《Pokémon: Ultra Guardian》WHERE IT ALL ENDED


: Trainer's School, Melemele Island :

After another tiring victory against dreadful Ultra Beasts, Ash and his friends got back to their usual jobs. Ash decided to stay back in Alola a bit longer and train his Infernape with a special kind of Z-Move, a move that can only be performed by Infernape, with one of the rarest Z-Crystals, the Infernuim Z.

After a lot of training and with the help of a lot of friends, Ash and Infernape pulled the Z-Move, The Ten Thousand Degree Fire Fist. The Pokémon Trainer's School isn't the same after the battles of the Alola League. The students were more serious and hardworking, so were their Pokémon.

The other day, Lillie and Sophocles were having a full-on Pokémon battle with all their Pokémon. While this was happening, Professor Kukui reaches the spot searching for Ash. Ash quickly realizes his presence and turns to him.

"Professor Kukui, Alola, when'd you come?" The raven-haired boy asks the professor.

"Just arrived on the spot," He replies, adding "Hey Ash, Principal Oak wants to see you," informing the young trainer from Pallet Town. Without a delay, Ash starts walking to Oak's office room and knocks on the door and enters it.

"Alola, Ash!" Principal Oak, who looks very much similar to his cousin Professor Oak from Pallet town greets Ash, "My boy, we've noticed a change in weather over the Kalos region, and determined it's because of an ultra-wormhole, Lusamine wants the Ultra Guardians to go to Kalos and check on the problem."

"Kalos?" The boy whispers to himself.

"The Ultra Guardians must leave to the Kalos region, as soon as possible, Lusamine will make sure you reach there fast. Inform your friends, if you all are ready, you could as well leave by tonight," Oak says.

"Okay Principal Oak," the boy leaves the room, remember two figures, a blue silhouette and a pink silhouette. The girl he couldn't meet in Hoenn, maybe she is in Kalos.

: Hoenn Region :

"Good luck, Serena," Palermo tells a young girl, "I will not be able to come to see the Master Class, but you gotta win this one for me."

"I sure will, after all, I had to go through the Pokémon Showcases again," The honey-coloured haired girl replies.

"Tell me one thing are you sure, you want to do this?" Palermo questions the girl.

"Yes," the girl replies holding on to a blue ribbon tied to her dress.

"Okay then, if you insist. But remember, you gotta start over again. With that said all the best girl," Palermo leaves in her car, smiling and waving at the girl.

"Bye-Bye," The girl replies and waved towards the car. She then turns towards the airport and walks in.



: Lumiose City Airport :

The plane from Hoenn lands in Kalos, with the tires screeching onto the runway. Serena gets down the plane, holding her ribbon, "Will he come," she thinks to herself, walking towards the checkout. A boy wearing a light blue jumpsuit was standing there waiting for her.

"Hey Serena," Clemont greets her with a smile, taking her bags from her hands. And his Aipom Arm picking up the heavier bags.

"Hey Clemont," Serena greets him back with a smile.

"Long time huh?" He says looking at her. From their last encounter, she has become quite a beauty.

"Yes," she smiles tilting her head. She searches around for some time and then looks back at Clemont, almost crying.

"Searching for him aren't you?" Clemont says looking at the girl helplessly.

"Hmph," She looks down and starts to sob.

"Don't cry Serena," Clemont tries to calm her down.

Meanwhile, two eyes were watching them from the shadows, the two eyes shift their gaze towards a landing Helicopter from Alola, it knew he was going to come.

: A Hotel in Lumiose City :

"Gang we're here, our operation will begin soon, we should be meeting our Kalos representative soon, until then enjoy yourself," Burnet says as she turns and walks towards Professor Kukui. Ash was unpacking his stuff in his room. Behind a few stuff, he comes across a Pokéball, this particular one was of his old pal. He then looks at Pikachu and signals him to sit on his shoulders the two go out.

"Hey Ash, where are you headed to?" the professors ask in unison.

"To meet an old friend of mine, inform the others Professor Kukui, and Professor Burnet," Ash says, leaving and waving at them.

: Flashback :

"Ash, thank you, I'm glad I came with you, you're the kind of person, I wanna be," Serena said as, the Lumiose siblings giggled, "Next time we meet, you're gonna like the person I've grown into," she added before she left.

"Awesome!" Ash replied making a fist.

"See ya," Serena left down the escalator, but before completely going down, she turned back, "Hey Ash, there's just one more thing," She ran back up.

When she was on the top and close enough to Ash, she leaned forward and pecked Ash on his lips. Again, this time she goes down facing Ash, "Thank you!" and with that, she left.

