《Pokémon: Ultra Guardian》THE KING OF THE KALOS QUEEN
: Lumiose City, Kalos :
Clemont and Ash, along with Pikachu, walk into the hotel where the Alolans were staying. Ash looks around and spots Professor Burnet. He then starts walking towards her.
"Professor Burnet, we've got a guest," Ash says excitedly as Professor Burnet looks at Clemont.
"Ahh, Clemont there you are, Nice meeting you," Professor Burnet says looking at Clemont, "and seems like you've already met an Ultra Guardian".
"Nice to meet you too, Professor," Clemont says shaking hands with the Professor, "Actually, Ash here is an old friend and travelling companion of mine".
"I see", Professor Burnet says.
"Yes, Professor! We've travelled together through the whole of Kalos together," Ash says excitedly.
"Oh, that's great," Burnet exclaims. As the conversation builds Ash looks at himself in a reflection on one of the mirrors in the Hotel Lobby.
"You both keep talking, I'll be back in a few minutes," Ash says leaving the two.
Ash goes ahead to the videophone and dials Professor Oak. After what seemed like an eternity of talking Ash places a Pokéball on the videophone transferring it to Professor Oak.
"... You sure Ash?" Professor Oak asks Ash.
"Yes professor, I need his help right now," Ash replies. Grabbing hold of the new Pokéball that he transferred in for Infernape. "Thanks, Professor", Ash says cutting the call.
Ash then goes back into his room. Pikachu was already here taking a nap. He then picked up his Kalos outfit that his mother fixed for him and wears it. Pikachu woke up after listening to the rustling and rubbing of clothes and looks at Ash.
"Pika?" he says in a confused tone. Ash stretches his hand and rubs on Pikachu's head which makes him release a cute, "Chaaa!"
"Let's go, buddy," Ash signals him to come onto his shoulders, which Pikachu does happily. As Ash walks out he was faced by Mallow, who was headed for Ash room sees him.
"Wowie, Ash is that you?" Mallow asks amazed and shocked, looking at Ash's snug and striking fit.
"Huh?" Ash turns back. Mallow jaw drops looking at Ash's appearance. She always saw him wearing T-Shirts and shorts, so this was new.
"You look... Great!" Mallow exclaims. Ash explains to her that he's doing it for Serena so that, he could cheer for her in an old-fashioned way.
"Great" Mallow replies, "I see you've got a bit of a crush on her" she added. The two then head into the lobby to see Professor Burnet, Kukui and Clemont talking about the mission.
Ash explains to the two Professors that he will now be available for field checking that night, as he wanted to go and cheer for Serena. The Professors agree in unison looking at Ash, and telling him that the others will do just fine. Ash thanks the two Professors and leaves along with Clemont.
Just then in the Lumiose Airport, another plane from Hoenn lands. Two familiar faces were walking out of the airport when they were attacked by a Kalos trainer, surrounded in red and green Aura.
"Max!" the girl wearing orange and green yells grabbing hold of her brother before the green-haired Kalos trainer attacks them. Within a few moments, Mayer and his Blaziken were also on the scene.
A few hours later...
: Gloire City, Pokémon Master Class :
Serena drops the microphone and heads for Ash. She runs to him and hugs him. Everyone who came to the Master Class was surprised to see this action.
"Serena..." Ash begins, but he was cut down before he could complete his sentence.
"Ash, I don't want to stay, I want to go with you, wherever you go. Take me with you!" Serena says, her head against Ash's chest.
"But, what about your Kalos Queen title, if you go with me you'll no longer be the Kalos Queen", Ash replies.
"I know, but I don't want to leave you," the new Kalos Queen says, "Let Aria continue as the Kalos Queen, I just want to go with you" she sobs. Aria was shocked by this, Serena was ready to give up the title of Kalos Queen, the title for which, many other girls fought restlessly.
: Hoenn Region :
Palermo was watching all of this, she smiles and says to herself, "This girl is a tough cookie." She knew that Serena was going to do this from day one. Palermo then calls Monsieur Pierre and tells him to respect the girl's decision.
: Gloire City, Pokémon Master Class :
"Now, that is true love", Monsieur Pierre says cutting the call. The spotlight was now on Ash and Serena. Ash breaks the hug and looks at Serena, he motions his head and smiles. Serena smiles back at Ash and then goes back onto the stage.
"Aria," she begins, "You're my inspiration, I've defeated you and it's all because of the motivation Ash gave me. I hereby request you to continue as the Kalos Queen, this is my request, will you, please?"
"Are you sure you want to go with Ash?" Aria, who lost her title a few moments ago, asks Serena.
"Yes," Serena replies, with tears in her eyes.
"Just think about it one last time," Aria adds.
"I've thought about it for over two years now, no more thinking that's needed to be done Aria," Serena replies. Aria smiles back at Serena and places her hand on Serena's shoulder.
"All the best then, Serena," Aria tells her smiling, Serena smiles back. The two share a brief hug as the audience look on. Even now, the two mysterious eyes seem to be watching Ash, they seem to appear and disappear in the blink of a second.
