《The Silver Pups》Power


It's been 8 years since the incident. The pines pack has never tried a stunt like that again. Having lost the perfect window of opportunity. Luna and Mune have grown up with no recollection of the event. Luna is a sweet kind girl who wouldn't hurt a soul. The exception is bugs, she absolutely despises bugs. She has long flowing silver hair and bright, electric blue eyes. Mune is a mischievous ruffian, he plays pranks and causes trouble every chance he gets. They both have extraordinary power. Mune has the power of creation. Anything he can think of he can create with just a snap of the fingers. Luna has the power to destroy. She can bring massive amounts of death and destruction in her wake if she wanted to. She rarely ever uses her power, only when a bug is really annoying her. Mune on the other hand uses his power all of the time. Even though he loves to do it to cause mischief, what he truly loves to do is make things that makes his sister happy.

"Mune, Mune!" Luna yelled after me as I was swimming in the lake. "Yeah Luna!" I yelled back as I climbed out of the lake shaking myself off before transforming back into my human form. "Can you do the thing again?" She asked so shyly. My sister has always been such a shy little girl. I chuckled, "of course I will Luna." I began to use my power to create a mini universe in my hands. She stared in such wonder at it. I came up with an idea. I created a rose and placed the universe in it making a universe rose. I slid it into Luna's hair, "how do you like that Luna?" She looked at herself in the lake, "wow it's so pretty!" She hugged me tightly, "thank you Mune you're the best!" I smiled and we began to play together.


I watched Luna and Mune play together I don't know what they are playing but they are having fun. Bill came up to me and kissed my cheek. "How are you feeling pinetree?" I giggled, "I'm fine just watching Mune and Luna." He held me close as we watched our pups.

The pines pack crumbled at the hands of some random pack. Thinking they had all the power in the world they made trouble with a lot of other packs. Needless to say it came back to bite them.

The end

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