: Back to the present :

"Did she basically tell me that I was her goal?" Ash wonders, increasing the pace of his running. Within a few minutes, he stood in front of the magnificent Lumiose Gym, better known as the Prism Tower. "Long time buddy," Ash thinks to himself, before entering the Lumiose gym. He enters the Prism tower and stands in front of the Gym doors.


"Are you here for a gym battle?", A familiar voice asks Ash.

"Yes," Ash replies.

"How many gym badges do you have?" the voice questions him again.

"Considering I'm already done with the Kalos league once," Ash thinks to himself and then talks to the voice, "EIGHT!"

"If you want to enter the Kalos League, eight badges are sufficient enough, do you still want to battle?"

"Yes, let's see if you can defeat the runner up?", He says scratching the back of his neck.

Clemont and Serena just arrived here from the airport, Clemont took so much effort in convincing Serena, that it took him nearly an hour to calm her down. As they enter the tower, Clemont sees Ash talking but couldn't recognize him. Of course, the shorts stood out. But for Serena the case is different, she recognizes him just by seeing him. Till the time Clemont understood it was his old friend, Serena runs for him and hugs him from the back. Ash recognized the touch, her special touch, his heart skipped a beat, her warm breath was flowing over his shoulders. A red blush could be seen creeping up his face.

"Se...Serena..." Ash spoke as the Gym door opened and out came Clembot and next to it was Bonnie and her Dedenne.

"Ash..., I knew you'd come," Serena says trying to control her tears.

"Clemont, you said you were going to the airport to pick Serena up, where'd this guy come from?" Bonnie asks Clemont, pointing at Ash and then back at his shorts. Seriously Ash, where'd you find those shorts.

"Oh! Hi Bonnie," Serena says breaking the hug.

"Hey Bonnie, I've come here for a job, dropped by to so that I could meet you guys," He turns towards Serena, "But you, being here, is a surprise. Hey Serena, how have you been?"

"Great Ash, thanks for asking, I've been looking at all your battles, and rooting for all your wins," Serena told shyly to Ash.

"Wow, makes sense, why I get the jolt of excitement all of a sudden," Ash says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Btw, Mr Ketchum, I realized you haven't been reading my letters!" Serena says realizing something. Something struck Ash.

"What! You have the Master Class today?" Ash asks her in shock.

"Well, I do, and you have come here for a completely different purpose other than that!" Serena says angrily.

"I didn't know Serena," Ash says trying to convince her.

"I did write a letter to you," She replies.

"Letter? Which address do you write those to?" Ash asks.

"Professor Oak, of course!" Serena says.

"Oh, come on! He doesn't even read his own letters properly, and secondly, I haven't been in Pallet Town since maybe eternity."

"Guys, why don't we just go in and talk", Clemont interrupts, sweatdropping.

"Yeah, come on in you two," Bonnie says, grabbing both Ash and Serena by their hands.

"We'll prepare lunch, and you two, wait here," Clemont says leaving with Bonnie and Clembot. Pikachu has also gone to play with Dedenne.

"Serena!" Ash tries to speak to the angry girl, but no response, "Serena!" Ash calls her again but, still silent, "SERENA!" he shouts, and she turns around a bit, but, is still angry. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Three years have passed since we last met. I've come for you, when I went to Hoenn, I looked for you but I could never find you," he said as Serena completely faced Ash. Ash now moves closer to her and pecks her on the lips. "I've wanted to give you something," he now starts to walk away from her, with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"A...Ash!" she calls after him, Ash turns back, and Serena runs for him, "I should be the one to say sorry, not you", she hugs him. And now, they look into each other's eyes and lock themselves in a kiss. When they break the kiss Ash, looks at Serena and observes the ribbon he gave her as a gift.

"You still wear that," Ash says pointing at the ribbon.

"Yes Ash," She replies, looking at him smiling. The two talk for some time, when finally, Clemont comes out.

"Hey guys, lunch is ready! Let's dig in," Clemont calls after his two friends.

"Shall we eat then?" Ash says spreading his hand to Serena and asking her.

"Cha! Real smooth," Serena replies, blushing and smiling.

The gang then have their lunch, Bonnie tells them that now she's a Pokémon trainer, Ash informs them that he's now an Ultra Guardian, Serena and Bonnie go back into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

"Wait! What the fuck? Ash, you're... you're an Ultra Guardian?" Clemont asks Ash, surprised.

"Umm, yes, why do you ask?" Ash replies.

"I'm the UGR short for, Ultra Guardian Representative of the Kalos region, speaking of which I should be meeting Professor Burnet by now," Clemont says hitting his head with his hand.

"Let's go then," Ash says standing, "Bonnie, Serena meet you guys later. And, Serena, all the best," Ash says winking at Serena. The two boys then leave.


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