《Parallels (MCYT IRL-Ghosthunters-AU)》=Wilbur's Trial=
-Author's note, HOLYYYYY: SHEEEEEEEEESSSSHHHH, I've written this all in two days-
Wilbur and Tubbo were sitting at the kitchen table. Discussing what they'd like to do with the available evening they'd had. While Ranboo and Tommy argued out in the hall.
"WHY NOO-ooo-tt-TT!??" Tommy asked, very exaggerated, "You showed me!"
Wilbur and Tubbo were in the other room at the moment, because Ranboo wanted to make it clear that they weren't going to show Wilbur their weird ghost-related problems.
"We didn't mean for you to find out! That was an accident, Wilbur doesn't need to know. It's a good thing he doesn't either." Ranboo argued," The more people that know, the harder of a secret it is to keep out of our lives. Okay!? I don't like the fact that I got possessed and that I get stalked by demons! I just want things to go back to normal."
Tommy frowned, "I... When you put it that way... Okay."
"Thank you." Ranboo gave him a quick smile, and then the two headed back into the kitchen.
"Ranboo! Uh- Ranboo, I need to step out for a moment and talk to you." Tubbo said as soon as the two stepped back into the kitchen.
Tommy looked at the two with a smile and tried to hide it when he caught sight of Wilbur.
Ranboo sighed, "Come on."
Tubbo dragged him back out of the room and closed the door. Then abruptly stopped with his hand still on the doorknob. Tubbo's eyes closed, his expression changing into a very frightened one.
Oh no... I think I know what's happened.
"BAD NEWS!" Hexis immediately blurted out, "They've found out! They found out I was sealing it!"
"Right now?!" Ranboo questioned both annoyed, and terrified.
"Yep! Yes, they very much have, and they are very much angry!" Hexis nodded. "They're going to attack in 1 hour."
Ranboo groaned, knowing Wilbur was going to have to find out, due to Lani being away, and Hexis having to execute the plan using Tubbo.
"Alright, okay. Switch back to Tubbo, I'll get a salt circle ready." Ranboo said.
"Okay." Hexis nodded, Tubbo's body falling limp in Ranboo's arms.
Tubbo slowly stood back up, "What happened?"
"Uhm, they've found out about the seal." Ranboo said with a sigh.
"RIGHT NOW!?" Tubbo screeched, coming to full alert.
"Yep, the attack is in 1 hour, I'll explain and ready a salt circle. You go get the bell and other items. Alright?" Ranboo explained.
"Yeah, yeah okay." Tubbo nodded and then ran off.
Ranboo headed back into the room, and looked very deafeted at Tommy. Tommy lit up, and Wilbur sat there looking between the two confused.
"What- Am I missing something here?" Wilbur asked.
Ranboo nodded to Tommy, "You can tell him."
"HOLY S***! Really?! Why?" Tommy said excitedly.
"Boo." Ranboo frowned.
"F***. That is happening right now?" Tommy asked, Ranboo nodded.
Suddenly Tubbo could be heard from across the house, "RANBOO!!!!"
Wilbur looked at the two in alarm, "What's going on!?"
Ranboo flung open a cabinet and took out the salt.
Tubbo running into the room, "EVERYONE GET NEXT TO RANBOO NOW!"
Wilbur and Tommy stood up, Wilbur still very confused. Everyone stood close to Ranboo, as he had a circle around the four. Completing it with a heavy sigh of relief.
Tubbo sighed heavily too, "Thank God."
"Will someone tell me what the f*** is going on!?" Wilbur burst out, everyone sitting down on the floor inside the circle.
"Sorry Will," Tommy said, "I'll explain! You see, Ranboo and Tubbo are ghost hunters, that are also possessed by ghosts."
Wilbur glared at him very disbelievingly.
"Actually they're both demons." Ranboo said.
"Oh, sorry." Tommy apologized, looking over at Ranboo and then back at Wilbur.
Wilbur looked at Ranboo and Tubbo, "Wait, really?"
Ranboo nodded and Tubbo smiled.
"Would you like to see?" Tubbo smiled, Ranboo shaking his head disapprovingly.
"Uhm-" Wilbur began, but Tubbo was already out.
Hexis popped back up, looking around confused.
"Why'd you call me back?" Hexis asked, noticing Wilbur. "Oh."
Tommy was looking at Hexis a bit frightened, "Hexis, right?"
"Yeah." Hexis nodded.
Wilbur watched Hexis confused and a little frightened, but still didn't quite understand.
"I still don't... Understand or..." Wilbur watched Hexis.
Ranboo sighed again, "I have to be the responsible one every time! Ugh... Hexis, open Tubbo's eyes."
"Are you sure?" Hexis asked, looking over at Wilbur.
"What?" Wilbur looked at the two, "Come on?"
"Yeah I'm sure, then you can switch back after." Ranboo said.
