《Talk Juicy To Me》20) "I prefer your lips somewhere else"


It was almost midnight, and Oliver wasn't sure if this was the time or place to do this. He was nervous, absolutely scared. God, it wasn't like he was asking the woman to marry her. It was a simple question, one he should've asked ages ago but wasn't sure how she'd react. His little talk with Judy had really gotten his hopes up and he decided to go for it before he chickened out.

Knocking on the door in front of him, he stood patiently outside for a full 3 minutes before ringing the doorbell. He knew Stella wasn't asleep yet, she usually wouldn't be until 1 or 2 at night, something that greatly agitated him when they spent their nights together. He could hear feet shuffling and a grumbled response and was positive Stella wasn't expecting anyone at this hour.

He hid his hands behind his back, should she get an idea of what he had in store. It was moments like these that he was glad she moved off-campus. The door opened to reveal Stella in a grumpy state, she had a silk robe on with only a long t-shirt underneath, which he was positive was his. The happiness that surged through hum in seeing her in his t-shirt was beyond describable, it made him believe that she was his. As caveman-ish as that sounds, he loved that thought.

Stella rose her eyebrows with parted lips, she didn't know who she was expecting behind that door in the middle of the night but it definitely was not Oliver. He'd been weird ever since that phone conversation, and she'd been sitting on the edge going through all possibilities and the only one that came to life was that he was bored. And she dreaded that, she didn't know how she'd adjust her life without him because over a short period of time she had definitely fallen in love with him. Yet, she didn't want to say that to him, not when he hadn't even asked her out yet. Sure they acted like a couple but he hadn't made it clear of he wanted her as his girlfriend, and that scared her.

"Oliver?" she breathed out, looking back towards where he was hiding his hands.

"Hey, sweetheart," he greeted her, and she could've sworn she felt butterflies at hearing his voice. They hadn't seen each other for over 3 days and she wasn't sure what he was doing here at this hour.

"What are you doing here?" she asked opening the door a bit wider so that he could get in. He looked at her with a comical expression and she didn't know if he was going to say something humorous or just right-out puke his guts out.

"Oliver?" she questioned, hoping to get a response out of him.

"Get dressed, love. You have 5 minutes," he quipped, looking straight into her eyes and she didn't know how to respond to that. Sure, this wasn't the first time that he demanded something like this and she went ahead with it usually, without being coerced but if he thought it was okay to see her after 3 days without any contact and demand things, he had another thing coming.


"No." She stated while folding her arms across her chest and looking him dead in the eye.

Oliver tried very hard focussing on her eyes when she stood like that, he was struggling not to look at her chest, especially when he knew for a fact that she wasn't wearing anything beneath that t-shirt except her sexy underwear.

"Excuse me?" Oliver asked, she never really said no before, then why now?

"I said I am not going to go anywhere Oliver, it's almost midnight and I have a lecture in the morning."

"Since when have you cared about lectures?"

She looked at him expressionlessly, he hadn't just said that. She may not be the best in studies, but she was working part-time in a marketing firm and she damn well knew she had to work her ass off to get ahead. This was their penultimate year and now she needs to focus fully on her career, especially if she wanted her dream job at Vogue.

"Fuck you, Oliver." She spat out while turning around and walking inside her room.

What just happened?

Oliver was speechless at the scene unfolding in front of him. How did he go from asking her out to getting her mad in a few minutes time? Maybe this was a terrible idea altogether, he didn't need to do this. She's most definitely not interested and he is just going to make a fool of himself. But then he thinks of all those nights and dates they've spent getting to know each other and he knows he will lose his mind before he even loses her.

Gathering the courage that was left of him, he walks towards her bedroom door and opens it just a bit to see her sitting on it with her laptop on her lap. She looked at him, barely acknowledging his presence and went back to whatever it is she was doing. Oliver sighed, finally revealing what he was holding in his other hand, giving up on the whole idea of taking her to see the stars, maybe tonight wasn't the time.

Stella looked at the pair of Reece's and a tub of Ben & Jerry's as Oliver placed it silently next to her. She tried her best to hide her smile but she knew it was of no use, not when she saw her favourite comfort food being placed in front of her and just waiting to be devoured by her. She gazed up at him and looked into his eyes, which looked a bit nervous. Frowning slightly, she placed her laptop beside her and scooted a bit so that he has space to sit, she never saw him nervous, never like this. He was always confident and cocky, just how she liked it.

"Stella, love, what did I do?" he asked her gently, seating himself beside her and looking at her with a concerned expression.

She sighed, she knew she shouldn't have just snapped like that but she couldn't help it. He pretty much ghosted her for three days and she was absolutely terrified of the outcome. In her mind, he was her agony.

"It's our penultimate year, Oliver. You can't just say that I don't care about my degree."


