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(Author's pov)..

Jungkook was about to go on the stage but an official person interupts him..

What are you doing Mr jeon?..(official person ask...

Wait for a minute then u will see it...(saying this kook pats on official person's shoulder..

(On the stage)..

Joohyukshii can i borrow your mic for 10 minutes....(jungkook requested joohyuk..

Of ofcourse you may...(joohyuk who was dumbfounded , gave mic to Jungkook..

Well everyone sitting here in audience or watching this from home,as u all know that I am jeon jungkook owner of jeon agencies and co-producer of this contest...(jungkook started to speak than continued...

Now when the show is on its very end,i like to confess something really personal with you all..

Never in my life i thought that me a workholic person, would ever fall for someone, but my thought process change when a beautiful angel suddenly came into my life,i met my angel inside my hyungs restaurant nd by seeing him i was awestruck and YES HIM,i am proudly gonna announce that i fall for a boy,his smile,his eyes, his magical voice,his shyness everything caught my attention,i was in utter shock that how can someone be this incredible..

He made me to believe in love, he brings brightness into my life,he became my whole life,my destiny,i never asked God for anything but when i saw him ,i asked god to make him fall in love with me to,and i even offer god some Banana milk....(saying this kook chuckled..

I wanna confess,that i jeon jungkook is living for him,his loyalty make my love worth it, his smile just help in vanishing all my sorrows,but me being a jerk hurted that innocent soul unintentionally,i know i don't deserve his Forgiveness, niether i deserve to be his love, but still i wanna let the whole world know,that he is the only one living inside my heart,nd its gonna stay same until i take my last breath..


So KIM TAEHYUNG would you plz Forgive me and give me one more chance to proof my love to you...(hearing taehyung's name from jungkook's mouth audience started to cheer and taehyung who was crying silently all the time ran towards jungkook and hugged him tightly ..

You shit head muscle bunny , Don't make me regret this time, ILOVEYOUSOOMUCH ,iloveyou, iloveyou....(taehyung speak still hugging kook,but jungkook broke the hug just,to bend over on his one knee...

Jungkook took pair of beautiful ring from his pocket nd everything went silent..

So,Kim Taehyung last time sitting on this exact position i ask you to become my boyfriend, but this time for a change ,i would like to ask you, THAT MY BABYBEAR ARE YOU READY TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR SHIT HEAD MUSCLE BUNNY HEART'S FOR LIFE LONG.. would you KIM TAEHYUNG like to become Jeon Taehyung???....(kook proposed taehyung with hope,nd taehyung was crying like a child,on the other hand audience were chanting YES YES YES...

You idiot, ofcourse no-one else have that much patience to live lifelong with shithead like you rather than me...(taehyung spoke..

S so,umm,is is that a yes???(jungkook questioned...

What else dummy,Yes i will love to become Jeon Taehyung for life long...(taehyung replied and kook made taehyung wear ring and then they both kissed infront of whole world..

Everyone cheer loudly for them, there hyungs were crying with happiness nd joohyuk was also happy, seeing both of them..

(Time skip 3 month's)..

It's been 3 month's since taekook became fiance,in last three months everything went back to normal, their hyungs was busy in preparation of taekook wedding,after all their efforts tomorrow FINALLY is the day when taekook are getting married...

Hyung i am missing him...(jungkook whined clinging on namjoon shoulders..

Have some patience jungkook one night more, after that both of you all asses are gonna stick together lifelong...(namjoon spoke...


But what about today i am missing my baby...(Jungkook started to act like brat..

Put your ass down on the couch nd let me sleep ....( A tired yoongi spoke...

Well say something new yoongi,i am bored of this dialogue of yours...(hobi who was drinking his sprite spoke..

I will see ,how will you guys react when you will get married...(saying this jungkook covered himself with blanket nd after few minutes he fall asleep...

(Its wedding time)

Hyung i am looking ugly and fat , what if kook reject me...(a panicked tae spoke...

Bear,kook love you for who you are,not for how you look,but for your ease ,i have never seen a bride more beautiful than you,so calm your tits down...( Jin replied to which jimin agreed..

Now lets go,my soulmate is getting married,...( Excited jimin squeal..

(Inside Marriage hall)...

Whole banquet hall was decorated like a fairytale, relatives , close friends jungkook's mother , namjoon, yoonseok and jungkook everyone was standing their patiently waiting for bride to come...

But poor jungkook was panicking inside,he was excited, nervous, happy all at one time,he was eyeing the door and everyone gathered there were eyeing him,cause oh lord he was looking hella fine,just like greek god..

Door opened,and here come queen of the night alongside with his hyungs jinmin...

Everything went silent for minute , only footsteps of Taehyung's shoes were able to listen,cause everyone was admiring beauty infront of them,a beautiful doll just come down from the heavens,beauty which has no comparison..

Taehyung went infront of jungkook who offered his hand to him,which he gladly accept..

You are looking unreal babe...(jungkook whispered into taehyung's ears..

Coming from the one who look ravishing himself...(taehyung decided to be bold for tonight...they both were lost in eachothers,but someone coughed behind them to get their attention...

Gentleman,if you are done,then let me proceed further...(priest said teasingly..

Ladies and gentlemen, wedding is not just a ceremony, it's a proof of beautiful journey which is going to start ,nd we all are gathered here to witnessed it..

Do you Kim Taehyung take Jeon jungkook as your lawfully wedded husband??..(priest asked..

I Do...(taehyung replied confidently..

Do you Jeon Jungkook take kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband??..(priest questioned jungkook...

I Do...(jungkook spoke lovingly seeing into taehyung's eyes..

Ok Now both of you repeat after me..

I promise to shower you with my love and loyalty until i take my last breath,i promise to be there on your side in your thick or thin,in your good or bad,I promise to love you and only you till very last...(taekook took pledge with priest..

Now,I pronounced you both as a newly beautiful married couple ,you may kiss now,to seal your bond with love and trust....(priest spoke nd both tae and kook with wasting anytime kissed eachothers pouring their love into the kiss...

Their hyungs and jungkook mother cheered for them...

Love birds lets go,its cake cutting time now...(jin interupt taekook..

Shall we go your highness...(jungkook asked holding tae hand...

We shall my dear hubby...(taehyung replied playfully...

They both cut the cake..

Everyone showered Newly wed,with their blessings and gift..

Now Taekook are complete...

To be continued....


Hey lovelies last second chapter of my second wattpad book is up...do vote and comments beautiful peoples..

Last chapter is on the way, i am sad😔😔😔

Love Saddy 💜

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