween party tomorrow night. Come on, Cheyenne invited me and wants you to come. "

" No can do, I have to help my parents move to Nicholas' house. "

" Huh? Why there? Your parents can afford a little house for themselves. "

(Y/N) rolled her eyes.

" It was probably his wife's idea. That woman is pregnant and probably wants my mom and dad to take care of the baby while she goes out with her friends. "

Morgan raised an eyebrow and shook her head in disapproval.

" Damn. Cheyenne has a thing for your brother, ya know. "

" I know, but he married Shannon. Cheyenne is cute, sweet and really caring, Shannon, on the other hand, is really...noisy and kind of mean to him. But I guess it's what he wants. "

" Oh. He's blind, your brother. Why would he chase after someone who has a pretty face? "

" Cheyenne has a pretty face. "

" I know! But she has a pretty heart and that's all that matters. That girl is basically a princess. "

" Yeah. To be honest, I did want her as my sister in law. "

" Divorce! Divorce! Divorce! "

" Morgan! Don't cheer about that! Gosh. "

There was an awkward silence in the living room and it was like that for just a minute, that is until (Y/N) bursts out in laughter.

" Oh, God. I imagine you saying that in front of my brother. He'll be confused. "

Morgan got up and stretched.

" I'll do it later. I have to make dinner for my future husband. "

(Y/N) got up from the couch and walked her out to her car, giving her one last embrace.

" If you change your mind about the party, just give me a call. "

The woman nods and once she left, she heads back inside. She wasn't going to plan anything, so she'll take it easy for the rest of the afternoon.


The sky had turned dark and multiple phone calls are being made to Smith's Grove from the other facility. Michael is to be transfered tonight.

The tall male huffed, staring at the pictures he held in his large hands. His head tilted to the side, inspecting them.

Michael remembered their faces, but who knows how much they've changed over the last 15 years. He'll know. Their presence is all he needs to know who they are.

For now, he'll focus on getting out.

The door opened and the guards stare at him. He didn't bother to turn his head and instead, he hid those pictures in his pocket.

He was obedient. Did as he was told.

But not for long.

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