《Dramione - The Accidental pregnancy》The Unexpected Night


"Welcome back"! Hermione beamed at him when he returned home that evening.

"What are you so excited about"?

"Um..it's just that..I have tried something that I want you to try"

"Granger, you are not making sense."

Oh yeah, she was not. She wanted to surprise him as a way of thank you for what he had done to her so far. Now that he is here, she wasn't so sure anymore if he would like it or not.

"Um..yeah sorry. I cooked dinner for you..wanna try it and tell me if you like it"? She hesitantly asked him.

He was shocked to say the least. "You were all riled up over this? Granger, I rarely eat proper meals and even if you give me mediocre food I will be extremely glad" He was smiling now.

When he finally freshened up and settled for dinner, he could smell something delicious wafting from the kitchen. He excitedly went in to see bowls and plates of food neatly placed over the table.

"Here you have 2 types of pasta with white and red sauce, some baked potatoes, fried chicken and a blueberry cheese cake" She shyly announced.

The next minute he was devouring everything, the flavors just perfect and the chicken adding to the spice element of the palate. He couldn't stop stuffing his mouth much to her amusement.

"Is the chicken cooked properly?"

"Come here and taste it." He was holding his spoon towards her gesturing to her to have it from him.

She wanted to take the spoon from him to taste it, but finding a leap of boldness inside, she went ahead and placed her mouth over it, the spoon still in his hand.

She looked at his eyes then, to find a mixture of surprise...warmth..and something else she wasn't about to name.


She quickly went a little farther from him. "Sorry..go ahead"

"Thank you..I guess" he smiled mischievously only to get a smack on his arms.

He laughed and something came over in his mind. A silly wish, so to say.

"Granger, my hand hurts" he pretended to be struggling to keep the spoon in it's place.

"What happened, Malfoy? Here, let me help" She took the spoon from his hand to pick up a peace of cheesecake and placed it in his mouth.

He smiled and chewed slowly, closing his eyes as if saving the taste and let out a low "mmm..Granger you deserve a gold shower just for this dessert"

She flushed crimson, enjoying his praise. He looked up and raised his eyebrows as if confused by the way she was looking at him.

"You have cheesecake just..here" she motioned towards his chin.

He couldn't get it correctly..here? Here? He kept asking, randomly moving his fingers across parts of his face.

She laughed at his child like manners. "No" she said.

"You can wipe it yourself instead of laughing at me like that".

"Ok. Come here" She said and gently placed her fingers on the spot where there was cheesecake. If she recognized the electricity passing between them, she didn't show it.

Right when she was about to wipe it, he took her finger and placed it in his mouth, gently sucking the cake.

For a moment neither of them moved. Her cheeks were flushed, her face glowing red, her eyes never leaving his. He slowly gathered courage to graze her cheeks with his fingers.

He could surely feel the goosebumps spreading across her skin.Deciding he will never again get a moment like this, he got up and gently placed his mouth over hers. She was initially surprised, then gave in. Soon she was kissing him back, with as much fervor and need as his. He smiled and pulled her close to him, her body flush against his chest.


They broke apart after a long time, coming for air. Sensing her discomfort, he gently placed a finger under her chin to see her face. When she looked up there was tears in her eyes and she was quietly shaking, her body still engulfed by his.

Guilt gripped him. He shouldn't have kissed her, shouldn't have acted on his instincts. But why did she kiss him back? Whatever it was, it was his mistake and he had to apologize for it.

He was surprised however when she suddenly wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder.

He could do nothing but to hug her back, rubbing smooth circles on her back, playing with her hair a little bit.

They didn't move for a long time. Only when the muggle clock on his living room striked 11, he realized it was time for her sleep. "Granger, you should go to bed."

"I don't like to sleep"

"Your baby needs rest more than you do"

She stiffened and disengaged from him. He immediately regretted saying it. They hadn't brought up the issue for some time now and he was a fool to remind her now.

He was about to apologize when she spoke up. "Malfoy it's all right. I have decided to keep the baby"

"Wh..what? How did you decide? And may I ask..why"?

"I have no right to kill an unborn soul just because I don't need it. Moreover I am not a coward to run away from a situation like this. Let me be the baby's home till it is born and then let me decide further. You think I made the right decision"?

After many long moments of silence he spoke up. " Oh yes Granger, that is wonderful. I will be with you throughout the entire span of your pregnancy, don't you worry. You are going to make a first-class baby-carrier. Just you see" He was positively beaming with pride.

"Baby-carrier, huh"? She laughed.

"I didn't know what else to call it" He had that look again, like a child explaining why his hand was in a cookie jar.

Suddenly they were laughing. It was the first time in a very long time they both forgot the past and stopped worrying about the future, just enjoying the moment.

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