"That's not what I meant. I...I am sorry if you think-" he started, trying to make up for his slip-up.

"That's not it. You...you left me, without any texts, any call, not even a voicemail."

He looked at her and saw the hurt in her eyes, he never ever wanted to see that emotion in her deep hazel eyes ever again. She didn't deserve it and he knew that. He was an asshole, he knew that, too.

"I-I'm so sorry, my love. I promise, I would never ever do something like that again. I promise."

She looked at his eyes, the sincerity in them was there but she didn't know if she could trust him to not pull something like that again. She sighed and just reached over him to grab the box of Ben & Jerry's. if she was going to have this conversation, she needed some support to finish it fully. Opening her drawer and taking out a spare spoon that she kept specifically for this purpose, she knew this calls for retrieving it, since it's an emergency.

"Oliver...I, I don't know if-" she started but was cut off by his lips on hers, the ice-cream tub being squashed between them and she had to hold his shoulders to steady herself.

Okay, she was definitely not expecting this. Not that it isn't nice-

Focus. She needs to focus.

Breaking apart from the attack on her lips, Stella held Oliver apart from her by distancing herself through her arms holding onto his shoulder. They needed to talk, and unlike every other time, sex wasn't the solution.


"Oliver," she started,"we need to talk. Without touching."

Oliver sighed, his shoulders slouching. This was inevitable. He had kissed her to stop her from uttering what was a breakup line, not that they we're officially dating to begin with.

"Stella, please don't do this."

She looked at him, and he looked absolutely vulnerable. She wasn't exactly sure what he was pleading her not to do but whatever it was, she would agree in a heartbeat. Stella cupped Oliver's cheek in her hand, stating at him and shifting so she could be closer to him.

"Baby, what is it?"

It felt only right asking that, she could take a delay for their problems, they hadn't spoken for 3 days anyway, another hour didn't matter.

"I don't want to lose you, I came here tonight...thinking something else but I've completely..." Oliver trailed off, his words hanging on the edge and Stella could feel a sense of longing in them.

"You aren't going to lose me." She said, with finality in her tone. It was like she didn't just state it, she meant it with every fiber in her.


"Oliver, you're the first man to enter my bedroom, the first man with whom I've actually stuck on and the first man I've told about my career aspirations."

He looked at her with such sincerity, she actually felt weak in her knees. Stella could see the urgency in his eyes, which was replaced by a determined look, he held her hands which were resting on his cheek, in place and looked at her deep in his eyes.

"I don't want us to be like this, anymore."

Her breath stopped, out of all the possibilities, this wasn't the one in her mind. Surely he would've be breaking it off with her just moments after looking at her like he lo-

"Be my girlfriend. Please, I really want you be my girl Stella."

She smiled, the one that was a thousand-megawatt sorta smile. She couldn't recall how many times she had imagined him saying that to her, she had wanted it ever since he took her to that place where they watched the stars until the they disappeared in the morning sky. Without hesitation, she embraced him with full force, causing him to hit his back on her bed and grunt in surprise.

"God! Finally!"

"Im going to be cocky and assume that's a yes." His grip tightened on her waist and he buried his face in the crook of her neck.

She finally let her arms loosen around his neck and slowly pushed herself up with her arms still laying beside his head. The grin on Oliver's face said it all, he was ecstatic, he was beyond ecstatic. She had agreed to be his girlfriend despite his foolishness and this has got to be the best day of his University life so far.

"But promise me no more disappearing on me." Stella said, her voice hard and her eyes looking staring into his for an affirmative response.

"I promise. That was only because I was shit scared of losing you."

She laughed, a melody he was getting so used to that he wanted it to become the first thing he heard in the morning and the last before going to bed. He shifted himself from under her and flipped them over to hover over her tiny frame. Without wasting a single moment he kissed her with all he had, she tasted everything sweet, literally considering the vast amount of sugar that she just consumed. Her hands went behind his neck, pulling him closer and her legs wrapped themselves around his waist and pulled him even more closer. Her breathing was ragged as he breathed kisses down her neck and his hands toyed with the flimsy excuse of a t-shirt that she was wearing, his t-shirt.

"Stella," Oliver continued, without stopping. "Baby, I don't think-"

"Oliver, love." Stella held his face in her hands, she knew what he was going to say but she wanted none of it. "As much as I love you talking and all, I also prefer your lips somewhere else. So if you could just-"

She moaned loudly as his hands went under her shirt and his lips descended ferociously on her exposed neck. Her hands tugged on his hair and she moaned loudly again.

Oliver was over the moon when she said yes and now with her in his arms writhing beneath him with their hands clasped together, he knew she was someone who would have his heart forever, and for the very first time he was more than happy with it.

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