《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 6. My promise to you. 》


Weeks went by and at this point, the pair had become best friends. Yes, they began to hang out every afternoon and they wouldn't be home up until dinner.

Deborah felt relief. Her son now didn't have to witness every single argument she had with Ronnie or His elder sister being rude to him. Michael was safe with her.

Mr and Mrs. (L/N) didn't mind their child playing with a boy. They felt that he had given them a good impression ever since he sent those 'get well soon' letters to (Y/N). Those put a huge smile on her face and that smile is enough to brighten their day. The couple was thankful.

Now, both youngsters sat on the bench, watching the leaves fall slowly to the ground, autumn was already doing its thing. (Y/N) giggled. A leaf had fallen on top of Michael's head without him noticing.

She reached for it.

He didn't know what was going on until she had the leaf in her hand. The boy shook his head and continued watching the scenery as he ate the chocolate bar in his hand.

" It's off. " The young girl tells him, popping her red, cherry-flavored lollipop into her mouth, kicking her feet back and forth.

" Hey, Mickey... How come you're always so quiet? " Now that he thought about that, he's been quiet the past couple of days. He's been like that for a while now. It wasn't her, it never was.

" I'm always like that. " Michael shrugged, licking his lips. He pulled the sleeve of his grey hoodie and wiped his mouth clean.

" Ah. " She nods, lowering her head. (Y/N) always seems to ask herself if Michael did want to hang out or talk to her.

" So that's what it is... It's okay. "


Michael sighs and wraps an arm around her small figure, catching her by surprise. Her cheeks heat up a bit, turning as red as the lollipop she has.

Her lips part, her lollipop fell, but she caught it right on time.

" Uh...Mickey. " It was the first time ever that she was left speechless. And possibly the first time in which her heart beats faster than normal.

She did eventually developed a thing for him ever since he sent her those notes ( WHICH she has kept! ) and the time when he had helped her out in school.

Yes. The pair was about to eat lunch together for the first time and what (Y/N) didn't know was that the floor was wet, so she ended up slipping, falling onto her knees. The poor girl was hurt and instead of being helped out by some of her classmates, they laughed instead. That's when Michael came in and helped her up. His cold hands covered her ears. He didn't want (Y/N) to have to listen to that, so that's what he did. Being laughed at wasn't that wonderful, he knew that.

After their laughter had died down, Michael took her to the nurse and the only thing they gave her was ice.


Michael exploded and demanded that the nurse send her home and make her rest. He was angry when she said no, so instead he just helped her back to their classroom, where they skipped their lunch.

On the other hand, Michael grew attached to this girl after a while of hanging out with her. There was this desire to help her out. To protect. He didn't understand why he had to protect her or from who, but he felt that way. She was small, soft and naive. It made it seem like she didn't know about the cruel and dark things in the world. Light revolved around her, whereas darkness started consuming him little by little.


He fears that darkness because once he is completely consumed by it, he won't know if he's hurting her or not.

Maybe that's the reason he seemed so off, so quiet. He knows that he should be keeping his distance, but he doesn't want to because of his need to protect her. Not only that, but there was something bothering his stomach every time he saw her. It was more of a good feeling than a bad one. Of course, Michael being a young boy, he wouldn't know what it was. He lets it happen and then after a few days, his heart starts beating at an unusual rate.

Such weird feelings and at such a young age.

(Y/N) glanced at him and leaned her head against his.

" Warm. " She mumbled, moving her head and then resting it against his shoulder.

He wasn't bothered at how close she was, he liked it and made him feel special. His hand proceeds to pat her head and stroke her hair as if he were to calm her down.

" Can you promise me something? " He asks.

The little girl raised her head and turned to look at him straight in the face.

" Hmm... Depends. "

" Whatever transpires in the future, please don't forget about me. " At this point, it worried her.

' Is he moving?' Is what she's asking herself.

(Y/N) swallowed the lump on her throat and didn't respond to that.

Michael placed his hands on both of her shoulders and shook her, his eyes look into hers. It was as if hearing her say ' I promise ' meant the whole world to him. Cause it did.

" Then you must promise the same! Mickey, I don't want you to forget me either! If anything happens and I end up leaving your side then you must do whatever you can to find me! That way... " (Y/N) covered her mouth, her cheeks turning bright red again.

Michael removed her hands from her mouth, wanting her to continue talking.

" That way we can be together again! "

Michael blinked a couple of times and finally smiled. A nod followed soon after. He didn't want her alone, so he'll accept her conditions too.

" I promise. " He whispers.

" Then, I will also promise you that. "

(Y/N) takes out her pinky. Michael does the same and both pinkies become intertwined.

It's official.

Their promise is official and there's definitely NO turning back.

(Y/N) leans her head back to his shoulder and sighs, smiling to herself. Michael grabs her hand and holds it tight, feeling happy.

He'll surely remember this. He will make it back to her in case something happens.

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