《Wattpad 101: Your guide to the world of Wattpad》Commonly Misused Words


Here is a list of words that you might have misspelled and never knew because most spell checkers never catch them. I meant to put this up a long while ago and forgot. A question Parogar set forth reminded me to make it so he gets a dedication.

It's basically a list of homophones(words that sound alike), easy misspelling errors that word all too frequently never catches, and a list of words whose meanings people get confused with similar words. I acquired the better part of this list from the grammar site who I linked on the side. I added another 50 some words of my own and now I leave it here for your advantage.

I debated adding definitions but decided it would make the list too long and bloated, so you'll have to look up the different meanings on your own and decide which works best for the situation. As always, this list can be made almost infinitely long, feel free to add your own common mistakes in the comments! Thanks and Enjoy!


A, An, & And

Abstruse, and Obtuse

Accept, Except, and Expect

Accidental and Incidental

Acts and Ax

Ad, Add, and Aide

Adapt and Adopt

Addition and Edition

Adverse and Averse

Advice and Advise

Aerie and Airy

Affect and Effect

Afterward(s) and Afterword

Aggravate and Irritate

All, Ail, and Ale

Aid and Aide

Air, Ere, Are, E'er, Err, and Heir

Aisle, I'll, and Isle

Allot, A Lot, and Alot

All Ready and Already

All and Awl

All Together and Altogether

Allowed and Aloud

Allude and Elude

Allusion and Illusion

Allusive and Elusive

Altar and Alter

Alternate and Alternative

Ambiguous and Ambivalent

Amend and Emend

Among and Between

Amoral and Immoral

Amount and Number

Amuse and Bemuse

Anecdote and Antidote

Angel and Angle

Anonymous and Unanimous


Anxious and Eager

Ant and Aunt

Anyone and Any One

Appraise and Apprise

Ardent and Arduous

Are and Our

Ark ad Arc

Ascent and Assent

Ascribe and Subscribe

Assumption and Presumption

Assure, Ensure, and Insure

Attain and Obtain

Aural and Oral

Avocation and Vocation

Away and Aweigh

Awhile and A While

Awed and Odd

Aye, Eye, I


Bail and Bale

Bailed and Baled

Bailer, Bailor, and Baler

Baited and Bated

Band and Banned

Bare and Bear

Baron and Barren

Bass and Base

Bathos and Pathos

Beach and Beech

Beat and Beet

Berth and Birth

Beside and Besides

Bloc and Block

Boar, Boor, and Bore

Board and Bored

Bolder and Boulder

Brake and Break

Bread, Bred, and Breed

Breakdown and Break Down

Breath and Breathe

Bridal and Bridle

Bring and Take

Broach and Brooch

Burry, Blury, Bury, and Berry

Buy, By, and Bye


Cache and Cash

Callous and Callus

Caller and Callar

Calvary and Cavalry

Cannon and Canon

Cantor and Canter

Canvas and Canvass

Cast and Caste

Carpal and Carpel

Capital and Capitol

Carat, Caret, Karat, and Carrot

Ceiling and Sealing

Cel, Cell, and Sell

Censor, Censure, and Sensor

Census and Senses

Cent, Scent, and Sent

Cession and session

Cereal and Serial

Chafe and Chaff

Chaotic and Inchoate

Childish and Childlike

Choose, Chose, and Chosen

Chord and Cord

Cite and Site

Cleanup and Clean Up

Click and Clique

Climactic and Climatic

Close, Clothes, and Cloths

Coarse, Corse, Chorus and Course

Collaborate and Corroborate

Compile and Compose

Complement and Compliment

Complementary and Complimentary

Comprehensible and Comprehensive

Compulsion and Compunction

Confidant and Confident

Connotation and Denotation

Connote and Denote

Conscience and Conscious

Consequently and Subsequently

Contemptible and Contemptuous

Continual and Continuous

Council and Counsel

Credible, Creditable, and Credulous

Criterion and Criteria

Cue and Queue


Dam and Damn

Days and Daze

Dazed and Dazzled


Dear and Deer

Defective and Deficient

Definite and Definitive

Defuse and Diffuse

Demur and Demure

Dependant and Dependent

Deprecate and Depreciate

Desert and Dessert

Device and Devise

Dew, Do, and Due

Diagnosis and Prognosis

Die and Dye

Disassemble and Dissemble

Discover and Invent

Discreet and Discrete

Disinterested and Uninterested

Distinct and Distinctive

Dual and Duel


Earthly and Earthy

Economic and Economical

E.g. and I.e.

Elicit and Illicit

Emigrate and Immigrate

Eminent and Imminent

Emit and Omit

Energize and Enervate

Envelop and Envelope

Epigram, Epigraph, and Epitaph

Equivocate, Prevaricate, and Procrastinate

Etc. and Et al.

Eventually and Ultimately

Everyday and Every Day

Everyone and Every One

Evoke and Invoke

Exacerbate, Exaggerate, and Exasperate

Excuse and Accuse

Exhort and Extort

Explicit and Implicit


Faint and Feint

Fair and Fare

Farrago and Fiasco

Farther and Further

Faze and Phase

Feet and Feat

Few (Fewer) and Little (Less)

