《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》20. Safe


He smiled in satisfaction, and looked at his girl, who watched the whole scene with wide eyes and mouth. He gave her a heart warming smile and started moving towards her. But he got confused when she didn't return the gesture and instead looked at him with fearful eyes. "Jimin!" She shouted but it was too late.

Brian hit Jimin's head with the iron rod, with which Jimin tried to attack him earlier. It wasn't much hard to draw blood out of his head but it was enough to make him stumble on his feet and fall on the ground.

Brian, instantly picked up his gun and aimed it at Jimin's forehead. He gave him an evil smirk. "Gotcha."

End of Recap~

Jimin, didn't say anything and just kept on glaring at Brian, trying to tell the man that he wasn't scared of him at all but Brian wasn't having it. He growled in anger and pushed the gun further into Jimin's forehead, causing him to lie down completely on the ground.

Brian smirked after finally seeing fear in Jimin's eyes. "That's what I wanted." He bent a little. "To see your fearful eyes when I was gonna kill you."

Jimin scoffed, but didn't say anything. He indeed was scared, not because death was in front of him but because if he died, what will happen to Y/n. Who will protect her?

"Hope you go in hell, Jimin." He smirked and got ready to pull the trigger. Jimin shut his eyes tightly, waiting for the impact but instead he heard a loud groan coming out of Brian's mouth. He opened his eyes only to see Brian, lying unconscious on the ground with blood oozing out of his head and just behind him was Y/n, standing with a metal rod in her trembling hands.

"Y/n-ah..." He whispered. Tears started falling down his face. He immediately got up and embraced the shivering girl in his arms. "Thank you so much for saving me..." He whispered while caressing her hair. She quickly threw the rod away and hugged Jimin so tightly as if her life depended on him.

"I got so scared... What if I lost you?" She said in between her sobs and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

: Protect him and gain his trust✓


100% (Completed)||

"Shhhh..." He kept his hand on the back of her head and started petting it. "Everything is okay, now. You are absolutely fine, I am absolutely perfect. Everything is good..." He whispered in her ear to calm her a little.

Suddenly, they heard a loud bang behind Jimin. Instantly, they turned around in the direction of the voice and automatically, Jimin hid Y/n behind his back in a protective manner. But both of them sighed in relief, the moment they saw police officers at the door.

"Hands up! You are under arrest!" One of the police officer, who seemed to be a leader, yelled at Jimin. Jimin was about to say something in defense when he got cut.

"No no Sir! This is not the culprit! He is my child!" Mrs. Park ran to the officer.

The officer noticed the unconscious body of Brian, lying down on the ground. "Who is he? Is he the culprit?" He asked Jimin, who gave him a light nod in answer. The officer ordered his men to arrest Brian.

Mrs. Park looked at Jimin with a lovable gaze and walked towards him. Jimin finally dragged Y/n to front. Mrs. Park's eyes widened the moment she saw Y/n, not because she saw her but because she saw her in that condition.


Y/n was only wearing her bra, her top was already ripped off by Brian. When Jimin saw her mother's reaction, he got confused. He turned his face to look at Y/n, and his eyes widened when he finally noticed her in such condition. His face got as red as a tomato, his heart beat quickened and his lips parted to let out a gasp. He wanted to savour the moment more but when he realised that other men were also in the room, he quickly took off his jacket and covered her bare skin with that.

"Here. Wear this." He said in a soft tone, and helped her to wear the jacket. Y/n quickly wore the jacket, her cheeks were burning in embarrassment.

"How are you my child?" Mrs. Park walked to Y/n and cupped her one cheek. "Are-e you hurt s-somewhere?" She asked in a concerned tone. It was difficult for her to speak without getting her voice cracked. She was so embarrased by what she did... Did she really thought that an angel like Y/n was someone like Sara..?

"I-I am so- so sorry muma." Y/n cried out. She still didn't know what her fault was, or why her mom was angry at her but all she wanted was to appologise, to make her mom love her again... "I am sorry." She hugged her mom, and Mrs. Park didn't waste even a single second to hug her back.

