《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》18. I miss you



"Where are you Y/n...?" He asked himself and suddenly he heard an announcement. ''The firecracker show is gonna start in just few minutes.'' He smiled a little and without wasting a single second, he ran away.

On the other hand Y/n was standing near the sea, waiting for the fire cracker show to start. She was missing Jimin so much as she wanted to see the show with him only...

Finally, the show started. At first, there were only a few lightings in the sky but after a few minutes the show finally started. And coincidentally, the moment the first cracker burst she heard someone say, "Found you." And... That voice was hella familiar.

End of Recap

She turned around only to see that one face, she was longing for. "Jimin..." She whispered. Unconsciously, tears started falling down her eyes... Tears of joy...

Without wasting a single second, Jimin hugged her tightly as if his life depended on her. "I missed you, Y/n-ah... I missed you so much..." He started sobbing hard and buried his face in the crook of his wife's neck. "I am so sorry... I know I am horrible but please please please forgive me..." He started caressing her head to provide her comfort even though he was the one who needed it at that time.

"J-Jimin." She choked out and hugged him tightly. People around them found the scene in front of them more interesting than the fire cracker show. They started cheering after seeing the couple hug each other so tightly. Everyone was happy except one man, Brian...

"Jimin." He whispered. He was fuming in anger and jealousy. He couldn't see love of his life in someone else's arms. He ran towards the couple and harshly pulled Jimin away from Y/n.

"Stay away from her you bastard!" He yelled, and pushed him further away from Y/n. Y/n panicked after seeing his best friend so angry and that also on her husband.

Jimin couldn't understand what was happening. He gave Brian a confused look. "Excuse me? Who are you?" He asked rudely, trying to suppress his anger.

Brian didn't reply just gave him a glare. "Y/n, What's this!?" He yelled at Y/n, who flinched at his sudden out burst. "You can't go back to him!" He gave her a look of disbelief.

"And why can't she go back with me!?" Jimin lost his patience. "And who the f*ck are you to take decisions on her behalf!?"

"Y/n-ah... You forget what he did to you?" Brian ignored Jimin and kept on talking to Y/n, who was fidgeting with her fingers in nervousness. "Y/n he tried to hurt you!" He cupped her face in his hands. "Please Y/n... Don't go back to him... Don't you have self-respect?"

"Keep your hands away from her!" Jimin yelled, after seeing someone else touching his wife.

"And who the hell are you to say that!?" Brian finally replied Jimin.

"Her "

"That's enough!" Y/n finally lost her temper. "That's for me to decide what I should do. None of you have any right to take decision for me."

They both just kept on glaring at each other, convinced by what she said. "Jimin..." She called for him.

Brian tried to protest. "But Y/n-"

"Brian." She glared at him, which immediately shut the man.

Jimin smirked and looked at Y/n and in a second his gaze softened. "Yes Y/n-ah?" He ran to her and cupped her cheeks in his palms.


"Wh-why...?" Her voice cracked.

"What why?" He asked, confused.

"Why did you hurt me...?"

"I didn't mean to hurt you Y/n, I swear!" He raised his voice a little in defense. "It's just- I was hurt and drunk... So I didn't have any control over my senses."

"Hurt? But why?"

"I-it was mine and Sara's one year anniversary-" he was cut off by Brian.

"That's it! I told you Y/n, he hurt you because of that Sara!" He shouted.

Jimin shook his head. "No Y/n, No! I just-"

"You know it was our one month anniversary as well...?" She cut him off.

"It was- it was our monthsary...? I-I-"

"You didn't know that... Right...?" She gave him a heart broken smile. "Y-you-" she choked on her words. She took a deep breath to recollect herself. "Y-you remembered that i-it was your's a-and S-Sara's on-e yea-r-r anni-versary b-bu-t... But you forgot that i-it was our one month ann-anniversary as well..." She gave him a look of both disbelief and hurt.

"Y/n-n I ca-n explain-"

"You better stay away from her you f**king a**hole!" Brian shouted and gripped Jimin by his collar.

Y/n couldn't control but to sob loudly. She kept on staring at Jimin with hurt expression, which shattered Jimin till the extent that he couldn't help the tears to fall from his eyes.

"Y/n-ah..." He whispered, while looking lovingly at the crying girl in front of him. But Y/n couldn't stay there anymore and ran away.

"Y/n-ah!" He called for her and wanted to run after her but was stopped by angry Brian.

"Stay. Away. From. Her." Brian glared at him. Jimin got so engrossed in that glaring competition that he forgot to follow Y/n.

