《Who am I texting?》Chapter 1


Lots of love,




"Sky!" I tug my earbuds when I heard someone is calling me. Yup, this is me Skylar Thomson a typical high school student with a huge obsession toward bands and one thing that I always go with is my earbud and my Ipod.

"Sky, wait up!" I turn to face the familiar voice calling me. Hayley. Hayley Greene is my best friend since seventh grade and she knows everything about my current obsessions. Fortunately, we share the same interest which is the best thing in the world. She was my only partner in 'fangirl-ing' and we both will freak out suddenly in the middle of our conversation talking about our silly fantasy but guess what? When it comes to fangirl the world is ours and we don't give a shit.

The hormones in a fangirl are way too much to handle sometimes.

"Did you know that TSE is going to do a show on this 20th school annual celebration! Oh My God! This is going to be the greatest school annual of the year ever!" she freaks out, I am freaking out even more. TSE is going to do a show? Holy shit, okay let me introduce you a little detail.

The Shadow Empire or TSE is our school band which mostly involved in rock genre and was formed last year by one of the heartthrob junior Kyle Hogan but he's a senior now.

They became famous by uploading their covers on Youtube and me as a creepy stalker never missed watching their videos 24/7 well, that's when I first saw them. They started over a year and start making shows on an event invitation or jamming along the street for fun.

"So, are you going?" I ask.

"Duh, of course. Who would miss seeing them perform," she scoffed and I chuckle a bit.

"People would die to see their performance. I'm so proud to be in the same school with them and can you imagine if one day they got famous."

"And we're gonna be like 'OMG HE'S MY EX SCHOOL MATE!'" she added. We both laugh like crazy and people were giving us a weird stare.


"Well, I'd be going now. I'll see you tonight babe."

"Alright," I said and giving her a small wave.

I can't believe Christmas break is in a week and we're nearly done 2014 and I am going to be a junior next year. I get into my car and drive home, today was a long and tiring day but I was overly excited for tonight.

When I got home I receive a note saying my parents won't be home until midnight.

Great, I'm alone, again.

I went straight to my room and set up my phone on my bed to get into the shower. I have three hours to get ready so that means we have a lot of spare time procrastinating in the shower, lying on my bed scrolling through social media and spare another hour to get ready.


As I stepped out of the bathroom I heard my phone beeps. At first, I thought it was Hayley she might be here anytime soon to get ready.



I like you a lot

Isn't that too straightforward?

shit, sorry

Let's rewind

I think you're beautiful

thanks? Do you know me?

yeah Sky Thomson right?

What makes you think I will tell you? who are you?

you don't have to tell me cause I'm pretty sure I got the right number

also I am someone who you barely notice

and I'm kinda like your secret admirer?

And don't worry I'm not a creeper

what the hell?

How did you get my number?

not important ;)

Stop with the winky face.. what do you want?

just talking to you

Sorry but I ain't got time for that cause I don't know who you are

why don't just straight up talking to me in person instead of using text message?

aww too bad

there's no way you wanna talk to me by straight up meeting you and I'm pretty sure you will be avoiding me after that

you haven't tried

I don't need to try

If you don't meet me how can I know that you're not a 70 years old creeper, or you could be a serial killer, a rapist or other person with some criminal case.


trust me I'm not because I go to the same school with you.

same grade?

I'm a senior

I don't even know any seniors in my school except for Kyle Hogan and his bandmates. This must be a stupid prank.

If this is some stupid prank I stg this isn't funny, and you and your friends can bugger off.

I promise it's not a prank :)

Well, that was weird. He was texting me and didn't tell me his or her name. Whoever is it, I don't give a damn since it's probably some sick joke.

My phone beeps once again. I was about to piss off if it's that unknown number again.

When Hayley's name flashed on the screen, I sigh in relief.

Hey open up the gate and help me with my stuff

I smile while reading her text and went downstairs to get her.

"Do you own any other phone number?" I asked her while doing my makeup while she was curling her hair with a curler.

"No, why?" Of course, she's not. Why would she do that?

"Nothing just there's some stupid prank-ass joker texted me."

"It's probably a wrong number," she said

"I guess," I didn't want to mention the entire conversation because it was stupid and like I said it's probably just some sick joke.


"Dammit, my body is so allergic to this dress," I whine while scratching my stomach. This tight blue dress really annoys me.

"All dresses make your body allergic," she was right I hate wearing dresses and I would never volunteer myself wearing those shit without complaining.

"This shit isn't my cup of whiskey," I said while tugging my dress down and Hayley just shook her head.

"Loosen up old lady. Just try your best to be in it for just for a few hours. Besides, you need to look fabulous in front of your all-time crush," Hayley insisted.

We entered the school hall where the annual celebration is held, we were greeted by a full-blast music and a sea of people already flooded the hall.

"Ayoo, my bitch and my lady," Dan suddenly put his arms around Hayley's and my shoulder.

"Hey babe," Hayley greeted Dan's presence and giving him a peck on the cheeks.

What the hell? I look at them confused and I feel grossed out.

Am I missing something?

"Are you guys?" I don't even know how to form a sentence. I wanted to say 'dating' but it sounds weird on my tongue.

"Yeah, yeah we're currently dating." Dan finally admits and I saw Hayley tried to avoid my gaze.

Oh, my Lord.

Here are a few details, Daniel Miller and I were best friends since first grade and before I met Hayley. The three of us become close to one another in seventh grade.

Well, I admit that I feel left out of their secrecy relationship, I mean come on what best friends are for?

"So, you guys are officially a thing now?" I ask flatly.

"It just a few days ago," Hayley suddenly spoke.

"So what's with the secrecy things? I thought we're friends and Dan you didn't even tell me about it!"

"Well, I just don't want you to feel like being the third wheel when hanging out with us that's all," Dan insisted.

"Are you being serious? So, you guys wanted to keep it away from me forever?"

"No, it's not like that. Alright to tell you the truth we felt awkward to tell you about it." I burst into laughter out of a sudden when Hayley said that.

"You guys are ridic and I really felt so awkward right now. I think I'll just go get some drink so you guys can have fun."

"No, wait. Are you mad at us?" Hayley stops me from walking away.

"Well, a bit but it doesn't matter you guys love each other and I will always ship you guys together. Yay, go team Danley," I cheered sarcastically. Okay, that was weird.

"Sarcastic bitch." I heard Dan mumble from behind.

"Oh, shut up shitface." I scoffed and walk to the buffet table to get something to drink.

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