《Who am I texting?》Chapter 17


"Kyle." Great, just what I needed - another idiot in my life.

"I guess you're still mad, huh?" I take a step back and move the basket to my right arm.

"Smart guess, dumbass," I mutter while scanning for some food to pretend to not making eye contact with him.

"Look Sky, I'm sorry" his tone was almost quiet.

"I don't need your sympathy. Just save it for some girls out there."

"I could explain," he sighs. " After a date"

"Absolutely not," I said flatly.

"Tell me now or never? Your choice." I insist.

"I can't, " he look around. "Please? A date and I promise to tell you everything"

Deep down I don't want to see him again but curiosity keeps me eager to know what he's going to tell me.

"I'll think about that." I sigh. "I'll text you later."

"Okay, thank you." He smiles sheepishly before I brush past him.

Kyle is honestly the last person I wanted to deal with right now. He's a complete asshole. Why would I agree to go on a date with him? I should've been ignoring him. And why is he even bother to explain? He'd be talking bullshits by the way or probably just another attempt at trying to get my attention. God, I hate him.

I ran into Kyle just now


where are you at?

: leaving the mart

he asks me out on a date

I was about to set my basket down on the counter but I shove it without realizing that person is in front of me and he whimpers.

"Sorry," I said.

"Sky Rose?" I look up my phone and see Alex smiling at me.

"Oh Alex, hey.. sorry I didn't realize it's you." I said.

"It's okay." He said

"Kyle is here," he mumbles

"Yeah," I roll my eyes. "He pissed me off to death."

"Nine fifty please," said the cashier. I pull my money out of my pocket and hand her a ten-dollar bill.


"Honestly, you deserve so much better Sky Rose."

I took my bag from the counter and me and walk out the mart.

"Thanks, Alex. It makes me feel better."

"No problem. I'll see you at school" He smiles before we walk in a separate direction.

I hate that guy

I swear I'm going to punch his nose, and slam his head on the wall

Sky? Where are you?

Oh shit you're dead

I was thinking if I should cry in your funeral or having a party to celebrate

you're an ass Dan

I was talking to Alex

Oh.. did he ask you on a date?

that makes no sense at all.. NO

Too bad I hardcore ship you guys



Do I get the answer if I agreed? But are they worth it? Ugh, I'm gonna regret this so much.



I'll go on that stupid date


this is for my sanity

no shits, bullshit, dogshit whatsoever, you have to tell me everything

and answer all my question


so tomorrow?


I'll pick you up around seven

I set my phone down and groaned in annoyance. This will be the biggest mistake in my life.

Kyle. Why does he have to come back between me and Sky. I finally get rid of Taylor, thinking there's still hope for Sky and I, and then there's Kyle.

"Alex," I turn my head facing the voice, Kyle.


"Why didn't you attend the gig last week?" He's not being serious, isn't he?

"I quit the band. That's what you wanted, right?" he laughed. I don't even know what's so funny.

"Come on man, you're the important person in the band, why would I kick you out just because of some stupid fight?" I know he's messing around but he's right the other boys didn't want me to quit yet since I'm a songwriter in the band and the lead guitarist.

"Come on Alex, we're friends for a long time. I know I shouldn't attack you that day. I fucked up and I know it. You don't need to quit the band." He pats my shoulder.


"Tomorrow night we're having a gig at our usual place and you should come. I'll see you there."

I simply nodded. I don't know what his intention this time. I know how much he hates me after the day he attacks me.

But I really hope he's not planning something. I swear to God if Sky goes back to him. I will be pissed. I don't think she could possibly choose him over me, that ridiculous.

It's supposed to be me.


um.. I'm sorry

for everything

I'm really, really sorry

and I hope that you forgive me

I know I've been like really back and forth

and pretty much a general pain in the ass

but I really miss you

and I know I'm not as romantic as you are in this stuff

I hope you can forgive me and stuff bc idk

bc love

bc love?

that's the best you've got?

give me something better



I wanna hear you say "because you're my master"

I really hate you bruhh

please forgive me

because you're my master

okay, I guess (:

don't even start you asshole

don't insult me loser

you think you got insults now?


oh rlly?



so we're friends again?


finish yoUR SENTENCE


you changed my name didn't you?

dammit Sky

what is it?

shut up Augustus is about to die

you watch tfios?

I thought you hate romance

I thought you die in cancer... you're alive

because I'll fight it. I'll fight it for you. Don't you worry Hazel Grace. I'm ok, I'll find a way to hang around and annoy you for a longer time


: I never thought you watched it

your name Augustus Waters

way to ruin the moment Sky

you started it

Absolutely not.. you did

no you did

no. You started it when you stole my heart

no you started it when you said you loved me

you started it when you replied my text


how come we're only romantic when we're arguing?

because we're weirdos

I love you




baby, come back

I'll just spam you with jokes and pick-up lines till you come back

so your phone doesn't get lonely

ok let's get started

What did one butt cheek say to the other one?

together we can stop this shit

Did you fart?

cause you blew me away

you're not funny than before, after twelve days

My love for you is like diarrhea... I can't hold it

you're ex-bae now

your jokes are so bad

you're just jealous Skylar Rose

: how do you make an egg-roll?

let me guess?

you pushed it?

hahaha finally smartass

pls go away

no I love you

once I plant my butt somewhere

I stay there


nevermind about sleeping in my bed




wow SKY

I better start planning our wedding

things are better getting serious now

I was thinking of December wedding

no wait OCTOBER'S perfect

and we can go to honeymoon in Paris

or Hawaii

no wait

somewhere cold

so we can't go outside bc super cold

so naturally you'll have to cuddle near the fire and you know

strictly keep you warm

wow I'm so nervous

I'm thinking two, three, kids


we'll lived in California

and creep Johnny Depp

I am so excited

I love you wifey


all I said was I wasn't going to let you sleep in my bed


I only would marry you if you're in a band

perfect! I know you want me


am I being replaced with Nate?


good I'm changing your name to My Wifey

please don't

what's your mom gonna say when she sees it? Hm?



probably "congratulations for actually getting a girl to stay?"

or "when am I getting grandkids?"

or "is she willing to try my awful creation?"

or she wouldn't care

so.. can I meet your mom?

of course

you can meet my mom, my friends and everyone

and I'll introduce you as my girlfriend, obviously.

wait, I was just joking

joke or not, I'm not gonna change my mind

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