《Dramione - The Accidental pregnancy》The one with the Midnight Mission


"Hermione, get up". She could hear the whisper very close to her. She had been soundly asleep when someone decided to wake her up.

"Draco, what.are.you.doing.here" she hissed

"Listen, I have a plan to check on Pansy. She is away on a trip with her work mates so her place will be empty, now we can go there to see if we find something related to that day" He was actually excited, his eyes widening.

"You actually think it's a good idea"?

"Of course, we can't waste time. Are you in?"

"God help me, I have no choice, I am coming". She sighed. "Now get out so I can change"

"No actually I don't mind seeing you change" He winked dramatically.

"Malfoy, don't test my patience" She glared.

"Spoilsport" He feigned a hurt look and left the room.

"You are unbelievable. Don't know how I am managing." He heard her shout through the now-closed door.

He couldn't help but smile.

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