《Secondhand Memories (Pioneer English Cell Phone Novel)》Winding Road


Chapter 418

Winding Road

When I stepped out of the train station, the sun had disappeared,

the sky once again fading into a deep sapphire blue.

The February air became crisp and cool again,

a little cloud puff with every breath.

The world had returned to normal,

as if the train was a warp between different dimensions.

Yet, there was a growing flame inside of me,

refusing to be distinguished.

With each step I will fan the flame.

With each step I will move forward.

Chapter 419

Winding Road

I reached where I had intended to go.

It was the same as always before.

Quiet and forlorn. A forced peace.

But at least one person will never be abandoned.

Aoi, I'm here for you. Always.

I promised you I will be stronger, Aoi.

I've returned. I'm a bit different now.

You can depend on me.

Chapter 420

Winding Road

The hospital halls were quiet as usual,

hushed voices and soft echoing sounds.

The clean whites were stiff and menacing.

But with every step, my confidence grew.

It almost felt like I was a light in the muted darkness.

I was proud. Proud that Aoi was depending on me.

I won't let her down anymore.

Chapter 421

Winding Road

She was still sleeping soundly,

as if nothing in the world could disturb her.

Suspended in her own world,

she had placed all her hope in me.

I smiled at her as I took my usual spot beside her bed.

And as usual, her hand was warm and soft.

"I love you, Aoi."

"Today I learned something new."

"You can trust me now."

I watched her breathe, slowly, quietly, deeply.

Now, I knew she was sleeping in peace.

Chapter 422

Winding Road

In the stillness,

we have returned under

the tender embrace of

the stars, the moon.

The sound of Aoi's song,

tinkling softly through the air;

music notes borne on

our slow breathing.

Memories woven in time

were drifting around us

like strings that bind

our hands together.

Our souls together.

Our hearts together.

I used to loathe this place.

But in this place, untouched by the world outside,

was the precious moment where Aoi and I could meet.

Chapter 423

Winding Road

I wasn't sure when I had fallen asleep.

But slowly....


Suddenly I....

Chapter 424

Winding Road

~ ~ ~ ~

I was here again.

I've been here before.

The sky was purple in the distance,

a vast expanse of stardust glitter all over.

Above me, around me, whatever direction I looked.

Swirling in a multiplex of constellations and stellar bodies,

so much that I couldn't feel any smaller.

Spinning and spinning in the cosmos,

soon I began to lose my balance.


Chapter 425

Winding Road

I lost my balance and fell back to earth.

The stars above were too far away to grasp.

As much as I wanted to reach them.

It was painful to straighten myself out.

Where was I?

I was back on the ground.

Back here.



Chapter 426

Winding Road

It took most of my energy and effort to get up and take a step forward.

The ground rose steeply in front of me, up and up and up. Reaching the heavens perhaps.

Up ahead, as usual, city lights lit up the horizon; it was just beyond this slope.

If only I could get there, I knew the answers would be there.

I heard a sound behind me.

I spun around.

Nothing was there.

But I realized something different this time.

I was up higher, far away from the bottom of the hill.


Chapter 427

Winding Road

I was getting closer!

"Aoi!" My voice was small and insignificant in the vast emptiness.

I planted my foot down and took another grueling step.

I was getting closer though. I knew I was.

The ground no longer moved backwards like a treadmill.

I still had my balance. As long as I didn't look at the stars.

One thing at a time. One step at a time.

The next step was a big one.

Because in the distance I could see something...

Chapter 428

Winding Road

A figure?

A slight figure.

It was barely a dot in the distance.

I rubbed my eyes to clear away the blurriness but nothing helped.

It was too dark to see much anyway.


The figure disappeared.


I shivered. It suddenly felt very cold.


Chapter 429

Winding Road

"Why are you here?"

I heard her soft voice. But where was it coming from?

It sounded like it was coming from the sky, all around,

echoing across a great expanse of space.

"I'm here to find you."

Then there was my voice, quiet and muted, still insignificant.

"I don't know where I am... Can you find me?"

I took a few steps forward, climbing higher on the hill.

The air was cooler here, thinner, like we were high atop a mountain.

It took a lot of effort just to draw air into my starving lungs.

"Yes, Aoi. I will definitely find you! Trust me!"

She was quiet for a moment. "Hurry! The time is running out..."

I stopped in my tracks. "...What do you mean??"

Chapter 430

Winding Road

"I don't know.. I have a feeling..." Her voice shook.

As her voice shook the tall grass all around wavered,

quivering in a breeze, rustling and shifting anxiously.

It was too dark to make out the color of the grass.

