《Dramione - The Accidental pregnancy》The One where Harry knows


Hermione, Harry and Ron were anxiously pacing around the room awaiting Draco's arrival. Upon following the lead, Ron and Harry came to know from Pomfrey that Draco had left with the baby. Hermione was immediately informed of this, she was overjoyed to say the least. Since the baby was weak, she was being brought by muggle transport.

After around a few hours front door opened, revealing Draco with Emma sound asleep on his arms.

"Hi Potter. Hi Weasley. Here is the baby." He said, giving Emma carefully to Hermione. "I hope Pomfrey told you what happened. She needs these potions, you can alter the dosage based on how fast she regains her health. She is perfectly all right otherwise." He said and stood awkwardly facing them.

"Thank you, Draco" Hermione said, hugging her daughter close and faced Harry and Ron. "Harry, Ron, there is something you need to know. Draco is Emma's father. During the 3rd Hogwarts ball, we apparently ended up together but we didn't remember anything because Pansy obliviated the night's memories. She told us later and then I..I came to settle down here. I should have told you sooner, I am sorry. I feel there is no better time to tell you..so.."

"Bloody hell, Hermione. How could this have happened. We were with you during the whole event. That too with...him?!" Ron's voice suddenly sounded loud enough for Emma to stir.

Draco scoffed and took Emma, gently cradling her in his arms.

For a second, she could only stare. One doesn't often see Draco this gentle towards anyone.

Then she shook herself and spoke. "Ron, please. I have asked myself the same questions. I expect you to be an adult here and accept whatever happened as it is." She then faced Harry. "Harry, you have not said anything.."


"Hermione, I really don't know how to react. I mean...My decision to discard the elder wand was easier. I need some time to come to terms with all this. But whatever you need me for, count me in. I always love you."

She went up, hugged Harry and Ron, with Harry not-so-secretly wiping his eyes. They both left a while later after their byes.

"Hermione, we need to talk" Draco's voice sounded.

Here it comes..the difficult conversation.

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