"Alright." Hexis shrugged and opened Tubbo's eyes.
Wilbur stared in horror at the sight of Tubbo's pure black eyes.
"What the h*ll." Wilbur muttered.
"Switching!" Hexis said, Tubbo's body going limp against the invisible wall.
Tubbo's head popped back up a moment after, "PROOF!"
Tubbo looked over at Wilbur and nodded proudly, then smiled when he saw Wilbur's face.
"O-okay... T-t-that's cool I guess." Wilbur said, trying to calm himself down.
=30 Minutes Later=
"So Ranboo guys summoned a tree demon and Tubbo got possessed, and then Ranboo... What?" Wilbur asked as he was starting to understand.
"A demon did a ritual on Ranboo." Tommy said.
"Ugh, that was terrible, I felt like my insides were all being torn out." Ranboo shook at the thought, "Come to think of it, my stomach has been bothering me for a while now."
"You had a ritual done on you!?" Wilbur said surprised, "What happened?"
Tubbo was scrolling through his phone as he spoke, "He like... uh- grew spikes and claws and chased us around the house."
"That- that seems like a lot more than Tubbo's features..." Wilbur looked at Ranboo worriedly.
Ranboo grabbed his stomach and groaned, "Oh I feel sick."
Tubbo put his phone away, "You alright, Ranboo?"
Ranboo shivered, "Oh wait... I know this feeling."
Ranboo fell to the floor curled up in a ball, shaking. Hiding his face, his fingers growing into claws.
"Oh f***." Tubbo said.
"Run!" Ranboo gasped.
Tubbo swung around to face Tommy, "BREAK THE CIRCLE!"
Ranboo uncurled a little, revealing his face which Wilbur caught sight of.
"What the f***." Wilbur gasped and scrambled up and away from him.
Everyone backed away from Ranboo, now Tommy had broken the circle.
"How the f*** did that thing get in there?!" Tommy shouted fearfully at Tubbo.
"I don't know!" Tubbo said, grabbing Wilbur's arm and pulling him closer to Tommy.
Ranboo then stopped shaking, pushing himself off the ground, or the other thing pushed itself off the ground. The let out a roar, showing all of its teeth, the spine on Ranboo's back shaking with the roar.
"HOLY MOTHER OF-" Wilbur said, his eyes wide with terror.
The thing in Ranboo bolted towards them, claws outstretched and jaws wide open.
"F***, WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Tommy shrieked as he covered his face with his arms.
The Ranboo stopped mid-air, something grabbing it from behind. Ranboo was yanked backward out of the kitchen and into the room Ranboo had been staying in. The thing shrieked as it was pulled away.
"Holy..." Tubbo let out a breath of relief before realizing, "RANBOO!"
Tubbo ran reluctantly after Ranboo, the other two following, and the moment the three stepped into the room they regretted it. The room was distorted, large, and wider than it had been, and there in the center stood the spirit that must have been the gatekeeper. It was huge. An inky giant of shadow, and Ranboo at its center.
"Oh, we're completely scr*wed." Tommy said bluntly.
"Hexis!" Tubbo said, his eyes closing and he turned around to face Tommy and Wilbur. "Alright, we're going to execute The Plan."
"Plan?" Wilbur asked, Tommy quickly explaining.
"One of you has to hold the bell, one has to be at the door." Hexis stated, and Wilbur the bell. "Can't be both, and have to be prepared. Tell Tubbo after I swap."
Wilbur looked at the bell, thinking he preferred this job anyways. Tommy was ready to bolt towards the door too, he knew it was easier on Wilbur to hold the bell. Tommy caught Tubbo just as he fell limp, Tubbo waking a moment later.
"What did they say?" Tubbo asked, Tubbo seeing the bell in Wilbur's hand.
"Plan time." Tommy said, Tubbo nodded, and took a deep breath in.
"Alright, it's time!" Tubbo said and turned to stare with all his might at the Phantom in front of him. "SAY THE WORD!"
Wilbur nodded, Tommy ready to bolt as soon as Tubbo was in this 'trance'.
"TEMPARISTHORN!" Tommy shouted, and then bolted for the glass doors that lead to Tubbo's backyard.
Wilbur watched as Tubbo swapped and thorny vines grew like horns out of his head. Vines were growing everywhere on Tubbo, his arms, legs, and out of his back. The vines didn't seem to damage Tubbo's clothes though. Then Hexis shot towards the phantom-like a bullet, knocking the beast every which way. While Wilbur just watched, the bell in hand. It wasn't long till Hexis had knocked the spirit out, Ranboo's limp body falling to the ground and Tommy swinging the doors open, while Wilbur rang the bell. The fight was over in a matter of minutes. Tommy and Wilbur rushed over to Tubbo and Ranboo as the distorted room shrank back to normal.
"Woah." Hexis said to the two before falling to the ground exhausted. "I think I'll switch back, it'll be easier on his body anyways."