Kiawe, who was out on field check, calls Ash, to update him. In the middle of the call, he was attacked by the same trainer who attacked May and Max, it was Sawyer.
"Kiawe, what happened?" Ash asks as he could hear voices rustling on the other side, Kiawe doesn't respond. Ash turns around and quickly searches for Clemont in the crowd. As soon as he spots Clemont, Ash runs to him and says, "Clemont, I want you to go and check on Kiawe, I'll be there with Serena as soon as this ceremony is over." Clemont nods in agreement and leaves. The two eyes now follow Clemont and seem to move fast.
Ash is now waiting outside the Master Class Castle for Serena. He was there with Bonnie who just woke up. "Ash where's my brother?" Bonnie asks drowsily, she was asleep almost this whole while.
"I sent him to save my friend who was in a bit of trouble," Ash replies. As Serena comes back out, Bonnie starts walking towards her.
"Congratulations Serena," Bonnie says, hugging her.
"Thanks, Bonnie!" Serena tells her, turning towards Ash, "Thank you again, Ash, this win was because of what you told me the first time we met, I still remember those words, NEVER GIVE UP UNTIL IT'S ALL OVER," she says smiling. Ash smiles back at her and for a brief second looks into her eye, all he could see was pure emotion towards him. Ash then realizes Kiawe and Clemont were up in a battle and grabs a Pokéball.
"Serena, we need to move, Clemont needs our help," Ash tells her, bringing out his Charizard.
"Pika!" Pikachu exclaims. Pikachu didn't know Ash swapped in Charizard with Infernape.
"Wowie, Ash, you never said you had a Charizard," Bonnie says looking at it with admiration. Pikachu was still confused about why Charizard was here.
"I thought I did," he says to Bonnie. But then looks at Pikachu's confused face, "I made Professor Oak transfer it to me today," he says petting it, "Get on". Bonnie was the first to get on, followed by Ash, followed by Serena. Serena was a bit frightened, but Ash helped her. The magnificent Pokémon rose as they made their way and flew to Clemont.
: Lumiose Stadium, Lumiose City :
Sawyer's eyes were glowing red. He's tougher than ever, an aura was surrounding him and his Pokémon.
"Sawyer, it's me, Clemont, don't you remember?" Clemont says while defending himself from Sawyer's Mega Sceptile. Sawyer doesn't seem to even listen to what Clemont was saying and orders his Sceptile to attack again. Clemont would've been KO'ed but it was here in time and style.
The mysterious ninja Pokémon didn't show itself but was surely helping. Clemont was still confused about what it was. Ash and the others were here now. Ash had also called the two Alolan professors and his Alolan friends. Everyone was confused about what was happening. But slowly, Ash realized it and started to grow a smile. Clemont who just looked at Ash knew what that meant, Greninja was here. It was covered in a blue watery orb, as it struck Sawyer's Mega Sceptile with fierce blows. Rotom Dex was popped out of Professor Kukui's sling bag by now.
"What is that thing?" Rotom Dex questions, clicking pictures of it fighting fiercely with Sawyer's Mega Sceptile. The ninja Pokémon slowly showed itself as Ash and Greninja got back in sync together.
"A talking, flying Pokédex?" Clemont questions, looking at Rotom.
"Yes it is and I made it and it's called the Rotom Dex," Kukui answers.
"Great! Anyways, that Pokémon right there, we call it ASH-GRENINJA," Clemont replies.
"Wow!" Lana says admiring it.
"Way to go Ash and Greninja," Bonnie cheers for them. Ash was back in sync with his old pal Greninja and orders him to use Water Shuriken, which the ninja pokémon follows.
*From Professor Sycamore's lab, Alain catches a glimpse of the bright Shuriken "What could it be?", he wonders.*
"That's Ash's Greninja for ya," Clemont says as Sawyer's Sceptile faints, but Sawyer still had his Slurpuff, Aegislash, Salamence, Clawitzer, and Slaking. Greninja almost swept through all of them but was now exhausted. Ash noticed this and decided to let Charizard handle the rest. Charizard beats the heck out of Sawyer's Clawitzer despite the type disadvantage but it became weak, and Sawyer decided to mega evolve his Salamence, Ash smirks at Sawyer's move.
"Well, I've got a trick up my sleeves as well," Ash says rolling up his sleeve. Ash does have a trick up his sleeves, glistening brightly on his shoulder was a mega evolution crystal. Ash decides to mega evolve Charizard, and so he does. It mega evolves, turning its skin black and shooting out blue flames. While all this is happening the Alolan kids look at Ash in awe. "It's been so long I've battled like this", Ash says making a fist. Charizard brushes through Sawyer's Salamance and gains the winning hand.
Sawyer's was still being mind-controlled as his eyes turn to a burning red as he calls back Salamence. Ash yells at Sawyer to knock some sense into him, but to no avail, Sawyer does not reply. The two Hoenn trainers come running up from behind the gang.
