《Secondhand Memories (Pioneer English Cell Phone Novel)》Burden For Two


Chapter 277

Burden for Two

My cellphone suddenly erupted into song.

I groggily opened my sleepy eyes and glanced at the phone.

It was six thirty in the morning. Who could be calling this early?

"Moshi --"

"SEIJI!" I nearly leapt off my bed as the speaker screamed into my ear.

Keeping the phone far away from my ear, I gingerly answered with a feeble "Hai?"

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Six thirty. It's Saturday. Why are you calling so early?" It was Juria.

"Did you not tell me to wake you up?"

"Huh? I did?"

"Yes you did. We're waiting for you right outside your door."

Chapter 278

Burden for Two


I scrambled to the window, threw wide my curtains and sure enough, they were there.

The two of them waved at my window.

"Now if you don't hurry up, I will kick down your front door."


"Have you not had a taste of my karate before?"

It was unusual to see Juria threatening someone with violence.

But I knew about her karate. Last year, she placed first in the prefectural competitions.

"I'll be there in a minute!" I hastily ended the call before stumbling into the bathroom.

I finally remembered why I asked them to come get me.

Today was the first day of my job.

Chapter 279

Burden for Two

"That was actually quite quick!" Juria grinned at me.

We were all walking side by side now, our hands stuffed in our warm coat pockets.

It was getting rather chilly, as it was nearly the end of November.

Little cloud puffs of air escaped our mouths as we breathed.

With the sky a light glaze of grey,

like a quiet blanket,

it was enough to make us

crawl back under the covers.

Even the birds were settling to find warmer places,

and mornings were now silent without much birdsong.

Winter was nearly upon us.

And Aoi, well, Aoi was still asleep.

Once again I had to ask,

Would she wake up in time for Christmas?

Chapter 280

Burden for Two

I sighed and let out a big cloud of steamy air.

Takashi was on one side, and Juria on the other.

The three of us were heading to the train station,

where we would take the JR line to Roppongi Hills.

We were due at the cafe at seven thirty.

The cafe was owned by Juria's father,

and when he found out I was looking for a job,

he offered a position for me.

Takashi tagged along because he too "wanted to help".

The cafe was not spectacular,

and was located in one of the oldest parts of town.

But every time I went,

it had the impression of being a

nice, quiet and homely place,


lit by golden lights,

that seemed to float minutely in the air.

Customers loved the restaurant for the peace and quiet and of course the western style menu.

I was certain it would be a very enjoyable experience.

Chapter 281

Burden for Two

The train's doors hissed shut and it started rumbling down the track.

We were packed tight,

pressed up against hundreds of Japanese business suits and neckties.

There was no way to move,

and the platform conductors had to wedge extra people in for the morning rush.

Not many teenagers were on the trains this early.

Most who were on the train, were like us, due for a job.

The multitudes of men and women

carrying briefcases could not look any more dazed on a Saturday morning.

It seemed like early weekend mornings are just depressing to everyone else.

But I could not be anymore excited.

I made a promise to Aoi and I was going to fulfill it.

Chapter 282

Burden for Two

It was at seven twenty when we finally reached the cafe.

But the ten minute buffer was barely enough to say we were on time.

The Japanese don't like to be late, especially not for shigoto.

The door's windchime clanged and tinkled as we walked into the store.

Juria's father looked up from the counter.

"Ah, Santa's little helpers are here."

He chuckled as he greeted us with the absurd phrase.

He really was an American enthusiast.

"Otou-san!" Juria said in mock surprise.

Takashi and I bowed deeply. "Hirasawa-san, ohayou gozaimasu!"

"There's no need to be so formal!" He ushered us inside.

"From here on in, you will be part of the staff."

"Arigatou! Dewa, yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" We said in unison without skipping a beat.

*~ Shigoto - work

*~ Ohayou - Good Morning

*~Yoroshiku onegaishimasu - We are in your care, (routine phrase)

Chapter 283

Burden for Two

The cafe opened at eight, so we had half an hour to get everything ready.

We met Juria's mom for the first time,

a cheerful, happy-go-lucky woman,

who treated each of us to a cup of steaming hot coffee and homemade macaroons.

It was the best coffee I have ever tasted.

While we waited for the coffee to cool, the entire shop bustled with activity.

We were dressed in white dress shirts and black aprons,

assigned to setting each table with everything from utensils and napkins to tall flowers.

Mr. Hirasawa, apparently also known as "Eddie",

would be busy preparing in the kitchen.

Every now and then, we would hear loud clangs

followed by an English cuss word.

Satomi-san would rush in to her husband's side in overflowing concern,

and the three of us would glance at each other to exchange grins.

But of course, Juria always had a more embarassed smile.


Within the half an hour, I couldn't believe the lifetime of things we accomplished.

