《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 1. Your. . . Name? 》



At least that was what she was. Little (Y/N) was a normal girl, no one messed with her and she didn't mess with anyone. In fact, she was oddly kind to anyone and maybe that got people to become a bit annoyed at her.

(Y/N) didn't mind it, of course. It was as if she was born to be kind to others. It's her nature.

Maybe her parents are to blame for her kindness. They raised her to be caring and loving. That's what they envisioned their first daughter to be, but they didn't know the consequences of that or what they might bring to the poor 9-year-old.

On the other hand, being kind, caring and loving seemed to make her friends and classmates happy, That's one of the things she liked the most...seeing smiles on faces.

There was one face, a face that rarely smiled. Not that it creeped her out, more like it concerned her. (Y/N) began to be curious about the older boy. She figured he was older than her since he was a bit taller. Tall kids always seem old. Ah, the mind of a 9- year-old.

Then, (Y/N) began a little task of her own...to find out more about him. It was easy for her since they are in the same class.

Today was the first day of that small mission. Because (Y/N) was mostly in her own world, she never saw him before and speculated he was a transfer student. Turns out he wasn't, he had been in the same classroom since the beginning of the year, which was two months ago.

How does she know that? Well, the teacher was whispering to him about how his grades haven't improved since the beginning of the year.

That led her to think he was there since day 1.


'How much of a dummy am I? I'm so mean for not talking to him. I'm a big mean dummy.' The small, (H/C) girl pouts, flickering herself in the forehead a couple of times as she walked to her classroom, determined to find out whatever she could about him. She should start by knowing his name...wait that was easy!!!!!

Why didn't she think of that earlier?! She really is a big dummy. The small child giggled mischievously, skipping into the classroom and sneaking all the way to the back of the classroom.

Her tiny feet made no sound as she tip-toes over to the cubby unit. There are 5 rows of 4, each row represents a color. (Y/N)'s row is the first row, its color, white...The row the boy is in is the third row. That meant his cubby should be red.

She went through every red cubby and most of them were filled with notebooks, pencils and colors. One was sort of empty, just a few pieces of paper are inside, worksheets. OVERDUE worksheets. No name. Literally they were just scribbled all over, work lazily done.

Her fingers went through the small stack of papers, scanning for a name somewhere.

Yep. No name.

(Y/N) groaned, her fingers ran through her now messy hair. She tossed those worksheets into that cubby and sighed.


The small boy grabbed his backpack and walked out of his home. His mother and crippled boyfriend having an arguement that could be heard by the whole damn town.

It was an annoyance to have to deal with him, always getting on his nerves. He had a strong hatred towards that man. Not only did he have to deal with him. He has to put up with the crap his sister throws at him.


He found it real gross when he tries to hit on his sister. He just gags. Gross fuck. The boy slips his backpack off and as he is walking, he opens it to reveal his clown mask. It was new, something his mother had bought him.

The clown mask was part of his halloween costume. His mother thought it was too early to be thinking about the holiday, but she had bought it for him anyways. Better sooner than later.

A small grin appeared on his lips, shoving it back in after admiring it.

That small grin soon disappeared as the school came into view, he didn't like it there, always getting picked on by the same kids daily.

He hated them too, all of them.

It was just a matter of time before he exploded in rage.

The boy puts his backpack into an unused locker, hiding it from his teachers. From then, he managed to sneak past a few of his bully classmates and into the classroom, which was too, filled with a few of them.

It wasn't his fault he was different from other kids, they didn't bother to get to know him and why would he even bother to change. Change to him was a drag, completely bothersome.

He was about to walk to the usual seat in the back...why in the back? Because he acted up whenever the person right behind him would tease him for being a 'Freak.' Well at least the girls next to him didn't talk to him, but they did whisper stuff about him behind his back.

As he was about to walk there, he saw a girl there, going through his stuff and pulling her hair. It made him ask himself whether she lost something, That would explain why she is going through there.

Maybe he's being accused of stealing, then again, this girl was known to be 'Kind' or as the students in their classroom would call her; 'An Angel.'

His complete opposite.

Without knowing, he had made his way behind her and stared at her.

(Y/N) lost her balance, but luckily she didn't fall in her butt, She instead bumped into the boy's legs. The girl scrambled to her feet, heart pounding against her chest, having the fear of being accused of robbery.

Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment, the words stuck in her throat.

"Do you... need something?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, a serious stare being sent right at her. She has to admit something, he was really intimidating yet interesting. (Y/N) began to shake her head, but immediately changes to nodding.

"Well...?" He waited patiently for her to spit something out, but after a few seconds of awkwardly staring at each other, he decided to walk to his desk. Before he could take a seat, she spoke up.

" Name! Y-Your name?! " He turns around and gives her a look.








"Michael Myers."


⚠️ ⚠️

- Bruhh, first book in a while, kinda nervous. But Halloween 2018 got me hyped up, so I binged watch all the movies, although season of the witch had nothing to do with Michael, so yeah. By the way, I'm mixing it up, so I apologize if you get confused. I wasn't planning on doing it x reader, but like...I feel those are m u c h better. ♡

I want to be realistic about the whole thing, so a happy ending won't be a possibilty. Lmao me thinking about the ending and I just started writing this bitch...

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