《groovy - steven hyde》009


"oh, my god. that's buddy morgan." jackie said.

isabella, jackie, donna and fez were all at the hub.

"oh, man, i had such a crush on him in the seventh grade." donna said.

"trust me, i remember." isabella said with a giggle.

"he is driving the fiery chariot of the sun god." fez said before sitting down beside isabella.

"he's with eric?" jackie said.

"what?" isabella said.

when she turned around, she saw eric getting out of morgan's car.

"this is a serious clique breach." jackie said.

"a serious clique breach? that's the worst kind." donna said.

"you see, buddy is in the rich kid clique. they mingle with the jock clique. then you have your smokers and your heads. okay? rich kids can be smokers, and jocks can be heads, but jocks cannot but smokers, unless they're rich." jackie explained.

"what about larry mosely? he's a rich jock smoker head." donna said.

"okay, well now you're just being difficult." jackie said.

"sure, she's being difficult." isabella said rolling her eyes at jackie.

"hey, guys. buddy, you know everyone. right?" eric said walking in with his new friend.

"hi. no, i don't think we've actually met." buddy said.

"no, i am fez." he said introducing himself.

"hi." buddy said as him and fez shock hands.

"my gosh, buddy, with a car like that, you must be knee deep in whores." fez said making buddy look at him funny.

"okay, let's head back to my house." eric said before everyone got up to get their things.


"they're finally getting off the island." fez said referring to the show they were watching.

"no, fez, they're not getting off the island." eric told him.

"but they have a coconut radio. what could go wrong?" fez asked.


"wow." isabella mumbled.

"oh, jilligan." fez said.

the door opened and they saw a pissed off hyde and kelso walk in.

"oh. there you guys are. where have you been?" eric asked them.

"where have we... where have you been? we've been worried sick about you." kelso said.

"we had to walk all the way here, man. my feet are killing me." hyde said.

"are your fingers broken? you can't use a phone?" kelso said.

"do you know it's freezing outside? and i'm wearing my uncle's boots, so now i have a blister." hyde said.

"shaggy, scooby, we've got company." donna told them.

"huh. buddy morgan. yeah, i know you." hyde said.

"yeah, i guess its my fault. i gave eric a ride home. so, uh-" buddy began.

"get out of my chair!" hyde shouted.

"okay. i really have to be going anyway, so... oh, hey, your car is still at school, huh?" buddy said to eric.

"yeah, you're damn right it is." kelso said.

"i could drop you off if you want." buddy told eric.

"oh, yeah, sure. and hey, guys, i'm real sorry i forgot about you." eric told kelso and hyde.

"did you want to drive?" buddy asked.

"hell, yeah!" eric shouted before going upstairs.

"i call backseat!" fez shouted following them.

"did you see that? he just ditched us again." kelso said sitting in the middle of jackie and isabella.

"do you even know how difficult it is to clique jump? eric has achieved something very special, and you're both ruining it for him." jackie said.

"who cares? i'm tired and i never want to walk anywhere again." kelso said laying his head back.

"michael, walk me home." jackie told him.

"okay." kelso replied before the two of them left.


"okay, what's your problem with buddy? i mean, he seems nice enough." donna asked hyde.

"maybe you should give him a chance, stevey." isabella said.

"screw him, man. i mean, he's got the money, the car, the family. the teachers like him, the counselor like him. everybody likes him. i hate him." hyde said.

"hyde, don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit?" donna asked him.

"donna, let me tell you something, okay? when high school's over, buddy morgan's going to a great college. you know where i'm gonna be? sitting right here in my uncle's boots." hyde said.

"damn." isabella said.

"well, at least you've got great friends. and i'll always be your friend." donna said.

"yeah, me too. i couldn't imagine a hyde less word." isabella said.

"thanks." hyde said before he placed his hand on isabella's knee.

isabella felt his hand caress her knee and donna looked at the two of them.

hyde quickly pulled his hand away, realizing that he shouldn't had done that.

everyone in the room went silent and no one knew what else to say.


"i miss eric." kelso said.

"well, you still have me." jackie said.

"it's not the same, jackie. i can talk to eric about things that i can't talk about with you." kelso said.

"okay, like what?" jackie asked him.

"here we go." isabella said rolling her eyes.

"well... for instance, the annoying things that you do." kelso said making hyde laugh.

"michael!" jackie shouted.

"see? i can't talk to you." kelso said.

they heard the door open and donna turned to see eric.

"hey, eric, how's it-" donna said but got cut off when eric kissed her.

"so what's everyone looking at?" eric asked putting his arm around donna.

"what are we looking at, man? we haven't seen you in days." hyde told him.

"oh, what, hyde? you had to walk all the way home from school again?" eric asked.

"that's not the only reason we're upset with you." kelso said.

"that's my only reason." hyde said.

"i thought you had another reason." kelso said.

"no, that's pretty much it." hyde said.

"moving on." isabella said.

"where's buddy?" donna asked.

"yeah, eric, where is your new best friend?" isabella asked him.

"oh, buddy? oh. buddy got... busy." eric said.

"yeah, i mean, i'm sure he has a lot to do. he is popular." jackie said.

"yes, and so obviously gay." fez said.

"buddy is not gay!" jackie said.

"please, fez. that's just stupid. if buddy was gay, he would have been all over me." kelso said making everyone glare at him.

"seriously?" isabella asked.

"well, he would've." kelso replied.


"see you guys later." donna said to kelso, fez and jackie.

"so, forman. now that the scary kids are gone, is buddy gay?" hyde asked him.

"well, i don't think it's really my place to-" eric began.

"he's gay." hyde, isabella and donna said.

"okay, guys, hypothetical situation, crazy scenario, wouldn't happen in like a million years. let's just... let's just say, okay, that buddy made a move on me." eric said.

"eric, he's not gonna make a move on you if he knows you're straight." donna said.

"i don't know. i mean, forman is pretty irresistible." hyde said.

"i don't think he'll make a move on me again." eric said.

"again?" hyde, isabella and donna shouted.

"or for the first time. you know... i gotta go." eric said before leaving.

"i guess we know the truth about buddy." isabella said.

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