After a bit, Brian finally left Jimin, actually he literally threw Jimin and ran in the direction where Y/n went. Jimin was so taken aback by Y/n's hurt expression, that her hurt face was still lingering inside his head. So, he didn't even think of following Brian to reach Y/n and kept on standing at his place, broken.



"I can't believe that I literally lost Y/n because of that a**hole! He didn't let me to talk to Y/n at all!" I came back to my home, where I was tell- shouting out my conversation with Y/n to Tae. I was really pissed at that jerk who didn't let me to talk to Y/n at all!

"Jimin calm down." Tae tried to pull me to couch, beside him so that I could sit and stop pacing back and forth on his head.

"He was behaving as if he was her HUSBAND!" I yelled.

"Jimin can you sit down now please." Tae repeated his words for the hundredth time, in an irritated tone.

"No Tae! I can't rest! My Y/n is-" I paused.

Did I just said... "My Y/n..."

I don't know why I am feeling like a really important part of mine has been taken away from me... I never felt this way before... I-I know it's just guilt... It's just- Y/n is my best friend and I hurt her, that's why I am so upset. I am missing her- No!... I just want to bring her back home so that I could appologise nicely. I don't love-...


But no one ever said that I love her... Then, why the hell this thought came into my mind and... Why was I so hurt when I saw her with that man... Is it really just guilt or-


"Jimin?" I snapped back to reality when Sam called me.

"Yeah?" I absentmindedly answered her. I was still trying to figure out what I was feeling at that time and what feelings I have for Y/n...

"Jimin!?" She raised her voice.

"Y-yeah?" I finally payed attention.

"I asked you something..."

"Wh-what? I am so sorry, Sam.. I was just-" I ran my hand through my hair locks in frustration. "Can you please repeat yourself?"

She gave me a sympathetic smile. "What is the name of that boy?" She repeated her question.

"Name...?" I didn't really ask for that bastard's name but I guess... Y/n spoke his name once... What was that...? Bon? Ryan? Brand?

"Umm... I don't actually remember his name... But I guess it was something like... Ryan or something matching to it. Maybe Brand... Bri- Bro-"

"Brian?" She asked, a little shocked.

"Yeah! That was the name!" I smiled but I got confused when I saw her worried expression.

"What happened, Sam? Are you okay?" Tae asked her, a little worried after seeing the sudden change in her expression.

"Yeah- I just- I-" She stuttered.

"You know Brian?" I inquired. She gave me a little nod as well as a sympathic smile...? "Wh-who is he?" I don't know why, but I stuttered out the question.

"He...-" She walked towards me and dragged me to the couch beside her. When we both became comfortable, I looked at her to ask her to continue. "He is one of Y/n's old best friend and also... The one who loves Y/n madly..." She whispered out the last sentence but I still heard her. My blood started boiling after listening that.

"B-but- How can Y/n still be with him!?" I yelled. Even though I know that it was a senseless question but due to rage, I lost my sense of thinking properly.

"S-she doesn't know about that..." She stammered, maybe scared because of my sudden outburst. I regretted yelling at her so, instead of asking her more questions I simply ran my hand through my locks, exasperated.

"Then how do you know?" Tae asked her. I looked at her, expecting an answer.

"In college, once he asked me to help him to propose Y/n. On that day, he explained me about each and every feeling he has towards Y/n and that day I realised how much he loves Y/n and can go to any extend for her." She sighed. "He asked me to promise him to never tell about this to Y/n... And I promised." She looked at me. "And after that he went to America and I thought his chapter was close now... But I never thought he will be back..."

I got scared after listening to her words... What if he hurt her... I swear if that guy tried to do anything, I will f*cking kill him!

"But don't worry Jimin. I am sure of one thing, that no matter what... He will never hurt Y/n." She smiled.

I nodded, still scared of what will happen in the future.

You better be safe Y/n-ah... Please take care of yourself...


It's been 9 damn days after that incident and it still hurt the same. I haven't spend even a single day, no single minute without thinking about him...

Why... Just why you had to hurt me like that...? Wasn't my love enough...? Is Sara really way more better that me that no matter what you cannot forget her... That you even tried to hurt me...?

I have been spending my each day, crying in the corner of my room, curled up in a ball. I don't even keep a track of time, I don't even know if it is day or night be-because... All I do is mourn over my loss... Loss of my love... Loss of my trust...

It's not like Brian didn't do anything. He literally did everything that he could to make me smile again but... I just can't... How can I smile when my smile, my happiness is so far away from me....?

I love you, Jimin-ah... And I will always love only you...