"Why are you sorry, my dear? I am the one who should be sorry. It is all my fault. I thought t-that... That y-you were hav-ing an affair-r with th-that guy... But I w-was so wrong... Please... Please, forgive me." Mrs. Park stepped back and held Y/n's hands in hers. She couldn't see in her daughter-in-law's eyes. She was so embarrased because of what she thought about Y/n...

"It's okay mumma. I am happy that everything is cleared now." She smiled, and hugged her mom tightly.

After Brian was taken away by the police officers, three of them also left for their house. The sun was already set so, Mrs. Park went back to her own house, whereas Jimin and Y/n went back to their own house.

After reaching home, I immediately barged into the bathroom to take a long shower. I could still feel his touch on my skin, which disgusted me more than anything.

Just by imagining, what could have happened if Jimin would not have reached there on time, my whole body started shivering and tears started oozing out of my eyes.

After I undressed myself, I stood under the warm shower and hugged myself tightly. I didn't stop my tears to fall down on my face because... It somewhat relaxed me a bit. I rubbed my shoulders slowly and whispered, "It's okay.... Everything is fine now..." in a calming tone. I tried to convince myself again and again that I was safe, but somewhere deep down, I was still scared and doubted if I was really safe?

After a long shower of around forty-five minutes, I left the bathroom only in my towel because I forgot to bring my clothes to bathroom, as the only thing that I wanted after reaching home, was to remove his scent from my body...

I was searching for the comfortable clothes in my cupboard, when suddenly, "Y/n, food is read-!" I quickly turned around only to see a wide eyed Jimin, standing on the doorsill. His cheeks were burning in embarrassment, his lips were parted in shock and his wide eyes were looking directly at mine 'towel-covered' body.


My body stiffened, I couldn't move an inch under his piercing gaze. His eyes were everywhere on my body. I clutched on my towel tighlty and gulped before speaking. "J-Jimin?" I called.

His eyes widened even more at the realization of what he was doing. Immediately, he averted his gaze and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "U-umm... Foo-d-d is rea-ready." He stuttered out his sentence and finally looked into my eyes.

He furrowed his brows and looked into my eyes with... Concentration?

"Were you crying?" He asked out of the blue. This time, it was me whose eyes widened. I quickly looked at my feet and fixed my gaze over there.

"N-no..." I stuttered. I don't know, I thought I was good at lying but... With Jimin- I just can't lie to him!

I could still feel his burning gaze at me. But thank God he didn't ask any further questions and asked me to quickly dress up and have my dinner.


After devouring my dinner with Jimin, in complete silence, I returned back to my room without saying a word. I could see in his eyes that he wanted to say something, but I was just not in a mood to talk to him. I still didn't forget what he did to me...

After applying some moisturizing cream on my face and body, I lied down on the bed and sighed in exasperation.

What is going on in my life...?

I pulled the covers over my head and tried my best to sleep.

5 minutes passed...

15 minutes passed...





I threw my blanket away and sat up abruptly. Great! Now, I can't even sleep in peace! I buried my face in my palms and felt like crying out loud. I couldn't understand what was happening with me. I wanted to know why Jimin hurt me that day, but I don't have courage to go to him and ask him about that. But.. if I didn't ask, then these thoughts would not let me sleep. And... And the fear that Brian might return back and hurt me. What if he bribed the police officer and he let him free? What if h-he came here and kidnapped me...? Wh-what if he tried t-to r-rape me aga-in...?

I felt drops of salty water fell on my cheeks. Before I could let my thoughts engulf my brain more and force me to cry again, I heard a light knock at my room's door.

I quickly wiped my tears and jumped out of the bed. Slowly, I walked towards the door and opened it a little to peek out.

"Jimin?" I asked in confusion. I completely opened the door, and looked at him with confused expression.

"Uh- hey.." he gave me a wierd smile. I could say by his expression, that he was a little shocked after seeing me awake. "Y-you are awake?" He asked. Like what kind of question was that!? If I opened the door and was standing right in front of him, so of course I was awake! And also, why did he come to my room at the first place when he already assumed that I was sleeping!?

But, of course, I didn't say anything else except a light "yeah." I stood their waiting for him to continue, waiting for him to stop fidgeting his fingers and tell me if he had some work.

