《Pokémon: Ultra Guardian》THAT'S MYSTERIOUS!


Author's note: Man, I never thought I'd go this far in writing, but thanks for the responses. The story is only a few chapters away from the end or maybe not. I'm thinking of extending the plot. But let's see. With that said, I'm getting back to the chapter.

: Alola Region :

"Serena are you excited?", Ash asks Serena, who was looking at the beautiful Alola Region, she turns back to face Ash.

"Yes!", she replies with a bright smile. The smile was similar to Bonnie's when she's excited.


: Hau'oli City, Melemele Island, Alola :

"Ah, the fresh Alolan air!", Ash says breathing in. Serena was excited.

"Yay! The Alola Region", she yells with a smile. Ash smiles to himself, he gives left hand to Serena, so that she could hold onto him.

"Shall, we keep moving? Professor Kukui's house isn't too far from here", Ash says to which Serena simply nods.

: Hau'oli City Beachfront :

"What? No, I can't give you my Pokémon, they're my best friends", says a kid, trying to defend his Pokémon.

"You got no better option kiddo, give them, or we'll have to snatch them", Team Skull grunt Tupp, warns the kid, with his two other companions behind him. The kid doesn't listen, Team Skull takes a step forward and was about to attack the kid when they were stopped by a thunderbolt.

"What was that?", yells Rapp.

"Fight with someone your size you idiots", they hear a voice.

"Who are you?", Zipp questions.

"People call me Gary", Gary steps out of the shade with his Electivire.

"Oh, you're the new kid in the Pokémon School aren't you?" Tupp questions.

"Yes, and I'm different than the others", Gary replies.

"Let's see, no one in the school could defeat us alone, either they fought in groups or always, this one kid interrupted", Tupp replies, releasing his Salandit.

"Fire against electricity huh?", Gary questions with a smirk. When the other two release their Zubat and Yungoos.


"Show us what you've got", Tupp says to Gary. Gary wasn't taken aback. He starts to defeat each of the grunts Pokémon with ease when they kept on releasing others.

From a distance Team Rocket was watching this, they plan to catch hold of Gary's Pokémon. The plan goes like,

Step 1: Help Team Skull

Step 2: Defeat Gary with the help Team Skull

Step 3: Defeat Team Skull

Step 4: Steal Gary's Pokémon

Soon, they come out of the bushes running towards the fight.

"Huh?", Gary looks at Team Rocket. Team Rocket starts its motto.

"What do you guys want now?", Tupp, questions them.

"We're here to help", Jessie replies, releasing her Mimikyu.

"As if one gang of hooligans wasn't enough", Gary replies clenching his fists. James releases his Mareanie, you know what happens next.

"If you're here to help, it's okay, let's begin", Tupp says turning towards Gary. They make Gary's Electivire, and even Umbreon faint. Mareanie faints, two of Tupp's Salandits faint, all of Zipp's Yungooses faint, making him release his Garbodor and all of Zipp's Zubats faint. Gary's Blastoise was in a bad shape, it was exhausted from Gary's Island Challenge, Gary has already used his Z-Move. Mimikyu has also used its Z-Move. One more attack and Blastoise will faint. But all of a sudden, between Blastoise and the villains Pokémon, a Water Shuriken(not Ash-Greninja's) fell. It looked similar to Team Rocket.

"Huh?", Team Rocket says in unison, looking at the Water Shuriken. Everyone looks up, including Gary, in the direction of the Sun. Suddenly, the Sun is covered by a Shadowy figure, to be precise, three, a Pikachu, it was sitting on a boy's shoulder, and next to the boy was a Kalos starter. Team Rocket gulps.

"Who're you, man?", Team Skull grunts question.

"Oh, you sure you wanna see me?", the boy replies. Team Rocket and Gary Oak recognize the voice.

"The twerp is back!", Meowth exclaims.


"In style!", James adds.

"Ashy Boy?", Gary questions, Ash moves aside so Gary can see him, the two exchange smirks.

"Greninja, Hydro Cannon!", the Ash commands. In a minute, all of the villains Pokémon faint. Team Skull retreats. While Team Rocket is still standing there.

"Your turn, Gary", the boy speaks to Gary, who smirks, and commands Blastoise to use Hydro Cannon again. Team Rocket blasts off, well, anyways, Bewear, catches them.

"That's new!", Serena exclaims, looking at Team Rocket.

"Yea, that's been happening since a while, anyway, what are you doing here in Alola, Gary?", Ash replies Serena, and questions, Gary.

"I've been facing some problems during my, researches, so I thought I'd have to", Gary was about to complete his sentence when Ash stops him.

"Study!", Ash says in amazement.

"Yeah, and who is this girl with you?", Gary says to Ash, which causes Ash to blush.

"I see!", Gary smirks, and grabs hold of Ash. He then rubs Ash's hair, "I missed you so much kid", he tells Ash. Serena just giggles looking at the friends. After a bit of talking, the group decides to leave.

"Where're you headed to?", Gary questions Ash.

"To Professor Kukui's house, what about you?", Ash questions Gary back.

"Even, me I've just completed my Island Challenge", Gary replies to Ash.

"That's great, so let's get going", Ash says balling up his fist. After a few minutes of walking, they reach the Lab. All the others were there helping Kukui extend the facility.

"Hey everyone", Ash says running up to his friends and waving at them. Gary looks confused, that his classmates already knew Ash. Burnet looks up first.

"Looks like the strongest Ultra Guardian is back before the most critical mission", she whispers to herself. Everyone else waves at Ash. (Okay, so I'm not lagging it now, they solve all their confusions, as to how the students already knew Ash, et cetera, et cetera, so don't get confused, and another note, Gary doesn't know about the Ultra Guardians).

Fade into the future

"Sir, everything is ready, do you want us to move forward and open the Ultra Wormhole?", a man wearing full black asks.

"Wait for my signal, we shouldn't miss this catch. I don't want those idiots to miss now", a man petting his Persian. On the video, were three familiar faces, Jessie, James, and Meowth.

"We won't let you down sir", James replies.

"We'll be reaching you in another ten minutes, be careful", the man in full black informs the trio.

After a few minutes, inside the forest, a plane lands, the Team Rocket trio was waiting to salute their boss. Due to this sudden disturbance in the forest, the Ultra Guardians get alerted. Burnet, who realized an Ultra Wormhole nearly four days ago, now reveals, that she has done so, and kept it a secret. Everyone was shocked, but Burnet said that she didn't want anyone to get into trouble, at least until, Ash arrived back in Alola. It all started to make sense now. Gary and Serena were sitting in the class. Gary gets pissed as to where the others left and stand up from his place, he looks towards the forest, he sees something come out of the sky.

"What could it be?", he thinks to himself, and runs towards the forest, leaving Serena alone in the class. Well, at the same time, the Ultra Guardians and the full Team Rocket, arrive at the spot. No one looks at each other, neither of the Ultra Guardians looks at Gary or Team Rocket, nor any one of Team Rocket look at the Ultra Guardians or Gary and even Gary doesn't realize the presence of the other two groups.

"That's Mysterious!", was all everyone could say.


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