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(Author's pov)..

Well,when jungkook decided to join the celebration he was mentally prepared to see taehyung here,,so when their eyes meet he quickly diverted himself to other direction nd that direction consist hwasa and kai..

Jungkook heart was begging him to run towards taehyung nd hug the life out of him, pampered him with kisses,,but he won't his self-esteem won't allow him to do so,, cause he still believe that taehyung cheats on him,,but do he really believe that?

Long time no see kook..( saying this kai hugged jungkook which jungkook returned back..

Yeah, how's everything kai..( jungkook asked..

Everything is Rockin' as usual..( kai replied to which jungkook gestured with smile after that 3 of them got busy in chatting,, while hwasa try to get cosy with kook,, touching him here nd there,, unaware of how a innocent soul was watching scene infront of him with eyes full of tears..

Hey tae,,where are you lost..(sehun asked nudging tae's shoulder..

Huh, no-where i was here only,oh look my hyungs are here..(taehyung point his finger at door from where all his hyungs were entering inside,, jungkook to noticed it,, he thought his hyungs will come to him,,but oh boy how wrong he was,,all his hyungs went towards tae cause they were here only for taehyung..

How are you taebear..( jin asked hugging tae..

I am fine Hyung,,u and all my Hyungs made me strong,,u guys are my strength..( tae replied hiding his pain with fake smile,, which didn't go unnoticed by his hyungs..

The celebration starts all top5 talked with media,, reporter asked them many different questions,,one of the question was ,,are they single or dating? To which taehyung replied he was single,,his answer watered jungkook's eyes..


Now all of them were having dinner,, Namjin, yoonminseok settled down with tae,,where jungkook got to sit with kai and hwasa,,he is noticing the change,, he noticed how all his hyungs were ignoring his presence nd this is breaking him even more than already he was..

After the dinner everyone was playing around somewere dancing nd somewere normaly talking with eachother..

Joohyuk made a late entry as he was busy cause of some personal reasons..after entering he directly went towards where tae nd his hyungs were sitting..

Hey taehyung?..( joohyuk greet with tae..

Hey hyung,,u are late..( tae replied back..

Oh yeah, some personal issues taehyung,,oh they are your hyungs right?..(joohyuk asked..

Yes ,they are...Hyungs meet Joohyukshii he is my friend and Joohyukshii these all are my Hyungs...( They all begin to talk on the other hand jungkook was fuming in anger ,,he was eyeing that how joohyuk Directly went towards taehyung to sit with him,,nd how they were laughing with eachother..

Hmm the audacity to say that he didn't cheats on me,..(jungkook mumbled to himself watching taehyung and joohyuk talking with eachother,,but he was forgetting that taehyung wasn't sitting alone with joohyuk,, all his hyungs were sitting with them..

Jungkook was sitting alone on the corner table sipping his wine,, but someone came nd sit besides him...

Jungkook-shii...( The man snapped jungkook out of his trance..

Do i know you?? Oh my wait a minute,, aren't u the one dating one of our contestant ,mmm what's his name ,, taehyung yeah Kim Taehyung,, aren't you Nam joohyuk..( jungkook mocked joohyuk..

Sorry ,, jungkookshiii but what are you talking about? ..( joohyuk asked being unaware of the whole situation

According to my knowledge you are taehyung's boyfriend's,, aren't you?? You are the one with whoms he cheats on me,,but u r brave one i must say you still have guts to talk to me?..( jungkook questioned joohyuk..


Cheats on you with me ,, what are you talking about?? Wait a minute so you are taehyung's unnamed boyfriend for whom he rejected my proposal..( joohyuk asked jungkook back

Re rejected,, he rejected you??..(jungkook asked heartbeating ever so fastly

Ofcourse he did,,ahh my first Heartbreak,,i proposed him but he rejected me saying that he already had a boyfriend nd he loves him more than his life,,i wasn't plan to backout,,but seeing determination in his eyes for his love ,, stopped me from mendling into his lovelife,,so you are that lucky man,, but what about that cheating stuff you talked?..( joohyuk spoke..

Hearing what joohyuk revealed ,, jungkook world shattered, tears started to fall from his eyes like river,, he was unable to get anything,,he doubted on his love ,, he didn't believed his baby when he was begging him to believe,,he broke taehyung heart,,his innocent baby how could he do this with him..

ook jungkook..( joohyuk called Jungkook rather loud caused jungkook wasn't even listening to him..

Wh what? ..( jungkook asked eyes turning red from crying alot..

Are you fine buddy? Why are you crying?..( joohyuk asked kook..

M fine, you nd taehyung hugged too?..(jungkook asked..

Aah what kind of question is this,, yes i asked him to hugg me for the last time ,, cause i wanna bury my romantic feelings for him,,for that i have to start a new relationship with him,, which was friendship ,,thatswhy we both hugged eachothers nd started our friendship with new chapter,,but why are you asking this type of silly questions??(joohyuk said but didn't got any reply from jungkook because he walked away from party,, he stumbled,he was crying,,but for now he was not able to show his face to taehyung neither his hyungs..he failed them,,he failed taehyung,,he failed as a lover...

To be continued...


Hey Lovelies new chapter is up to read..do vote nd comments it will be appreciated..

What do you guys think will now happen? Will taehyung forgive jungkook easily or will play hard to get??..

Love Saddy 💜..

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