《The Will Of The Cat》Chapter Two: The Very Next Day


Johny awakens from his slumber around 8:30 in the morning. Still groggy, he gets up and grabs a change of clothes from his drawer. He then walks across the hall to the bathroom, brushes his teeth, washes up, and changes his clothes. Nearly ready for the day, he puts on his shoes and walks into the kitchen.

"Happy birthday!", his parents greet in unison as he walks into the room.

"Thank you", he responds with a smile.

Seeing that breakfast was made he grabs a plate and a fork.

"How'd you sleep?", his father asks grabbing a newspaper and a cup of coffee off of the counter.

"Pretty well. I had a weird dream though. I was in this open field surrounded by trees and the only other thing there was this slender white figure. It was completely pale and didn't have a face, only a mouth. And it was just standing there, staring at me through this fog, saying with a cold voice, chanting over and over, something like, '', 'I don't want to hurt you', and 'Get '. The dream ended after that thing began screeching and breaking down, then started to run towards me on all fours", Johny recalled with a shiver before continuing to serve himself breakfast.

His parents both looked at him then each other mortified.

"Pretty well? Weird dream?", they thought to themselves. "How did you...? Sounds more like a nightmare than a dream".

"Was there anything else that happened in this 'dream'?", his father spoke up.

"No, not that I really remember", he answered casually.

He then sits down placing his two steaming plates of eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast, sausage, and pancakes on the table next to a glass of orange juice.

"That creature sounds really scary. Let's hope it was just a dream", his mother comments.

"Yeah", his father replies.

"I don't know. It didn't scare me, it just made me feel sad for it. It kind of sounded like it was in pain", Johny said with a bit of sorrow in his eyes.

"Hmm", they responded looking somber.

"Don't worry about it right now. It's your birthday! Have fun! Let's eat!", his mother consoled.

After a moment passed, she then gave him a sympathetic, loving hug.

"Mom!", he whined cheering up.

"Let me join in on the fun!", his father chimed in.

He then wrapped his arms around his family, ruffling through Johny's hair.



"We love you", they respond before letting go and taking a seat.

Pure happiness then filled all their faces as they began to return to eating.


They all finished their meals and began discussing plans for the day.

"So me and your father had a few surprises for the day. The first surprise is teaching you about energy manipulation! Are you ready?", his mother began ecstatically.

"Umm... ", Johny started.

His father then intervened, putting his index finger to his mouth, grinning widely.

"Let's surprise her!", his dad mouthed not making a sound.

Johny immediately understood.

"Yeah", he answered winking at his father with a smile.

His mother didn't seem to notice. They all then stood up and went outside, Johny and his father making secret plans to each other.

"Okay, let's start", his mother begins.

"You probably have never heard of energy manipulation. It is the ability to use, create, or destroy energy. This energy; chi, or ki, comes from everything. It flows through your seven chakras and throughout your body. The seven chakras are the spatial chakra, the sight chakra, the sound chakra, the air chakra, the fire chakra, the water chakra, and the earth chakra", she explained pointing out all the chakras.

"Uhh...", Johny hesitated.

"Never heard of those...", he laughed nervously.

"Or you can simply imagine your entire body going numb and close your eyes visualizing small rainbow-like translucent orbs floating around. You can also do this while meditating, along with clearing your head", his father described.

"Hmm", Johny thought it over.

"Alright, so does that mean I should meditate?".

"Yeah, probably. If you want", his father responds.

"I think I'll just skip a few steps in this process", Johny answers creating a fireball and intensifying the wind around him, fueling the flame.

His mother stared at him completely perplexed, and then just laughed. Johny looked at his father confused. His father was now beginning to understand as a smile lit up his face.

"So you know how to use fire now too?", his mother asked with a smile.

Before he could even respond, she continued.

"I wonder who taught you that?", she said sarcastically looking at his father.

"He's a fast learner, what can I say?", the father replies.