"Are you busy?" He finally asked. I shook my head in response. "Umm... Can I come in?" He asked. My eyes widened in embarrassment, when I realized that I didn't even ask him to enter the room. I quickly gave him a way to enter the room. When he did, I closed the door and gestured him to sit on the bed.

We both sat on the bed, with crossed legs, opposite to each other. "What happened Jimin?" I asked, a little curious about what he wanted to talk about at 2 am.

He was continuously looking at his hands, playing with his fingers, I guess, because of nervousness. But I couldn't understand that why he was nervous. "I..." Finally, he spoke. I scooted towards him a little to hear what he wanted to say, because his voice barely came out as a whisper.

"I am sorry, Y/n-ah..." He said. And almost instantly, I understood that why he was here, and what he wanted to talk about. I didn't respond and just kept on looking at him. "I-I really didn't want to hurt you that day... It was- it was just that I was drunk and broken..." His teary eyes stared directly into mine. I could see the pain, anger, hurt, guilt- all the emotions in his eyes, and that shattered my heart into pieces. I just wanted to embrace him tightly into my arms, and never let him go. But, I controlled myself because I really wanted to know why he did that.

"But... Why did you drink so much? I never saw you drinking this much before..." I said.

He wiped the tears that fell on his cheeks and looked directly into my eyes. "That day-" he started "It was mine and Sara's anniversary. Though, we weren't together but I just wanted to clear my mind, so I went to the bar. I wanted to call you but the battery of my phone died. And I couldn't even contact you with other phone because... Because I didn't remember your number..." He looked at his intertwined hands with guilt in his eyes. I didn't say anything and asked him to continue.

He told me about each and every thing that happened that day. I guess, he didn't miss out any detail because he even told me the song on which Sara was 'dancing' with those men. I couldn't help but feel bad for him. Though, what he did was wrong and violent but after seeing his body quiver because of crying hard, I just couldn't resist the urge to embrace his frame in my arms.

I hugged him tightly and caressed his hair. I felt his body stiffen, but I didn't care. Slowly, his body melted in my embrace and he also hugged my waist tightly. "I-I am.. I am s-so sorry Y-Y/n..." He buried his face in my chest and started crying hard. "I- I promi-se I w-won't do-do that- again. Please don't ha-hate me."

"I don't hate you, Jimin-ah... And I forgive you... It's fine and stop crying, please.." I caressed his hair slowly.

"I hate her, Y/n... She pl-played with my heart... I lo-loved her so m-much and s-she-... She br-broke my h-heart..." He sobbed out.

"Jimin-ah... Somethings happen for a reason. And see the positive side of it... You fell in love with her, but you didn't marry her. Imagine, how you would have felt when you would have found her truth after marrying her. It would have been more heart breaking right?" I kept my chin on his head and petted his back.

I felt him tighten his grip more around me. "B-but still... She shouldn't have pl-played with my he-heart... All she wanted was money. If she would have asked me for money, I would have gladly given her everything... But n-no. She chose to hurt me rather than asking me for mo-mo-ney... She lef-t me al-alone..." He choked on his words.

"Jimin-ah, forget about what happened. Everything will be alright. And you aren't alone, I am here for you." I caressed his hair. "Just, forget about her. She is not worth your love and memories. You know, if you will cry for her, it will be her victory. She will get what she want. Just... Don't let her break your heart. I am here for you, and I will always be..." I am not good at consoling, not at all but I was trying my best to console him. I can't see him crying like that, especially over that b*tch who broke his heart...

He buried his head in the crook of my neck, and clinged on me like a kid. I smiled a little at his actions. He trusts me... "Thank you, Y/n..." He whispered. "Thank you for being there with me when I needed someone to comfort me... It really means a lot..."

I grinned, "Anytime, Jimin" I said out loud. "Anything for you..." I mumbled the last sentence under my breath so that he couldn't hear that.

Step 9: Help him with his problems and show him that you are always there with him. ✓ _______________________________________

100% (Completed)||

Gradually, his sobs decreased and he got a little calm. He sat up straight and ruffled his hair a bit. He wasn't able to look into my eyes, probably embarrassed because he literally cried like a five year old kid in front of me.