Finally and Finely

Find and Fined

Fir and Fur

Flair and Flare

Flammable, Inflammable, and Nonflammable

Flaunt and Flout

Flea and Flee

Flesh Out and Flush Out

Flew, Flu, and Flue

Flounder and Founder

Flour and Flower

Forbear and Forebear

Forceful and Forcible

Foreword and Forward

For, Fore, and Four

Formally and Formerly

Forth and Fourth

Fortunate and Fortuitous

Full and Fulsome


Garner and Garnish

Gibe, Jibe, and Jive

Good and Well

Gorilla and Guerrilla

Gourmand and Gourmet

Grate and Great

Grateful and Gratified

Grisly and Grizzly

Groan and Grown

Guessed and Guest


Hall and Haul

Hangar and Hanger

Hanged and Hung

Hardy and Hearty

Have and Of

Half and Halve

Hater and Hatter

Hay and Hey

Hear and Here

Heel and Heal

Heard and Herd

Heroin and Heroine

Higher and Hire

Historic and Historical

Hoard and Horde

Hoarse and Horse

Hole and Whole

Home and Hone

Hoping and Hopping

Hour and Our

Human and Humane

Hurdle and Hurtle


I and Me

Imaginary and Imaginative

Immunity and Impunity

Imply and Infer

In and Into

Incidence and Incidents

Incite and Insight

Incredible and Incredulous

Indiscreet and Indiscrete

Ingenious and Ingenuous

Inhuman and Inhumane

Insidious and Invidious

Intense and Intent

Interment and Internment

Inveigh and Inveigle

Irrelevant and Irreverent

Its and It's


Jam and Jamb

Judicial and Judicious


Know, No, and now

Knot and Not

Knight and Night


Last and Latter

Later and Latter

Lay and Lie

Leach and Leech

Lead and Led

Lean and Lien

Leave and Let

Lend and Loan

Lessen and Lesson

Lets and Let's

Liable and Libel

Lightening and Lightning

Limp and Limpid

Literally and Figuratively

Loan and Lone

Loath and Loathe

Loose and Lose

Luxuriant and Luxurious


Made and Maid

Mail and Male

Mall and Maul

Manner and Manor

Mantel and Mantle

Many and Much

Marital and Martial

Material and Materiel

Maybe and May Be

Meat, Meet, and Mete

Medal, Meddle, Metal, and Mettle

Media, Medium, and Mediums

Meretricious and Meritorious

Militate and Mitigate

Miner and Minor

Missed and Mist

Momentary and Momentous

Moot and Mute

Moral and Morale


Naval and Navel

New, Now, and Knew

Nobody, None, and No One

Noisome and Noisy

Nutritional and Nutritious


Obsolescent and Obsolete

Official and Officious

Our and Out

Oral and Verbal

Ordinance and Ordnance


Pail and Pale

Pain and Pane

Pair, Pare, and Pear

Palatable and Palpable

Palate, Palette, and Pallet

Passed and Past

Patience and Patients

Peace and Piece

Peak, Peek, and Pique

Pedal and Peddle

Penultimate and Ultimate

Perpetrate and Perpetuate

Perquisite and Prerequisite

Persecute and Prosecute

Personal and Personnel

Perspective and Prospective

Perverse and Perverted

Piteous, Pitiable, and Pitiful

Plain and Plane

Pole and Poll

Poor, Pore, and Pour

Portentous and Pretentious

Pray and Prey

Precede and Proceed

Precedence and Precedents

Precipitate and Precipitous

Premier and Premiere

Prescribe and Proscribe

Principal and Principle

Prodigy and Protégé

Profit and Prophet

Prophecy and Prophesy

Prostate and Prostrate

Purposefully and Purposely


Quell and Quench

Quiet, Quit, and Quite

Quotation and Quote


Rack and Wrack

Rain, Reign, and Rein

Raise, Raze, and Rise

Rapt and Wrapped

Rational and Rationale

Ravage and Ravish

Real and Reel

Recourse and Resource

Red and Read

Reek, Wreak, and Wreck

Regime, Regimen, and Regiment

Regretful and Regrettable

Reluctant and Reticent

Respectfully and Respectively

Restive and Restless

Review and Revue

Riffle and Rifle

Right, Rite, Wright, and Write

Ring and Wring

Risky and Risqué

Role and Roll


Sail and Sale

Sake, Sack, and Sake

Scene and Seen

Sea and See

Seer, Sear, Sere, and Cere

Seam and Seem

Seasonable and Seasonal

Sensible and Sensitive

Sensual and Sensuous

Serve and Service

Set and Sit

Shall and Will

Shear and Sheer

Should and Would

Shur and Shore

Shudder and Shutter

Sic and Sick

Simple and Simplistic

Skulk and Sulk

Soar and Sore

Sole and Soul

Sometime, Some time, and Sometimes

Stair and Stare

Stake and Steak

Stanch and Staunch

Stationary and Stationery

Statue and Statute

Steal, Steel, and Still

Straight and Strait

Suit, Suite, and Sweet

Supersede and Surpass


Tack and Tact

Tail and Tale

Tasteful and Tasty

Taught and Taut

Team and Teem

Tea and Tee

Temerity and Timidity

Than and Then

Their, There, and They're

Threw, Through, and Thru

Throes and Throws

Tide and Tied

To, Too, and Two

Toe and Tow

Toon and Tune

Torpid and Torrid

Tortuous and Torturous

Track and Tract

Translucent and Transparent

Troop and Troupe

Trustee and Trusty

Turbid, Turbulent, and Turgid


Urban and Urbane

Used and Used to


Vain, Vane, and Vein

Vale and Veil

Vary and Very

Venal and Venial

Veracious, Vociferous, and Voracious

Vice and Vise


Wade and Weighed

Waist and Waste

Wait and Weight

Waive and Wave

Waiver and Waver

Ware, Wear, and Where

Wary and Weary

Way and Weigh

Weak and Week

Weather and Whether

Were, We're, and Where

Wet and Whet

Whine and Wine

Who, Which, and That

Who and Whom

Whoever and Whomever

Whose and Who's

Won and One


Yoke and Yolk

Young and Youthful

Your and You're

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