Every surface was dusted off,

coffee beans brewed, flowers placed,

daily menus set and ingredients prepared.

The cafe was ready to go.

Chapter 284

Burden for Two

The cafe was full at around eight thirty, some were here to catch a quiet breakfast,

others dropping by just to pick up coffee and expressos.

The Hirasawas always had returning customers who were there almost everyday as routine.

And they knew what each customer was there for,

because they ordered the same time and time again.

No one could resist the friendliness and warmth of the cafe.

We felt so at home, we wouldn't have realized we're working if we weren't getting a paycheck.

Everyday, at around 3 o'clock in the afternoon,

everyone would take a break, sit down and have biscuits with coffee.

By then, we would be completely exhausted,

having dealt with breakfast, the in-betweens and lunch.

Their small cafe was so popular it seemed that every hour of the day there were customers in and out.

And as tough as the work, I was enjoying every bit of it.

Chapter 285

Burden for Two

"Buru-beri kure-pu o hitotsu."

"And for you miss?"

"Chokore-to parufue o kudasai." She blushed.

I marked it all down on my notepad.

"Shosho o machi kudasai." I told them.

I spun my heel and was about to head to the counter when the door chimes rang.

"Irasshaimase--" We all called in unison but stopped short seeing who it was.

*~Buru-beri kure-pu o hitotsu - one blueberry crepe

*~Chokore-to parufue o kudasai - a chocolate parfait please

*~Shosho o machi kudasai - One moment please

*~Irasshaimase - Welcome!

Chapter 286

Burden for Two

"Airu-chan! Hisashiburi desu ne!" Juria rushed forward to greet her.

"Ah, Airu." Takashi also joined in, giving her one of his radiant smiles.

"Are you here alone?"

She said she was.

Airu grinned at us as she embraced Juria,

and a sudden flashback of her arms around me caught me off guard.

I looked away.

Here before me was the girl who threatened to take me away from Aoi.

Aoi, who couldn't even fend for herself.

I was beginning to suspect there was more to her than what we saw.

Chapter 287

Burden for Two

She looked around the cafe and her eyes widened when our gazes met.

"Yo!" I tried to fake a tone of surprise. "Airu!"

Her delicate features changed from delighted surprise to embarassment,

her cheeks taking on the colour of beets.

We immediately looked away from each other,

my own gaze fixed on the floor, as if something there would entertain me.

"Did you want to talk to Seiji?"

Takashi asked rather brightly, a feeble attempt at changing the mood.

I had guessed Takashi would catch on. He always did.

Which was probably why we were the closest of friends.

We grew up together and I knew him to be a person of the most sensitive nature.

Takashi was most talented in reading into any situation

and could be nothing less than a twin brother to me.

"No, not particularly!" She replied, quite flustered.

Whatever her motives were,

she was extremely adept at seeming natural.

I took the opportunity to escape the awkward situation and take my leave.

"I have to put in this order..." A lame but true statement.

I excused myself and ducked into the kitchen.

Chapter 288

Burden for Two

A few minutes later when I returned from the kitchen, she was gone.

I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Where'd Airu go?" I asked nonchalantly.

"She said she had something to do."

"Sou ka."

I brought a steaming cup of black coffee to one of the tables.

It was as pitch black as night on a new moon. Enough to hide in.

*~Sou ka - I see

Chapter 289

Burden for Two

We finished up late in the night.

The cafe closed at eleven but we had another good two hours to put in.

By the time we were done, the moon was high in the night sky, drowning amidst the city lights.

"Let's call it a day!"

I slumped onto a chair with a sigh.

As exhausting as it was,

I was beginning to enjoy this way of life.

Maybe I have grown up more than I knew.

I was now working for two.

I was working for our future together.

I knew she would be pleased.

Maybe she would be touched by it all and wake up.

That was my hope.

Chapter 290

Burden for Two

We locked up the main doors at around one ten in the morning.

Despite our sleepiness we were in bright spirits - Eddie especially - speaking with exuberant voices.

I felt good. My tiredness was a comfortable feeling,

as if my entire body was wrapped in an inexplicable coziness,

like I just returned from the hot springs.

I reckon it must have something to do with the smell of the coffee beans

and the warm homely fragrances that was always in the air.

Chapter 291

Burden for Two

"Ah, it feels good doesn't it?" He paused. "The cool night air."

I had to agree with Takashi. The cool air was refreshing against the warmth of the cafe.

Juria joined us. "How are you two heading home?"

"The train probably."

"Sou ka. Well, I'll be going now."

"Take care!"

"Yeah, see you!"

Takashi and I headed in the opposite direction after the exchange of many farewells and thank yous with the Hirasawa family.

Just as I turned, I noticed a slight figure a few feet away from us.


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