《Last chances (bechole fanfic)》Suprise, suprise


Chloe's pov

From a distant you could see a petit yet tough girl leap with joy across the emerald field as her now assuming ex-boyfriend laughed at her enthusiasm, so guessing according to the way they were both smiling and giggling, whatever they talked about was good?

"ok what just happened, you guys are giggling way more then usual, infact Beca I've never even heard you giggle" I said hoping they would answer my question. The worry kept building up inside me like a bubbling pot of tea about to spill over with no return.

"Umm... stuff" was what Jessie replied with sending a 'hehe we awesome' type of smirk to Beca before a little voice I might have heard before spoke from behind

"Hi so-o uh I uh Hi wait I already said that, you know what never mind" then it hit me it was the new girl Amy helped earlier the one who was auditioning for the acapella groups on campus.

"I'm Emily , Emily junk" she said her voice laced with nervousness and a hint of glistening excitement.

"WAIT JUNK AS IN KATHERINE HIGHEST VOCAL RANGE IN BARDEN BELLAS JUNK?" I completely forgot Beca and Jessie we're standing next to me and from all the stares I think screamed a little to loud but honestly I couldn't care, I was standing in the presence of a legacies well legacy

"Um yea but can you tone down the excitement I'm probably not as good, so don't expect anything for it bitch, OMG SORRY I DON'T KNOW WHY I SAID THAT" she looked like she was on the edge of tears

"I'm just really scared, and nervous wait that's basically the same thing, shot I'm supposed to look cool not like a total goofball" I think the last part of her little mini break down wasn't supposed to be said out loud and you could see her face turning red at the realisation of what she just said.


"Hey it's fine we are the ones who should be nervous" I said hoping it would calm her down. I don't know why she was so scared but it was kinda cute

"Ok I don't wanna sound rude but what's a legacy?" Beca said I almost forgot she was there then I realised she was staring at me with what seemed like a hint of jealousy but why, I only got eyes for her even if Emily was cute she wasn't my type I only have one and that's Beca Mitchell. I don't think I realised how sucked into my thoughts I had just got because Aubrey finished explaining what a legacy was to Beca and was now calling my name several times.

"CHLOE HELLO ANYONE AT HOME" she screamed snapping me out of my trance

" yes yes hello what who potato" was all I could say before we all burst into laughter, laughing at how lost I got staring at Beca

"Hey chlo I think you need to take a seat, cause you look a little pale" said Beca as she placed a hand on my forehead my skin burning from her touch

"Omg chlo your hot and I don't mean that like I normally would, I think you have a fever, come on your coming to my room" she mentioned as she grabbed for my hand not giving me time to protest

"Bye guys looks like my mother has possessed Becky boo" her hand still holding onto my arm my skin loving her ice cold touch as she dragged me into her room


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