《Who am I texting?》Chapter 15


"Hey Sky." Nate smiles and takes a seat across me. I haven't seen him for a while.

"Where have you been Nate?"

"Family stuff." He shrugged.

"So, I was wondering," he paused.

"What?" I ask curiously.

"Would you like to... erm.. maybe wanted to get dinner tonight?"

"You mean a date?"I ask and he simply nods.

"Sure, I'd love to." I smile. A date would be awesome. Just something to get my mind off the unknown texter. I can't believe it's already been nine days. It felt like an eternity since I talked to him last. I wonder if he misses me? I figured he would've text by now so I guess he doesn't since my stupid ass wanted space so much.

"Great, I'll pick you up at six," he said and he walks towards the counter to grab lunch.

Suddenly Hayley stormed into the seat next to me making me jumped a little.

"Whoa slow ya' butt down, what happen?" I ask and she groaned in frustration.

"I can't believe all the tickets had been sold out."

"What ticket?"

"5sos ticket. That's the only chance I had to meet my long lost boyfriend Calum Hood"

I almost forgot about that. My mind suddenly trails to the ticket that the unknown texter gave me a month ago. It was two. Oh my god did he really gave me the tickets?

"I have extra if you want it" her eyes were about to pop out from its socket and she grabs me into a tight hug.

"Oh my God, really Sky?! You didn't even tell me that you brought two tickets to the concert," she said

"I forgot. It's supposed to be a surprise" I lied. I don't want to tell her the truth since I don't know who gave me.

"Sky I swear you're the best."


Guess what!




slow down you hormones woman

Are you telling me you finally go on a date with Alex?

No. But he's here in any minute


what the hell, you?



do boys finally know you exist?

don't be rude, Nate asked me out for dinner

he should do eyes check up more often

I'm sure his glasses aren't functioning at all

boys just like feeding me

I really love you Sky, please bring me food


fine I really hate you.

: that wasn't what I just read


and I'm telling him you only agreed because of food

he's here bye.

I walked downstairs as soon as I heard a knock on the door. I leave a sticky note on the table to inform my parents before leaving.

"Hi," I smile.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes," I close the door behind me and we walk to his car.

I can't believe Taylor order the most expensive food on the menu. This girl is trying to kill me.

But I can't wait for her to find out that she didn't like whatever she ordered. I'm pretty sure she'll have a hissy fit and then blame me for it, even though I've warned her.

She'll also be complaining that she eats a lot of food and how she's so fat even when she's not.

Sky wouldn't even consider herself fat. She loves food and wouldn't hesitate to pick anything with fries. She always hates salad or being vegetarian.

My eyes suddenly caught a girl with some kid entering the restaurant and took a seat next to us. Sky? Seriously? Does Sky has to be here? I'm trying to move on here.

Wait, did she dressed up for that kid? I thought she hates wearing a dress. She seems happy and no problem with moving on there. God, I am being such a hypocrite. I am moving on too and if she knew I was the one texting her, she'd be saying the same thing to me. I'm just jealous, because I'm never going to be Kyle. I'm never going to be the one who take her out dinner and kisses her at the end. Period.

I'm always going to be some kid behind a phone. I'm always going to be the hated Alex.


"Great, little Miss Stalker is here," Taylor huffs and take a sip of her diet coke.

"I've blocked her by the way." I sigh, it's a lie of course, I would've never blocked Sky. "She's not going to bother me anymore."

"I love you babe," she grabs my hand.

"Yeah, you too."

Alex's here

with Taylor

stab me rn


: I beg you to shot me with a sniper

so I can be spared

of my misery

of having to sit here and be bothered by their royal asses


good luck suffering women

ask Alex to send me nudes I want to see him

I'm not doing that

you're so weird,

go away

you're the one texting me on your date

poor Nate

Geez, hoes these days


he's in the bathroom btw

oh he's coming bye


"Thanks for the dinner Nate, it was lovely" I smile and pick my bag up off the ground and put it over my shoulder.

"Sky Rose," I look at my left and Alex smiles. I raise my eyebrow as he comes up to Nate and I.

"Alex, I thought you said to ignore those nerds" Taylor whines sarcastically.

Nerds? Alex 's throwing insults. I know it.

"So that means I'm smart enough to see somebody's just a side hoe." I said innocently. I see Alex's lips form a smile before Taylor drags him towards the door after giving me a harsh look.

"She's not very friendly." Nate said,

"Nope. But that's quite entertaining though."

This is why I never exactly trust Alex. He's always there whenever something bad happens between me and his friends. Kyle was Alex friend and he's messing me around. Taylor is Alex's girlfriend and she's constantly giving me shit.

And he never did anything to make them stop like he's getting along with them calling me names.

Plus all the stupid comments from his other friends all over the year. It drives me insane. I hate him and his chatty clique to no ends. I can't wait for May, because I can't wait to get rid of them.

Can you believe

Taylor's being a bitch again?

she pissed me off to death

she's calling me and Nate nerds

And I was like "I'm just smart enough to see when somebody is a side hoe"

Alex smiled at that HAHA

Take that Taylor


: that's still a shitty comeback

but I'm proud of you

stop texting me when you're with Nate

we're in the car and Nate keeps quiet

I'm bored

his music oh my god


So classic











I hope you suffer bish


After the moment the front door of Taylor's house closed and I sighed. That date was unbelievingly bad. She keeps on complaining the whole time and the run-in with Sky was just awkward. But her comeback was so cute. She's always been really bad at comebacks and I tried to hide my amusement with what she said.

I just wish she'd text me. I refuse to text her first because she's the one who wanted space. Why is she being so stubborn about this? Why can't she just admit that she kind of, sort of like me too?

She can't tell me that those conversations didn't mean anything to her. I know it actually means something because I can see the way she smiles whenever we texted each other.

Or she really has moved on but it just makes no sense though. It's only been ten days, nobody moves on that fast. Or even maybe she's just using Nate as rebound. Or she just didn't like me as much as I thought.

I lean on the driver seat and pull my phone out of my jacket pocket.

honestly Sky, I miss you and this is ridiculous. Idk why are you being so stubborn

Please talk to me again

it's driving me insane

I can't move on

I love you so much please

With another sigh, I shove my phone back in my jacket. Well, seems like she's really moving on now.

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