《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 8. Murders and Letters. 》


There were sirens.

Sirens were heard all over the neighborhood and the people walked out of their homes to see what the commotion was all about. A few ambulances show up right after the cops. They all saw that they parked right in front of the Myers home. Most neighbors thought that it was a quarrel between Ronnie and Deborah, but they were mistaken.

Soon, a crowd was formed and among the crowd was (Y/N), wondering what had happened. She hoped Michael wasn't injured.

The little girl pushed various adults out of the way to get a closer look and she saw Michael being handcuffed, a blank look spread across his face. She never saw that look before and didn't understand why he was going to jail.

" M...Mickey. " She sobbed. Her small figure still in the teddy bear onesie, looking at her friend as tears formed in her eyes. She ran to him, holding him tight for a brief second before she was pulled away by the cops.

Michael tried to touch her, but couldn't. Both kids are being separated and Michael didn't like that at all.

" Stop! Don't take her away from me! (Y/N)! " He yells, trying to go to her, but is being dragged into the back of a police car.

" I need her! Let me go to her! " Michael struggles to free himself, but he's a kid, he didn't have enough strength.

" Mickey! " She cries, trying to wiggle out of the cop's grasp, and just like Michael, both weak.

" Why? " She sobbed.

It wasn't until three bodies were taken out of the house. Her eyes widened, watching as Deborah cried, hugging Judith's body. (Y/N)'s tears ran down her cheeks, her eyes not leaving the scene. She's shocked and asked herself if Michael was the murderer.

" T...There's no way. " She trembled. The cops hand (Y/N) back to her worried father. He held her in his arms tightly, rubbing circles on her back.

Her parents were horrified. They thought he was a calm kid, but appearances deceive society. He may be calm, but one does not really know the person.

(Y/N) thought she knew him, but at the end of the day, no one knows who they hang out with.

Nicholas frowned, watching his baby sister fall apart for a murderer. Not just a murderer, but the person she considered a friend.


Her elder brother had a bad feeling about him and well it turned out his gut was right. He's no good for her and his parents are beginning to think the same.

The girl in the teddy bear onesie buried her face on her father's neck and continued to cry. Eventually, she grew exhausted and fell asleep in his arms, still having Michael on her mind.

11 Months Later...

It had been a few months since she last saw Michael Myers and she did want to see him again, after all, they are best friends.

Every day she'd beg her parents to let her see Michael, but they flat out tell her 'NO.' Her parents, along with Nicholas considered him a bad influence. They certainly didn't want their precious baby to be talking to a murderer. Who knows what he'll tell her to do and were afraid that she'd change. They didn't understand why she wants to see him.

(Y/N) is young and doesn't know what she's saying.

Like why go visit a killer?

If her parents didn't take her, then she'll have no choice, but to ask Deborah.

Once she heard the news that Michael was being transfered to Smith's Grove Sanitarium, she raced over to Deborah's house after school and knocked on her door various times. She finally opened the door after a while and smiled down at her.

" Hi, Mrs. Myers! " (Y/N) greets her with the warmest smile she could offer her.

Deborah makes way for her to come in and she does. She walked inside her home and looked around. It was quiet. It wasn't anything like back then when Michael was around, especially when Judith and Ronnie were alive.

A toddler was sleeping peacefully on the couch and she assumed it was Michael's baby sister. She'd grown up since the last time she saw her. Almost a year.

(Y/N) walked behind Deborah into the kitchen and both sat down on chairs.

" So honey, what brings her here? " Deborah asks, tucking her (H/C) locks behind her ear. It wasn't her first visit there, she had come by a couple of times before and ask about Michael. She told her that he was still behind bars and everything she knew.

" I want to see Michael. Please take me to him. I miss him! "


Her smile disappeared when she heard (Y/N)'s desperate request. Deborah knew her parents would object to it.

" I...I can't do that. "

(Y/N) groaned and buried her face on her hands.

" Why not?! My parents won't let me see him and...and I just...I miss him. " Her eyes begin to water.

" Honey, they don't let minors in for a visit. "

Deborah didn't like to see her like that and instead thought of something that would please her.

" A letter. " The woman got up from her seat and grabbed her bag that was in a small table near the front entrance.

" Letter? " (Y/N) asks, rubbing her eyes.

" Mhm... " Deborah hums in response.

She sat back down and from her bag, she pulled out a small notepad and pen. She slid those items over to the little girl and smiled.

" Write to him. I visit Michael every week, so I'll be able to send those to him. " Her (E/C) orbs sparkle, nodding violently. She opens the notepad and begins to write.


I write this letter to tell you how

much I miss you and that

I really need you here with me. I don't

know what happened, but if you get out soon, you'll be able to play with me.

- (Y/N)

The young girl kept it short. She tears the paper off the notepad and hands it over to Deborah. She got up from her seat and gave her a hug.

" Thank you. " She mumbles.

Deborah placed the letter on the table and proceeded to reciprocate the hug, wrapping her arms around her and holding her tight.

" Head on home, Hon. Your parents will get mad at you if you don't. " She whispers, releasing her. Deborah walked her to the door and waves goodbye. The blonde woman sighs and rests her back against the door, a few tears slipping out of her eyes.

A few seconds later, she walked back to where she sat and stared at the letter (Y/N) had written for her son.

That poor girl.

A crime like murder isn't taken lightly in society. Those are lives that were snatched away. That little girl is expecting him to come back to her, but he won't. Deborah knows her son will be locked up for a long time. That's the harsh reality.

Perhaps she can't accept the fact that he killed three (FOUR) people. She still thinks he's innocent. In her young mind, Michael didn't do anything wrong. (Y/N) doesn't understand yet. She'll grow up to know that she used to be friends with a murderer.

At the end of the day, she doesn't know him.

Not even Deborah.


And it went like that for a year. (Y/N) at age 11 still sends Michael a letter each week and he responds, but lately, his responses have gotten darker. It went from:

' I miss you too, hopefully, everyone is doing okay. We'll see each other again. If I do good, I'll go to you.'


' I Have to get out of here. I want to hold and protect you. (Y/N) you mean the world to me and I'll KILL whoever touches you.'

Pretty dark.

His last reply made her shiver in fear. Michael wrote to her. It was a few sentences.

I'll get out. Be ready.

You're engraved in my heart.

Those words.

Something he's never said before. Was this even Michael Myers?

It was scary, but she still decided to reply.


Have you been okay lately? It worries me. What do you mean by that?

Are you trying to scare me? It's not working. Just hold on. You'll be ok.

And there goes the weekly routine. Giving Deborah Myers the letter so she can deliver it. Her parents didn't know about it yet. She hid his replies in a decorated shoebox stored deep within her closet.

As the days went by, she never got a response. She didn't know why until she heard the word spread about Deborah's passing in her home later that week and Baby "Boo" had disappeared.

That means that Michael didn't have anyone to visit him and since (Y/N) wasn't allowed to, all contact was broken.

If she did send him letters through the mail, then her parents will find out about everything.

Now all she had to remember him were three pictures and a bunch of letters.

It was the .

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