"Hey Serena", a girl calls after Serena, well but Ash was too quick to recognize the voice.
"May?" he turns back. It was May and Max.
"Ash?!" May and Max exclaim.
"You know them, Ash?" Serena questions.
"Of course, I do" Ash replies.
Max was here first and managed to tackle Ash in a bear hug. "Hey Ash, long time no see," he says.
"Yeah Max, how have you been?" Ash replies, chuckling.
"Great, by the way, you, here?" Max questions.
"Mission," Ash replies.
"Hey Serena," Max turns to Serena, while Ash sees Sawyer escaping, and commands his Charizard to stop him.
"Hey, Max and May," Serena replies with a smile.
"Sorry Serena, we couldn't come to the Master Class, we were equipped with a small problem a bit and you know, missed it," May says pointing towards Sawyer, she then talks to Ash, "Hey Ash, how're you?"
"Great May, by the way, what's all this work you're talking about?" Ash asks May.
"I'll tell you, that guy was hypnotized by a mysterious looking Hypno, it was like a Hypno and a Tentacool, merged," Max replies interrupting May.
"Nihilego," Ash speaks to himself.
"Hmpf?" Serena and May say, looking at him.
Ash turns towards the other Ultra Guardians, "Charizard, let him go" he commands his pokémon.
"Ash, why are you leaving him?" Burnet and May question in unison.
"Rowlet!" he calls to the bird which was sleeping in his bag, "follow him," he signals. Rowlet starts to follow Sawyer and the others start following it.
After a few minutes, this trail leads them to a Nihilego that took over a Hypno. "I knew it!" Ash exclaimed.
"NIHILEGO!" Burnet was surprised, Lillie was scared, and the others were amazed. The Nihilego healed Sawyer's Pokémon. The gang again had to battle through Sawyer and another trainer. They even managed to separate Nihilego and Hypno, but Nihilego should be sent back, it was fighting with all its strength, Clemont, Bonnie and Serena took Sawyer and the other trainer for treatment.
"Ash, we've to do something," Mallow says blocking another attack from Nihilego. Ash smirks and turns his cap backwards. He then throws a Beast Ball at Nihilego and successfully manages to catch it. Professor Burnet has already located the coordinates of the Ultra Wormhole and now Ash throws the beast ball back into its Ultra Wormhole, back into its homeworld.
"That was so cool Ash," Max tells him.
"Thanks, Max," Ash says scratching the back of his head, "anyways you guys didn't tell me why you were here?"
"Oh that, we've come here for Serena, to see her Master Class, what about you Mr World Champ?" May replies.
"For doing the same thing that you saw a few minutes ago, anyway, how do you even know Serena?"
"We've met in the Hoenn region," May replies.
"Should've guessed that, but didn't you tell her that I was your friend?"
"The situation never came," May replies.
Just then Serena comes by and says, "Ash, good news Sawyer, and the other trainer are doing good," as Ash turns to Serena.
"That's great, wait a minute," Ash turns back to Professor Kukui and the others, "Guys I'm planning to stay in Kalos for a while, maybe give the Kalos League another try and Professor think this as a holiday I'm taking, I'll be back in Alola after a month or two. And, Professor do you mind if I take Rotom Dex with myself."
"It's okay Ash," Kukui replies.
"We'll miss you Ash", the Alolan kids say in unison.
"I'll miss you guys too, but it won't be long, with that said, I gotta go!" he says.
"See you soon Ash", the others wave at them. Togedemaru was crying over Ash's Pikachu, which she let go after Sophocles picked her up.
Ash then turns towards Serena and May, who were talking about him, "Guys shall we leave?" Ash asks them. With that Ash, Serena, May, Max, and their Pokémon leave.
"They sure have something going on between them", Burnet says giggling to Kukui.
"What do you say?" he replies, "What about a walk in the most romantic city on the face of the earth?" he says giving his hand to Burnet. Burnet shyly takes his hand and turns back to the students.
"Kids you go to the hotel, it's too late for you to be awake", Burnet says, "We'll be back soon"
"Okay Professors", the kids say, turning back and walking towards the hotel. The Professors walk in the opposite direction. Ash and crew were now walking back to the Prism Tower to see Sawyer. Rotom Dex was still busy wondering about Ash-Greninja.
"Ash, can you explain to me about your Greninja?" Rotom asks Ash, which Ash does, by explaining the bond phenomenon. After a few minutes of silent walking, Max breaks the silence.
"So, what do you plan on doing staying in Kalos, Ash?" Max asks.
"I've got a lot to catch up to Max," Ash says looking up at the Moon. Greninja comes face to face with Ash.
"What is it, buddy?" Ash asks.
"Nin!" Greninja says giving Ash its Pokéball.
"Ah! Are you sure?" Ash asks a bit shocked.
"Ninja!" Greninja says. Ash hold the Pokéball while Greninja fist bumps it and gets recaptured. Ash remembers how he first caught Greninja, as a Froakie. Greninja is re-caught.
"Pika!" Pikachu exclaims.
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