《Dazed and Confused | s. hyde》Chapter 13



"I'm so freaking excited!" Emma exclaimed. It was Friday night and they were going to see Pink Floyd in about half an hour.

"It's no big deal," Hyde said.

"Oh it's a big deal. You could have invited anyone else," she said.

"What you think I could have asked Fez?" he asked.

"Well you could have," she responded.

She went over to his bed and sat next to him.

"Everyone sucks man," Hyde said.

"What about me," Emma asked.

"You're probably the best person I know," Hyde said.

"You're so cute," she said.

"Shut up or I'll throw you out," he said.

"And Hyde is back," she said.

"Just the way you like me," he said with a grin.


"Where are you two going," Donna asked as they were both leaving.

"Out," Hyde said.

"Ooohhh Hyde taking her on a date to tell her how much he looooves her," Donna said in her classic voice when she teased Hyde for being romantic.

"Shut up," Hyde said.

"Well if it's not a date, can I come," asked Fez.

"You can absolutely not come with us Fez, see you later" Emma responded.


"Hyde this is freaking awesome," Emma said.

"Randall this is the most fun I've ever had with anyone before," he said.

When wish you were here came on, she cuddled into his side as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Pink Floyd live was so amazing and Hyde and Emma couldn't stop catching glances at each other in the middle of songs.

"I fricking love you man," Hyde whispered into her ear.

"Only you could include the words 'fricking' and 'man' in that statement," she smiled.


It was the last song of the concert and they were sad it was ending. After the last song and all the cheering was over, Hyde and Emma walked out of the concert.

"I think that was the best night of my life!" Emma said.

"Man that was fun," Hyde said.

"Hyde, I think people underestimate you," Emma said.

"Oh yeah? In what way," he asked.

"Well I mean people think you're just some rude ass, when you can really pull out some Pink Floyd tickets and make a girl very very happy," she said.

"Well I do things for people I care about," Hyde said.

"And you care about me," Emma said. "And more than just the 'boyfriend and girlfriend' kind of care about each other."

"Well what other way is there," he asked. Hyde obviously wasn't a super caring guy so relationships didn't really come naturally to him.

"Well, I don't know like, do you care about me like family," she asked.

"Okay making out with my sister is not what I signed up for here," Hyde said.

"Oh my God Hyde. Like say we were normal and had normal families. Eric, for example, has Red as a hard ass dad but they're family so they have to care about each other," she explained.

They were now walking home to the Forman's.

"Well of course, man," Hyde said. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "No matter what man, I will always care about you."

"Oh Hyde you're so swee-" she didn't get to finish before he interrupted.

"Tell anyone I said that and you're dead."

"I guess I'll tell Donna and Jackie then," she said teasingly.

"Randall, I swear," he said.


"Kill me in the bedroom," she said with a smirk.

"Anything for you," Hyde said with mock sweetness in his tone.

They finished their walk home talking about other things like music and Fez, both very current topics.


When they got back to the Forman's they rushed into Hyde's room.

They didn't hesitate to start making out and by the time they knew it they were tugging at each other's clothes.

Soon, clothes were off and things happened. . .



Are my chapters too much Hyde and Emma and should I add more parts for other characters.

Or, it a lot of Hyde and Emma stuff cool?

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