《Talk Juicy To Me》a u t h o r ' s n o t e


Did you miss me?

Way to be over my head.


Okay, so I've a couple of things to say, so I'm just going to list them down. Pay attention, kids. Lol jk,

But please don't skip this.

1) This book is a You have to read that book to understand this one. This book

2) will be Or maybe twice, depending on my schedule. Which is kind of hectic at the moment.

3) For the , yes, . Not all the time, (obviously) but in a few places here and there.

4) This is a spin-off of , yes I know. You can squeal and jump!

5) If you haven't figured it out yet, I'd just like to remind you guys again.

6) Okay so-


Any other character

Enjoy sweethearts ❤️😉



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