Wilbur and Tommy waited for Tubbo to wake up, Wilbur rushing over to Ranboo's side. Tommy watched, not knowing what Wilbur had found. Wilbur hadn't noticed either till he'd gone over to check on Ranboo. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized Ranboo wasn't breathing. Wilbur crumpled, his hands covering his face as if he was embarrassed. Then Tommy confused as to why Wilbur was crumpled up like that, walked over and realized the same.
"He can't be..." Tommy backed away from Ranboo's body and turned back to Tubbo not wanting to look at Ranboo's body anymore.
Wilbur joined Tommy by Tubbo's side a little later, after he'd stopped crying.
=14 minutes later=
Tubbo sat up feeling very sore like he'd just slept scrunched up in a box for 3 hours.
"What happened?" Tubbo asked, "Did we win?"
"Yeah, bu-" Tommy began, but then stopped.
Tubbo looked to Wilbur then, "What? What's wrong?"
Wilbur looked away, his gaze tearing at the ground, and he was shaking a little too.
"Can someone tell me what's wrong?" Tubbo begged, looking around suddenly. "And where's Ranboo?"
At that question Tommy let out a smothered sob, turning away so that no one could see his face. He wasn't one to cry, and he wasn't going to cry now. He was too much in shock in the first place. Tubbo felt a terrible feeling crawl into his stomach, and he saw Ranboo's body not too far from where he was.
He can't. I won't allow this. It's impossible, that's not how this was supposed to end. What will I do? What will happen when his parents-
And that was it, Tubbo merely dropped back to the floor. He hadn't gotten up completely yet so it didn't really hurt. Although Tubbo couldn't tell if it had. He was too deep in shock, his brain couldn't process a single thing that was happening other than the sight of Ranboo's body.
Wilbur and Tommy looked back at Tubbo when they heard him hit the floor, "TUBBO!"
The two quickly came to his side, shaking him and screaming his name. While Tubbo couldn't see or hear anything. It was all a blur and fuzzy noises to him. Then a second or two later he found himself in ghost form. Tubbo didn't really move though, he just lay there looking at his body. He could see clearly now, although everything still sounded muffled.
Mmmm... I wonder if Ranboo will become a ghost... That would be nice... Maybe we could still talk then? Maybe...
Then something moved in the corner of Tubbo's vision, it looked kinda like another ghost. It was translucent like himself, but it was a purple color instead of yellow. Tubbo turned his head to get a better look at it, sitting straight up in surprise.
That looks like Ranboo when he's all... Ghosty!
Tubbo stood up, floating over to the figure.
"It is Ranboo!" Tubbo said to himself,
He was happier now since he got to see Ranboo, but still had that dread feeling in his stomach. This might be the last time he got to see him...
"RANBOO!!!" Tubbo yelled, coming up to his side.
Ranboo didn't respond.
"Ranboo?" Tubbo asked quieter now.
Tubbo floated in front of him, looking at his face. His eyes looked out of focus like he was daydreaming.
Tubbo poked at him, "Ranboo? Ranboo, are you there?"
Ranboo blinked like he was waking up from a dream. Looking around slowly before fully coming to.
Ranboo's eyes went wide, "Tubbo! Tubbo you're okay, right? What happened!?"
Tubbo stood there confused and worried for a moment.
Does he not know he's dead?
"So are you dead?" Tubbo said aloud accidentally.
Ranboo looked Tubbo up and down, then at himself.
"ARE WE DEAD!?" Ranboo screamed.
"I'm not dead." Tubbo said bluntly, and Ranboo looked at him confused.
"Then what did you mean?" Ranboo questioned.
"Well, I thought you were dead-dead!" Tubbo explained, "I'm just a ghost right now."
"But aren't ghosts dead people?" Ranboo asked, Tubbo floated back over to his body.
"I'm an undead ghost, I can wake up whenever, I'm just unconscious in the normal world right now." Tubbo said, "I think."
Ranboo stared at Tubbo's body and then stared very horrified at his own.
"How do you get back, or wake up, or whatever?" Ranboo asked, floating over to his body.
Tubbo lay back inside his body, "You just get back inside it."
Tubbo then woke back up on the floor, Wilbur and Tommy giving him surprise looks as he sat up. It was clear they thought he was dead. Tommy looked like he was on the verge of crying, and Wilbur was. Tubbo, very one-mindedly, ignored them and quickly ran over to Ranboo's body.
Please don't let him be dead. Please don't let him be dead.
Ranboo groaned suddenly, shaking a little before grabbing his head and sitting up.
"UuuOOOooh, I feel like I've just had my brain and organs ripped out... Uguuff." Ranboo moaned and looked at Tubbo.
"Thank f***ing Jesus that you're okay!" Tubbo cried, and hugged Ranboo as hard as he could.
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