*Knock knock*

I looked at the door, only to see a guy with bright grin on his face.

"What do you want now, Brian?" I asked in a little irritated tone. Can't he understand the meaning of 'I want to spend sometime alone.'

"See what I brought for you!" He skipped to me, being all jumpy and cheerful. If it would have been any other day, I would have laughed my a*s off but unfortunately... Today I wasn't in the mood...

He show me a large cup of ice cream. "Tada~ look what I brought! Caramel chocolate chip! It's one of the best ice cream you will ever eat, trust me!"

Usually, I would have jumped only on the mention of the ice cream but today... One tear fell, then second and slowly a long chain of tears followed... I started sobbing hard.

Beautiful flashback of the time, Jimin and I spend together came rushing into my mind.


"Let's eat some ice cream." Jimin held my hand and dragged me to one of the ice cream parlor

"Which one do you want?" Jimin asked.

"Umm... I am not able to decide." I put my hands on my hips. "I want Caramel chocolate chip but I also want Cherry chocolate chip." I pouted.

"Well, I can't allow you to take two. You may catch cold. It's not that I care for you but I don't want mom to be angry at me. She cares a lot for you." He said.

I looked at Jimin and then again at the menu. "Fine! I'll go with Cherry chocolate chip!"

"Please give one Cherry chocolate chip and one Caramel chocolate chip." Jimin ordered. I looked at him. "What? I like Caramel." He said in a defensive tone.

After taking our ice creams, we took a seat opposite to each other. "Is it good?" I asked. He was smiling while eating his ice cream. I guess it was really good. I should have ordered that one!

"Yessss. It's amazing!" He smiled like a child.

"I knew it! I should have ordered that one!" I looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Wanna taste?" He asked and lifted up his cup.

"Yes!" I jumped up.

He passed me his ice cream. "Here, try it." I blinked. He was serious about giving me his ice cream to try?

I passed mine to him. "You can also try it." I took his ice cream and ate. It was amazing! The ice cream melted in my mouth and the mixture of caramel and chocolate was amazing! I closed my eyes for a minute and enjoyed the lovely flavours.

I opened my eyes and saw Jimin also eating my ice cream. "It's amazing!" I said.

"I told you." He said while still eating my ice cream.

"Here. Take it." I offered him his ice cream back.

"Keep it. I like your's more so I will eat this one." He said. He didn't even look at me. I was confused. I thought he liked caramel more then cherry. And my ice cream was not that good.

"But..." I started.

"Did you like your's more than mine?" He asked. Finally, he looked at me.

"No... Your's is better."

"So, just eat it...


Tears started falling down my face like a waterfall... I can't... I just can't live without him...

"Y/n!? You okay!?" Brian asked in a worried tone. "What happened? You don't like this flavour...? No worry, I will get you a new one but don't cry please...!"

"No Brian... I am more than fine now..." I smiled. "I have decided..."

"What... Have you decided...?" He asked.

"I will go back to Jimin." I said.

"What?" He asked, bewildered. "No!" He yelled.


"No! I mean- no! You can't! Don't you remember what he did!?" He was looking at me with an expression which was a mixture of shock and... Horror...?

"I know, Brian but... I should at least give him one chance to explain to me... I am sure there must be a reason... Jimin will never hurt me... Never..." I smiled, only at the thought of my husband probably waiting for me at home...


No... No...! No! NO! I can't- No! I can't let her go now! No! Y/n is mine and only mine... She can't leave me... No! It's in our destiny to be together and... No one has the right to change that. She is mine and only mine. I will never let her go away from me even if it means that I will have to keep her with me by force.

"No..." I mumbled... "No... You can't leave me like that..."

"What...?" She asked, looking at me a little confused.

"Can't you hear me!?" I yelled at her, which made her flinch. "You can't f*cking leave me! I will never let you go back to him!" I lost my patience, my temper, my facade of being nice and angelic... I lost it all. The fear of loosing the love of my life made me insane...

"The hell are you speaking Brian!? Have you lost it!?" She yelled back.

I grabbed her shoulders tightly which made her gasp. " Can't you see Y/n-ah... Can't you see how much I love you...?" I could feel my cheeks getting wet, which means I was crying...

"You have got insane, Brian! Just leave me and let me go already!" She struggled in my grip, but I embraced her and didn't let her escape.

"No... I won't let you go anywhere... You are mine and only mine... You will always stay only with me..." I backed up a little to look into my baby's beautiful eyes. "We will always live together... Even if that means I will have to keep you with me by force..." Her eyes widened at my last words. I smirked after seeing her shocked and scared expression.


To be continued...


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