《The Silver Pups》Full Moon🌕


It's the full moon in July. Pinetree has been struggling and I had to get the pack doctor to assist using magic. She told me to wait outside.

Bill is pacing back and forth in his wolf form. All of us are in our wolf forms, it's better for the pups and omega. "Bill you need to breathe everything is going to be fine." Bill wasn't listening to me and kept pacing sneaking glances at the cabin. Will went up to Bill releasing calming pheromones. Bill froze in his pacing. "Everything is going to be fine Bill. You know Jasmine is the best doctor. Dipper will be fine along with your pups." Bill calmed down and nodded.

After a bit the Jasmine came out, "two betas, one female, one male. They are all just fine." I sighed in relief, "can I?" "Yes youbmay go in." I rushed inside and saw pinetree on the floor licking 2 beautiful pups of pure silver. "Hey there," I went down and nuzzled pinetree affectionately. "Hey Bill." He sounds really tired. "I love you so much, thank you for these beautiful pups." Pinetree nodded and yawned. "So you want to go to sleep love?" Pinetree nodded, "yes but can I tell you their names first?" I nodded, "the girl is Luna she has my blue eyes. The boy is Mune he has your golden eyes." I recognized how both names meant moon. I licked both of our pups lovingly. "Welcome home Luna and Mune." Dipper smiled and fell asleep. I curled around them protectively also falling asleep.

Kill and Will went back to their respective houses and went to bed to. Relieved that everything turned out ok.

Mable and Ford are on the Outskirts of the Cipher territory.

"Gruncle Ford what is your plan?" "When Bill is not around we strick. Dipper will be down for a while since he can't heal himself." "Great idea I can't wait."

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