All I saw was the deep purple sky above.

She was still nowhere to be seen.

But I won't give up. I was here now.

"I will find you before anything happens!"

I must get to the top of the hill.

Chapter 431

Winding Road

I knew I was getting nearer.

With each step, the lights on the top of the hill was clearer, brighter.

The purple sky was brighter. The grass was greener. My body slowly grew warmer.

Interestingly, the stars were still visible even while they basked in city lights.

"Aoi, wait for me. I'm here."

The slope up ahead suddenly grew steep, vertical like a cliff.

It was the final summit.

I was here. I was going to make it.

Chapter 432

Winding Road

The rock face was almost impossible to climb.

There were barely any footholds.

Each time I lifted a foot the other foot slipped off,

leaving me at the bottom of the cliff.

Sweat gathered on my forehead

and soon I had to collapse and wait for my strength to return.

I knew she was just beyond this cliff face.

I was nearly there.

I couldn't give up now.

Could I?

Chapter 433

Winding Road

I tried again, this time I wedged my back against corners.

Fortunately, I was able to make some progress.

The rough jagged face of the rocks tore at my skin and clothing,

but it didn't matter to me.

I had to get up.

Fight on.

I was nearly at the top.

I could see where the lights were...

they seemed to be vibrating, floating--

I lifted my head and right in front of me...

Suddenly a rock came loose beneath me,


my foot slipping off, sending me tumbling backwards.


Chapter 434

Winding Road

I felt my heart pressing up against my ribs,

threatening to break free.

I wanted to scream or cry out but no sound would come out of me.

Instead, all I could see was the purple sky right above me,

the stars of infinite possibilities.

One twinkled and disappeared.

Where did it go?

Chapter 435

Winding Road

A second began to vanish.

No.. don't.

Then, a third dropped from the heavens.

Soon, their friends joined their escape.

Stars falling, falling,


Everything was

Spinning, swirling, spiraling...

away from me...


Chapter 436

Winding Road

~ ~ ~ ~

I woke up on the floor,

my back aching,

covered in sweat and tears.

Getting up was painful.


I reached slowly for her hand again.

"Are you okay?"

What was going on?

What was happening inside her mind?

Somehow all I knew was that I didn't want those stars to disappear.

Chapter 437

Winding Road

It was late.

The clock said 2 AM.

But I couldn't fall asleep again.

I couldn't stop thinking about that hill,

that cliff I almost finished climbing.

Aoi was there. I was sure of it.

If only I could fall asleep again.

Then I would be able to reach her.

Just give me a bit more time, Aoi.

I won't let those stars disappear.

Chapter 438

Winding Road

My eyes were closed now,

my breathing slow and relaxed.

I could match my breathing with hers.

In my head I could see those stars again,

upon that purple sky, dancing and swirling.

Slowly, they disappeared, like candles blown out.

I knew they were important.

Aoi needs them.

Suddenly, a thought dawned on me.

Are they still disappearing right now?

Then, I felt something.

Chapter 439

Winding Road

I opened my eyes.


I had felt her fingers move.

It was a tiny motion.

But for a brief moment, her fingers tightened around my hand.

"Wake up!"

I knew she might not respond, but still I had to try.

"Aoi! It's me, Seiji. I'm right here!"

Chapter 440

Winding Road

Of course, she didn't reply.

Her hand was once again still and warm to my touch.

But her brief movement worried me.

It was as if she wanted to grab on to me tight.

What was going on?


She wouldn't be able to tell me.

But, I knew she was closer to waking up now.

And I was closer to reaching her.

It would be soon.

Chapter 441

Winding Road


"Good morning!"

I shouted while I stumbled out of the door, shrugging on my shoes.

"Hisashiburi, Seiji-kun!"

"Yeah I know right? How was your trip?"

It's been nearly three weeks since I last saw Juria.

She had been on a tour with her dance school hitting up various cities and venues for performances.

Somehow everyone's lives are changing.

The future for some is just starting.

My future has begun.

*hisashiburi - long time no see/it's been a while

Chapter 442

Winding Road

"It was really fun! I think we got to go everywhere almost." She smiled.

"But it's also great to be home! I missed everyone."

I grinned. "It's great to have you back."

The sun was out and spring was definitely in the air.

Birdsong was all around us, fluttering baby birds here and there,

the watchful supervision of their parents nearby.

It was mid-March already and soon the sakura trees will begin to blossom.

I couldn't wait for the blossoms. It was the most beautiful time of the year.

The true start of a new year.

What did this year hold for us?

Chapter 443

Winding Road

"By the way... nice outfit!"

