《Who am I texting?》Chapter 11


the way she walks

the way she talks

how long will I pretend?

but I can help falling in love with school

first day of school you're not going to be late aren't cha Sky?

I'm already at school

: Ohhh crap

first day back and I'm so tired already

I'm just looking forward to you leaving in five months

can you do me a favour?


change my name to Luke Hemmings

Oh hell naww

I wouldn't ruin his perfect image for you


I will have you know that I'm way hotter than him

just wait Sky, JUST YOU WAIT

I set my phone down on the table waiting for my friends to arrive.

"Hey Sky," Dan and Hayley sit down across the table.

"Sup Danley," I start laughing really loud. "Get it? Ship name? I'm sailing with you guys across the world."

"You're not funny bitch, shut up,"

"Shut up Danny boy,"

"Call me that one last time and you'll be rest in peace,"

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

This morning I'm wearing one of the "freakish" outfits the mean girls whispered about- TOMS shoes, skinny jeans and a white Rolling Stones T-shirt. Then, Hayley and I plopped into our first period seats for Biology class and open our books to the section on adolescent psychology.

"The human brain," Mrs Clifford began. "is not fully developed until into one's twenties."

The class giggled. They seated beside each other. Both Hayley and I smiled.

"Believe it or not, that wasn't meant as a joke," the blond teacher continued. "The reason I tell you this because today we'll be talking about adolescent sexuality,"

More giggles.

"And before you can understand what you are going through, it is the best to first understand that your brain isn't designed to fully understand what you are going through. In fact the brain, especially abstract reasoning that is used to asses long-term risk and consequences, isn't fully developed."

Mrs Clifford then showed a slide from her laptop on the projector screen.

Until then I get distracted when I heard Kristen and her friend at the back gossiping something in a whisper but loud enough for me to hear them since I was sitting right in front of her.

"Did you heard about what happened this morning?" Kristen whispered to Heidi.

"No. What is it?" Heidi says.


"I heard Kyle punched Alex," Kristen said I freeze at the moment.

"Nobody knows why, though," She continues.

"Kyle is suspended for five days." Is this because of the car thing? Did Alex take the blame for it?

"You two at the back, stop talking or you'll get into detention." Mrs Clifford suddenly snapped.

did you heard about this morning?

no, what?

Alex got punched?

Is it because of me?

damn I feel bad

stop blaming yourself its not even your fault

trust me boys fight about everything

but not boys who have been friends for years

class start in like five minutes

ugh please shut up

what class do you have first?

AP Psych with Alex

I have one important thing to tell you before class start


Was your father a thief?

Excuse you?

'Cause someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes

ohh okayyyyyy?

way to kill the romance Sky


I need to find a new girl to be romantic with

good luck lover boy

I WILL and you're gonna regret it.


aww my innocent and sweet Sky whose so cynical and sarcastic is jealous

you're making no sense, are you drunk?

maybe it's the painkiller

you're ok?


ok class has started take care and love ya


I was sitting alone it the cafeteria at lunch today and it sucks. I don't know where the hell Dan is, probably hanging around pissing people off. I don't even see Sam or Hayley, and Nate also not here today.

"Hey Sky," I look up and saw Alex standing in front of me. I saw his black eye and a pang of guilt hits me like I was the reason for that.

"Oh my God, Alex, what-" I pause. "Is that brownies?" my eyes suddenly darted to the brownies that he was holding on his tray.

"It is," he smiles. "I got two. Can I sit?" I nod and he sets his tray down beside mine.

"I got one for you," Aww boys always know I love being fed.

"Thanks," he literally stared at me for a few minutes and I frown.

"I don't like being stared." He immediately moves his gaze somewhere else on his brownies. I want to laugh I swear.

"Seriously though, what happened with you and Kyle?" Alex's face forms a frown.


"He blamed me for the car thing and start talking a load of shit, especially about you and I said something back, so he punched me."

"Why don't you punch him back?"

"I just pointed my finger towards him and says "see you in court" I'm claiming my insurance. He's gonna pay for that," I raises one eyebrow and giving him a weird stare.

"Nah.. I was just kidding I don't believe in violence," he shrugs.

"Why are you defending me? You don't even know me, we're not even friends,"

"I don't want you to get hurt or anyone I guess and I do know you, Sky Rose, I think we should be friends"

"Well thank you, Follese. Seems like you're not a complete asshole like I thought," I smile and he flips me off.


"Alex Follese, I never thought I'd see the day you and Sky would be talking." Hayley and Dan sit across us. I swear this two always came out of nowhere and at the wrong timing.

"I'm talking to her from now on since she gave me this black eye,"

"I did not,"

"She has serious anger issues,"

"You have serious stupidity issues,"

"I'll see you in fifth period Thomson," Alex stands up and throws his trash away before sitting back with his normal group.

"Aww..You guys should be together," Hayley suddenly chirped and made Dan snorted on her remarks.

"Don't start it, Hayley." The bell suddenly rings signaling the end of lunch.

I have a pounding headache after Kyle punched me. All I had in my car was that weird powder painkiller and it makes me want to vomit. People keep asking me about the stupid black eye which kind of annoying because I know they already know why after Kyle causes a scene at the parking lot this morning.

Kyle came up to me and greeted me with harsh word and asked me if I told Sky about he's been sleeping around with girls. I told him the truth and I took the blame over his car. So he punched me. Some freshmen started freaking out and got administration involved.

Thankfully Kyle might be expelled. Enough people saw that I was innocent when Kyle suddenly attacked me. I've seriously getting tired of his asshole personality for years. I just put up with it because we're in the same band and we need to work together and he's my best friend after all.

I still remember in sophomore year when he hooked up with Taylor back when I actually really liked Taylor.


I step into fifth period- AP Statistic with Sky. Kyle was supposed to be in that class but thankfully he's suspended or he'll be talking mendacious shit about me in front of Sky. Making me look like the bad guy so she'll hate me even more.

I saw Sky sitting in the very front row. She always sits in the front when it comes to maths.

I seriously don't know how she copes with this class and managed to get an A on every exam, bet her brains is full of numbers.

I took the seat in the third row of the corner where she can't see me texting her.

"Hey, Sky Rose," I smile as I walk past her. She just gave me a friendly smile and seems lost in her phone. I took my seat and I felt my phone goes off.

: Alex here and we're alone. HELP

If only you knew Sky. I would like to tell you the truth. I really wanted to reveal myself but I'm afraid you'll hate me even more and you'll never want to talk to me again.

talk to him

you like him do you?

I did not

come on he's nice after all

or ask him on a date

wait aren't you supposed to be jealous?

you're jealous when I'm with Kyle and isn't that supposed to happen if I'm with Alex or any other guys?

Kyle's an asshole. I actually kinda ship you with Alex.

go away

I can't go away. I'm three seats back behind you, open your eyes Sky. How much more obvious can I be?

I think you were right. Alex is not so bad

maybe he's just never a guy I'll be interested in



Idk. He's not my type. Less annoying now... almost nice hopefully.

I'd choose you over him in a heartbeat because I kinda like you even though I've never met you personally

:well, that was sort of romantic?

I huffed under my breath trying to think of something. I didn't know I was that loud until I heard her.

"Huh?" I look up and I saw Sky turning around. I stare at her for a second while tapping my finger on the desk.

Don't say it, don't say it.

"Why don't you like me?"

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