Johny then realized, his mother had known all along. She knew he could manipulate energy.

"Aww, how'd you figure it out?", Johny moaned as he lowered his hand.


"When you were younger, I saw you spending countless hours, imprisoned, meditating in your room or trying to create an energy ball. Then a few years ago, I sensed an increase in the energy around the house and decided to look around. Then, when I looked in the backyard, you had created a small ball of wind. I noticed a few other times after that, when you were testing out your abilities, but I really figured it out when I heard you and your father making plans", she described.

"Aww...", Johny and his father whined in unison.

"I'd still like to see it though", she piped in.

The guys faces lit up as they lifted their hands and began to grow dandelions and flowers of all assortments and colors. The entire yard was then covered in more color, beauty, and fragrance than before.

She smiled in delight.

"Thank you. It's beautiful", she fawned.

They just stood there and admired their work.

After a moment passed the mother spoke up, "So are you ready to continue training?".

"Yeah", Johny said confidently.

Then off into the forest they went.


The area that was near decimated the day before was now fully restored and near thriving with color. They were on opposite sides of the clearing. Johny on one, his parents on the other.

Johny began the training session by sending off jolts of lightning.

Colliding with a wall of air, they dispersed into nothingness. Johny's father began the counter attack by sending off streams of air currents towards Johny, his son barely being able to interweave himself between each attack. Dodging all of them he sends off bullets from levitating rocks. Rushing forward, his mother quickly deflects all of them and goes straight for a kick. Johny ducks just in time just to see another hit coming towards him. Shocked his mother was going for another direct attack, he jumps back and creates a wall of stone. Catching himself just barely, he sees the punch go straight through the wall.

Completely startled he quavers,"I didn't think this was gonna get physical".

"Well show me all you've got then", his mother challenges taking a stance.

His father just stood in the background now, observing quietly.

Johny then responded,"Umm... I guess I have no choice".

He then went forward with a kick. Blocking it with her forearm, she countered with another kick of her own. Doing a somersault backwards, Johny dodges and creates a stone pillar, sending it towards his mother. Evading by jumping back, she sends off a blast of wind, which nearly sent him flying, but he blocked with an air shield. Landing, he begins a full on sprint towards his mother, creating multiple attacks on his way. Starting to build up a ball of energy, his mother takes aim. Combining all the attacks he created, he sends off an explosive attack. His mother competes against it with her energy ball. The force of both of them destroying the ground underneath them, leaving a trail. They collide in between the two, causing all the energy from each attack to spread, hitting each other with enough force to send both Johny and his mother flying backwards. Both landed gracefully and Johny prepared for another frontal assault.

"Tag me in!", his father ushers from the side of Johny's mother.

"Okay, just don't hurt him", she worried.

"I'm pretty sure I can't do more than you did, and why would I hurt him?",his father replies walking forward.

"Hey! I wasn't going to hurt him. I just wanted to see how strong our little boy is",she pouted.

"I know, I'm just teasing. I want to see as well. I don't think he's showing us everything he can do though",his father stated.

Johny thought to himself,"What?! They want to see I'm not sure if even I could handle that!".

Johny began to take deep breaths, preparing himself for whatever chaos may unfold.

His father went about 300 meters away from Johny, then took a stance.

"Put everything you got into this next one", his father notions.

Johny stood for a moment, gathering up all his energy. Then he charged, breaking the ground with each step he took, moving faster than he's ever gone before. Within a second he created a massive ball of wind in one hand and a condensed one in the other. Sending the large attack into the ground, his father creates an instant shield surrounding him. Soaring high above his father, he descends onto the shield. It shatters without issue. Johny was inches away from his father, another barrier between them. His mother barely saved his father from whatever destruction the attack would have caused him. This second shield lasted, but just barely. Johny lands a few meters away, a crater surrounding his father. Sudden exhaustion filled Johny and he collapsed, his parents rushing towards him.

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