《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》38. A beautiful mess



"The dresses! I want this, and that and that too and this in 3 colors!" We switched the roles- now I was a 5-year-old with sparkling eyes throwing a tantrum in a toy shop.

He chuckled, "Buy whatever you want baby but out of all, 3 dresses would be of my choice. Done?"

"Whyyy?" I gave him a suspicious look.

"Just like that" he smirked.

"No no no." Too risky. Nope.

"Baby..." There he goes again! This bitch using his powers against me!

"Ok ok fine. Now buzz off." I stuck my tongue out at him and kind of ran towards the dresses section.

"It's gonna be fun." Jimin bit his lower lip and walked towards the anonymous section.

I plopped myself down on the bed with a thud and an exhausted sigh left my mouth. "I'm tired" I mumbled particularly to no one.

Jimin chuckled. "So soon?" He placed all the shopping bags on the table near the wall, except one. "Get up"

He offered me his hand.

"Why?" I turned to the other side.

"Try these."

I peeked behind to see him pointing at the bag he was holding.

"What's this?" I completely forgot about the deal. He gave me a blank look. "Oh" and then it struck me. "Later" I turned again wanting to take a quick nap before dinner.

"Hurry and get up or else." He tried to threaten me.

"Else what?" I narrowed my eyes, sending him a glare. He put the bag on the bedside table and kneeled down on the bed. He pointed both of his fore fingers towards me and started moving them. "Oh-" oh God no. I seriously hate tickles and to top that, I'm 10 times more sensitive due to pregnancy these days. "Ok ok I am getting up!"

I jumped out of the bed, picked up the bag from the table and rushed to the dressing room. "Hey! Take me with you!" He shouted from behind, rushing after me. But thankfully, I was fast enough to slam the door shut on his face.

"Ha!" I mocked, chuckling afterwards. I peeked inside the bag to find nothing out of ordinary. It was a plain black t-shirt with something scribbled on it in white. "What? If he wanted to buy me a plain shirt, why did he ask for the deal?" I quickly changed into it and walked out. "Here" I stood there like a homeless person.

There was a smirk on his face. "What?" I couldn't understand. It was a plain black t-shirt with something scribbl- I rushed towards the mirror. "What the fu-"

'I have a husband. I love only my husband. I am not fat. I am pregnant because my husband loves me too much'

"Now that's something I would love you to wear every day." There was a proud look on his face.

"They make these!? Like for real?" I was confused, who the fuck even thought of manufacturing these!?


"Yes honey, they do."

"Cringe af." I was disgusted to say the least. Whoever designed this should resign immediately.

Jimin clicked a few pics of me in that shirt. And I posed a little for him, you know the infamous middle finger and emotionless look. "Time for the next one." He handed me another bag.

I whined a little and proceeded for the next one. Only two dresses more, you can do it.

I undressed myself, throwing a few curses at him and opened the bag. The first thing that left my mouth was, "Awww." and the second was, "What the fuck."

It was a cute panda onesie- very cute tbh but I am way too old for this! Nonetheless, I wore it and stomped my foot outside. "Here." I was not really happy with this one either.

As if Jimin read my mind, he cupped my cheek. "Didn't like this one either?" I narrowed my eyes at him. Is that even a question? "Wait, I'll make you fall in love with this one." I was confused. Like how? By bringing even the worst one? He brought a bag and gave me. "Open it."

"What's this? Third dress?" He didn't bother to reply and just smiled. I opened the bag and my jaw dropped, eyes almost teared up and I stammered because of the excitement. "Is this- is this a mini-" I couldn't even speak. He smiled and brought one more bag. But this one, he opened himself.

"And this one is for me." I was speechless. This was the best dress he gave me- no- the best one I ever got. He bought family onesies. One for me, himself, and our baby. "When our baby will come into this world and we will go for our first picnic- we will wear these." He smiled. I hugged him instantly.

"Thank you, baby. Thank you so much." How can someone be so thoughtful!? I just wanted to kiss him all over the face.

"Don't thank me yet, baby." Maybe I was just assuming but his voice sounded cocky and my instincts immediately alerted me. "Go for the next one. Hurry up." He handed me the next bag and literally pushed me towards the dressing room.

"Calm your tits, human. Don't forget you are dealing with a pregnant woman right now." I gave him a death glare and locked the door behind me. The sudden change in my mood- feeling like kissing him all over the face to punching him right on his dick within a second. Yep, pregnancy indeed does wonders. But honestly, I was a little relieved seeing the plain t-shirt with nonsense scribbled on it and the panda onesie. It's still better than the horrors I imagined he would buy me- like a sexy lingerie lol.