He cleared his throat, and then looked at me with piercing gaze. "Why were you crying earlier?" He asked, staring right into my eyes. I looked away, as I was not able to look into his eyes. "Y/n." He called my name, almost like he was warning me. "Look at me." He demanded.

Hesitantly, I looked at him but still didn't look into his eyes. My eyes were everywhere on his face, leaving his eyes. His perfect nose, sharp jaw, soft and pink cheeks, his plum lips-

"Why were you crying earlier?" Shit "Are you hurt somewhere? Did that bastard hurt you? Do you need doctor's help?" His eyes showed concern which made my heart flutter. I lightly shook my head with a smile. "Then why were you crying?"

My smile instantly dropped, and I bit on my lips in nervousness. "Y/n..." He sighed and cupped my cheeks. He forced me to look directly into his eyes, and when I did, my heart stopped beating. His eyes showed so many emotions- love, care, concern, anger... All of those emotions only for me, and I felt safe.

"Y/n, you know you can trust me, right?" His voice came out nothing more than a whisper, but still it was so determined. I gave him a light nod, still looking into his eyes. "Then tell me what happened? I promise, I will try my best to help you. Did he hurt you or... Is there some other reason?"

Almost immediately, my gaze fell on my trembling hands. I couldn't meet his eyes. I knew, I would have to tell him about everything one day or the other but I didn't knew it would be so hard to tell him about that. It's not like I willingly let him touch me, but I still felt like I cheated on Jimin... And this thought broke me, completely.

"He..." I felt a knot form in my throat. "H-he tou-touched me, Jimin. H-he k-kissed m-me so m-many tim-es." I could feel the tears running down my face like a waterfall. I was scared and guilty, and the mixture of both of these emotions was so overwhelming. "I di-didn't want him t-to tou-ch or kiss m-me, I swear, b-but he sti-ll did. I beg-g-ged him t-to stop- bu-t he ign-ignored all m-my crie-s."

I didn't know how he would react. Maybe he will get angry at me? Feel digusted, that he got a wife like me? Maybe, he blames me for what all happened? What if he shouted at me and never talked to me again? What if he thought I cheated on him?

I hugged my body tightly, and shut my eyes. "I-I can still fe-feel it. Th-the way his di-sgust-ting hands ro-amed on my bod-y. The way he tou-ched-" I choked on my words. "Tou-ched my lips an-d kiss-ed them-m almost-t dai-ly-" I couldn't control my sobs anymore, so I started crying loudly.

After reminding myself again, about what all he did to me, I couldn't control myself anymore. I could still feel his disgusting touch on my body. I was so ashamed, so heartbroken... My own friend, my friend tried to rape me...

"Y/n..." My name rolled out of his tongue with so much love, that it melted me then and there.

"Tha-nk you, Jimin. Thank-k you so much." I kept on staring at my hands, and fidgeted with my fingers in nervousness. "I- I don't kn-ow what would-d have happen-e-ed if you would n-not have come on time t-to save-" the moment I raised my head to look at him, I felt a soft and sweet pair of lips crash against mine.

My eyes widened at first, but almost instantly I melted in the kiss and tried to move my lips in the sync with his. He kissed me so slowly, so passionately, so lovingly- as if he wanted to show me all the love and affection he feels for me.

His one hand cupped my one of the cheeks, and the other one wrapped around my waist to pull me closer to his body. Without giving it a second thought, I wrapped one of my hands around his neck and entangled the other one in his hair.

I could feel his hand, the one which was wrapped around my waist, drawing small circles around my waist, as if he was trying to say that 'everything is okay' and to be honest, everything felt okay.

My mind, which was clouded by the memories of disgusting touches and kisses of Brian, were replaced by the sweet and loving touches of Jimin. I felt safe and happy at that time. It felt like, all the worries, all the problems were drained out of my body and were transferred into his.

After a while, he broke the kiss. He kept his head on mine, and caressed the skin of my cheek tenderly and lovingly. "Everything will be okay." He whispered. "I promise, I will not let any other man touch you like that, ever again..." His voice showed a hint of anger and jealousy, which surprisingly made me happy.

He cares about me.

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