《Who am I texting?》Chapter 23


I have to get to first period before Kyle. I'm going to be the one who sits beside her. Kyle can fuck off, because she's my friend now. She's going to trust me and believe me, not him.

I swing the classroom door open and it's only Sky in the classroom. I don't know why she always likes being the first in the classroom.

"Skylar," I smile, sitting down beside her.

"Alexander," she mocks.

"You look beautiful this morning."

"No I don't, asshole."

"You do, though."

"Shut up."

"You can't push me away, Sky," I smile slightly.

"I'm going to try, though."

"Why?" My smile turns to a frown.

"I have no specific reason why," she shrugs, "yet."

"That's fucked up. I love you, though."

"You don't love me, Alex."

"I do, though." She'll never believe me, will she?

"You don't know me."

"I do," I whine. "Can you please unblock me now?"

"Not yet," she huffs.

"Sky," I tug on her shirt, "please!"

"I like it when you beg," she laughs.

"Besides, I'm mad at you."

"Why?" I yell.

"You totally embarrassed not just yourself but me last night."

"Your mom called me son," I smile happily, "I think she wants us to get married."

"Shh," she holds her finger up, "class is starting." I huff and slump my shoulders. I want to talk to her more. So unfair, Skylar. At least Kyle is sitting on the other end of the classroom, glaring. I think I won this time, Kyle. Sky is one step closer to me than she'll ever be to you.

I pay for my lunchand make my way out of the line. I'm going to sit by Sky at lunch. I know Alex is going to try and talk to her. He's probably going to tell her another lie about me. Not this time, Kyle.

I skim the first few rows for Sky, but I don't see her. Where is she? She always sits in the first few rows.

"Hey Alex," Dan yells.

"Hey," I mumble, looking to Sky still.

"Looking for a certain girl?"

"Yeah, actually. Have you seen her?

"Library, with Kyle." He shrugs. Fuck. I'm going to slap him.


I fill out my planner and have administration sign it, before leaving. It's so ridiculous that I need to pass to go read. Or to stop Kyle. But they don't know that.

When I reach the library, I make my way towards Kyle and Sky. I set my food down on the table and take a seat beside Sky.

"Hi Kyle," I wave. Kyle huffs and sinks into his seat.

"What are you doing here?" Sky whispers.

"I came to see you," I shrug.

"I'll see you around, Sky," Kyle stands up and shot her with innocent smile. I can feel my blood boiling. I really want to choke him. He's trying my patience.

"Thank god he's gone," I laugh slightly.

"What the hell is your problem, Alex? She half-whispers.

"What do you mean?"

"Why the hell did you come in here?" I don't think she's happy to see me.

"I came to see you,"

"Well stop," she raises her voice.

"You're being really clingy, Alex."

Oh. "I heard you were with Kyle and I just," I sigh. "I got jealous."

"Alex, I'm not your girlfriend. You don't own me. Stop being so clingy. I'm fine with talking to Kyle. You can't tell me not to, either." If I was your boyfriend, you wouldn't need to talk to Kyle.

"Fine, Sky. Whatever," I huff, grabbing my lunch, "I wouldn't want you to be my girlfriend anyways."

He doesn't want to be my boyfriend anyways. That's what he said earlier. Whatever, I didn't want him to be my boyfriend, anyways. I knew he didn't really like me anyways. Alex Follese is just in it for the chase.


Sky high





where are you?

I'm sad

I miss you

you obviously died

sky pls

entertain me

Hayley fell asleep

I love you pls :((

what do you want

I'm rlly pissed off right now


gotta bloody mary


I don't know the slang for periods?

I don't think bloody mary is one

fucking Alex was like "I wouldn't want you to be my girlfriend anyways"

he told me

he seemed pretty pissed too

he said you were being mean first


I was just trying to talk to him


Alex is just being really clingy

I thought when I found out who it was it'd be normal

now he's gone full creeper

he even called my parents mom and dad last night

it was suppose to be funny, sky

besides you're the one who keeps pushing him away

if I was him I'd be like " dis bish tinks shes who"

he loves you and he's just trying to show you


he said he wouldn't want me to be his girlfriend anyways so

he can go to hell


I should apologize. I didn't mean what I said earlier. I was just mad and frustrated at Sky. She was being mean and hurt my feelings. I know I've been a little clingy, but it's just because I'm trying to show her I'm a good person

I pick my phone and dial Sky's house phone. I wait a few rings before somebody answers the phone.

"Hi," I exhale slightly.

"Oh, it's our long lost son."

"Hi mom. Is Skylar home?"

"Of course, sweetheart. Let me get her."

"Thanks." The phone goes quiet for a minute. I hum as I wait, before I hear background noise.

"Alexander, what do you want?"

"You said the rule didn't start until today, so I'm calling."

"You go glen coco," I hear her mumble.

"Let me guess, you're Gretchen?"

"Shut up."

"I just wanted to say I was sorry, Sky"

"For what? I was the one being a bitch earlier."

I can't help but want to agree with her, but I'm trying to be nice.

"I don't want you to be my girlfriend, Skylar," I sigh. "I want you to be my wife."

Sky sighs in response. "We would be the worst couple, anyways. Fighting every five seconds."

"Are you going to unblock me now?"



"No, Alex."

"I'll bring you food. Lots and lots of food every Friday night," I cross my finger in hope that she says yes.

"Every Friday night until school ends?"

I pause. Every Friday? That's a lot of Friday's between now and May 30th.

"Fine," I huff "every Friday."

"I'll unblock you, but you better be at my house on Friday night."

"I wouldn't miss it." I do a little happy dance as I hear Sky groan. She's going to unblock me! And I have to go out with her every Friday night. She thinks it's a punishment, but I'm looking forward to it.

"Fine, you're unblocked."

"Thank you. I love you, Skylar."

"Yeah, yeah. Shit ton of love going around."

"I'm going to hang up to text you, hold on." I hang up and pull my message.

hey hey

I sit, tapping my foot. Why won't she reply? Wait.


Alex don't be clingy. This is exactly what caused the argument earlier. You need to give her space. I make this slight inhumane sound when I see my phone light up with a notification.



Sky Rose hiii

you feel better about yourself now?

a little bit, yeah

I missed texting you so much Sky :((



I would never ever admit it to his face, but I missed texting him too. I don't know, thing are just awkward right now. And I made a promise by saying I'd try to be friends, but it's a lot harder than I had planned. It's just so awkward being face to face with him. I feel like all those conversations have evaporated and I'm just left with this awkward friendship with a sort-of stranger.

I just think that if we go back to texting, it'll make this weird transition easier. Maybe it'll make face-to-face talking easier during school. I just wish Alex would stop being clingy. I don't mind him being happy to be around me and wanting to talk, but he has to understand. He has to realize that sometimes I'm not interested in talking to him.

Ok cheeky boy

calm down

or I'll block you again

we're talking this one annoying step at a time

you don't like me do you?


I'm serious sky

I'm trying here, okay?

I don't not like you Alex

in fact, you're almost tolerable

but still

I get it...

I'll leave you alone then


really Alex

you're going to ignore me?


god, you're more bipolar than me rn







I saw how it is.

damn Sky

stop being so clingy

I see what you did there asshole

you know you like me anyways

I wouldn't want you to be my boyfriend

bc you want me to be your husband

It's ok

I won't judge you


princess pls

don't call me that

what should I call you?


Princess Sky


just sky

Princess just Sky

you're annoying af

Princess you're annoying af

I'm seriously going to block you again

I'll never gave up tho

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