"Thanks. That took you a while though." I chuckled.

We were out of the train station now, heading towards "Eddie"'s cafe.

Takashi was going to be late because of a doctor's appointment.

But it wasn't so busy this early in the morning anyway.

"Well, you were the one asking me about the trip and all!" She look flustered.

I grinned. "I was kidding."

She looked at me. "You've changed, Seiji."

Then she smiled. "In a good way."

Chapter 444

Winding Road

We began the usual routine and soon the cafe was in perfect shape once again.

Each table was identical, little plates and cups placed neatly on its tablecloth.

I've gotten so used to the cafe.

The smell of coffee and pastries strong and thick in the air.

The quiet soft lighting filtering through the curtains.

The warm cozy atmosphere.

I loved every bit of it.

"Seiji-kun, douzo."

"Thanks Mrs. Hirasawa."

"Now, now, don't be so formal with me!" She smiled kindly.

I sipped from the cup of hot chocolate that I had grown accustomed to.

I had always requested for hot chocolate, instead of coffee.

Coffee in the mornings would be like a drug.

I wouldn't want anything to control my life.

*douzo - please (a gesture of an offer or assistance)

Chapter 445

Winding Road

Juria sat down beside me and offered me a plate of macaroons.

We had about fifteen minutes before the shop officially opened.

"We never stop eating here huh?" I laughed.

She smiled. "Nope, never. Dad says life is simple while you're eating."

"How so?"

"While you're eating, it's hard to focus on anything else isn't it?"

"True say." I popped a macaroon in my mouth, crushing it in between my teeth.

"How's Aoi doing?" She asked politely.

"She's fine, still a sleeping beauty."

I think she caught the dreamy tone in my voice.

"You've really changed huh?"

I raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"Nah. Still the same old. I've just been shown what life is really about, that's all."

She gave me an admiring look.

"That's good."

Chapter 446

Winding Road

Fifteen minutes later, we heard a knock on the door, a figure outside peering in.

"That must be her, as usual." Juria grinned.

Laughing, I went over and opened the door.

"Airu's always the first huh? Make sure you call her 'buta'. That's her new nickname!"

"Irasshaimase! A table for one?"

"No, sir! For six."

Suddenly, all of our friends grinning wide, started pouring in.

*Irasshaimase - Welcome! (to a shop)

Chapter 447

Winding Road

We were seated at full capacity, our friends taking up half the cafe and responsible for most of the cheer.

Cups and plates tinkling, hearty laughter here and there before fading off into quiet conversations.

It felt like home.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting. Here's your order! Enjoy, guys."

"Thanks, Seiji-kuuun!" They chimed.

"Shut up." I grinned.

I was caught off guard when the whole group walked in.

It's been a while since we had a get together and I've never felt so at home before.

"Seiji looking sexy there." Soshi joked. We all laughed.

"Hey, I just wanted to say." I looked at all of them. "I'm back." I winked.

They smiled and someone gave me a thumbs up.

Airu caught my eye and beamed at me.

Chapter 448

Winding Road

"Excuse me, sir! Over here please!"

"Get back to work, Seiji." Airu laughed. "They need you."

I told them I'd be back and pulled out a notepad,

heading off to the next table with an undeniable warmth in my heart.

It felt good to be back.

Back... as a new person.

Juria told me had changed.

Aoi... wanted me to grow too.

It was all for the better, I could say.

Chapter 449

Winding Road

Soon, the morning rush died down and customers were only trickling in here and there.

Takashi came in shortly after, teased for being late.

Juria's parents insisted that we join our friends and ushered Juria, Takashi and I to the table.

"Welcome back!" Airu smiled and patted the seat next to her.

"So, next week?"

"What's next week?" I asked.

Airu grinned. "A proper vacation!"

"Yeah! Let's go!" Miko waved her hands excitedly.

"Where to?" Takashi took a sip from his tea.

Chapter 450

Winding Road

"Maybe Kyoto?"

"We can head to the Kansai region. There's also some events happening along the way, or so I heard."

Juria turned to the back of the store.

"Otou-san didn't you say there was some rock concert?"

"It's an annual 2 day music festival in Osaka. They call it the Spring Sonic Festival. It's huge."

"A festival?"

"Let's go!"

"Waaah I can't wait to go shopping in Osaka." Miko said dreamily.

"You're always talking about shopping!"

We all laughed.

"5 days unlimited travel, the Seishun 18 Kippu ticket." Eddie reminded us.

"So we'll go for a week."

"That sounds good."

"Then it's settled."

"Kansai tour!!"

Chapter 451

Winding Road

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