Okay. Spoke too early. In barely a minute, I was seeing my horrors unfolding right in front of me and that too in the worst way possible. A black lacey lingerie. Sorry, my bad- black lacey see through lingerie, you could literally tell the colour of my nipples!


"Oh my good lord heavens." I mumbled. Though Jimin has seen me naked hundreds of times but being half naked that too in this body- "I can't." I mumbled.

"Baby, you okay?" I heard him from outside.

"Yes baby." Okay maybe I won't look that bad after wearing it. I quickly dressed myself up in the lingerie and took a look in the mirror. "I look like a mess." Big unshaped boobs, protruding belly, stretch marks, unshaved vagina.. it was all so embarrassing.

I heard a knock followed by a sweet, "Baby?" I wanted to cry. The man out there still looks like a greek God- handsome, beautiful, . And me?

"Jimin, I can't-" I choked.

"Baby?" His voice sounded alerted. "Baby open the door." He was concerned. Concerned at what happened to me all of a sudden. "Baby, what's wrong? Open the door please." He was literally banging the door now.

"I am a mess." I was sobbing. "I am a complete mess- this- this belly, stretch marks, unproportioned body- I look so ugly." I was sobbing, hard.

It made him a little calmer, relieved that it was not something very serious, but he was still banging on the door. "Baby, you are beautiful. You are perfect no matter what. Why are you saying this? What happened? Did someone say something to you?"

"No Jimin, I have eyes!" I yelled. "I can look at myself in the mirror. This- this body is a mess. I look so unattractive- I can't let you see me like this! I don't want you to stop loving me!" I was choking on my words. There was a silence for a few minutes, he was probably registering how bad my insecurities were.

"Honeybee, I will never stop loving you. Never. You are the woman my heart chose and will always be the one. I love , not your body." His voice was much more calmer. "And the fact that your body is changing, it's beautiful. Its the most beautiful body changes any woman can get." He was desperate, desperate to console me no matter what. "The belly and stretch marks shows that our baby is growing, it is turning into a beautiful human. You don't look like a mess, you look way more prettier because you are carrying a delicate soul inside you. Your body is catering it. You should be proud of yourself and own it." He stopped, hoping me to say something.

"Munchkin, you are a beautiful mess. My beautiful mess-" I opened the door. The moment he saw my swollen eyes, his eyes got teary.

"Jimin." I mumbled and hugged him instantly. He didn't waste even a second and embraced me tightly, as if he would loose me if he held any lighter. "I am sorry." I sobbed. "I am sorry for feeling like this."

"Hey hey it's okay, baby." He kissed me on my forehead. "It's a phase. Your hormones are all over the place. I am always here to make you feel better." He kept on pecking me on my forehead. "But remember, I love you even more than before. You got that?"

I wasn't in a condition to say anything so I just nodded. After a full five minutes of crying session, he stepped back a little. "Let me get you some water." He walked towards the jug, poured me a glass of water, and turned around. The moment he looked at me he halted in his steps.

His eyes were eyeing me like a hawk looking at his prey. They were thirsty, hungry and wild. Maintaining his wild stare, he walked towards me and handed me the glass. "Here." His voice was deep, hoarse- harsh. My legs got numb, my hands were shaking.

"Th-thanks." I mumbled out. He maintained his stare, looking deep into my soul. I was so nervous that I could literally hear my each gulp. He took the glass from my hand and kept it on the side table. There was silence. Dead silence. I could hear my nervous breaths and his raged ones.

And all of a sudden, he slammed my body against the wall behind me, wrapped his hand around my neck- choking me and came dangerously close to my ear. "How dare you?" He mumbled under his breath. "How dare you think I would stop loving you only because your body changed a little?" His hold got a little tighter but I could still breathe. "And after seeing you in this?-" He caressed the cup of my lingerie. "Can you feel it?" He took my hand and kept it on his bulge and Oh my God- he was hard. Fucking hard. I rubbed it, it was like an instinct. I pressed and caressed as it gradually got bigger. He took a sharp breath in.

"Oh God baby, you look so fucking sexy. I just wanna ruin you." He moaned, right next to my ear. I was dripping wet.

"Then ruin me. Who is stopping you, daddy?"

As if he was waiting for it, he slammed his lips against mine in a deep- passionate kiss.

"I promise, you'll beg me to stop by the end of the night."

"We will see." I bit my lower lip.

"We will see." He smirked.


Ok fuck this chapter was an emotional rollercoaster ride. But I wanted to convey you people about the normality of body insecurities. Women do get mental breakdown when their bodies start changing during pregnancy but don't worry, it's the most beautiful change out there. Trust me. And ofcourse y/n wearing a black lingerie and there would be no heat? Definitely Not possible.

Until we meet again, be prepared to wet your panties in the next one ;)

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