《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》17. Past



"Y/n-ahhhhh!" I ran through the corridor of our college at my full speed. "Y/n-ahhhhh!!!!" The moment I saw her, I picked her up in my arms and spun her around.

"Ahhh!! Brian the hell are you doing!?" She shouted in panic and started struggling in my hold. I stopped spinning as I started feeling dizzy and put her down on the ground. "Wohhaaa. Calm down boy...- Breath in, Breath out." She started moving her hands up and down, gesturing me to breath.

I did what she asked me to do and finally, I calmed down. "Now say what happened?" She crossed her arms against her chest.

I looked at her with excited eyes. "Y/n-ahhhhh!!!!" I hugged her tightly and started swaying our bodies back and forth.

"Yah Brian stop squeezing me!" She tried to get out of my hold.

"Guess what Y/n!?" I finally let her go and held both of her hands in mine. I started swinging our hands right and left like five year old besties. "I finally got the admission in the University!!!" I cheered.

"University? Aren't you already studying in one?" She gave me a confused look.

Aish... Acting as if she really doesn't know what I meant...

"Really Y/n? You know I am talking about one of the best universities in America for higher studies." I gave her a wierd look. She started laughing.

"Just kidding, just kidding." She waved her palm. "But-" she looked at me with wide and bright eyes. "Ahhhhhh!!! You finally got the admission!" She held both of my hands in hers and started jumping.

I mirrored her actions. "Ahhhh!!! I can't believe I am gonna fulfill all my dreams!" I hugged her tightly.

Silently, I kept on holding her in my embrace. Tears started streaming down my face. Maybe she realised that something was wrong with me.

"Brian... You okay?" She petted my back to gain my attention.

"Y/n-n-ah." I started sobbing. "I don't wanna go..." I hid my face in the crook of her neck and started crying hard.

"B-Brian.... Don't cry.. please. It's okay..." She caressed my hair. "Everything will be fine..."

"B-but... I am scared. I don't know anyone there and... I don't want to leave you alone." I hugged her tight, if even it was possible. "What if something happened *sniff* t-to you..." *Sniff*

"Something to me!? And stop wiping your nose with my clothes you moron!" She again tried to get out of my hold but I held her tightly and started laughing.

"No. never." I rubbed my nose on her clothes to irritate her more.

She also started laughing hard. "I hate you!" She hit on my head.

"But I love you~"


"What?" She asked, bewildered because of my sudden confession.


After a few minutes, I left her and backed off a little. I cupped both of her cheeks with my hands and stared directly into her eyes.

"Y/n..." I whispered. "I love you, Y/n..." I said in an intense tone.

'I love you with all my heart, with all my might. I wanna stay with you forever. I want to solve all your problems. I want to watch late night movies with you, I want to cook with you and for you. After waking up in the morning, I want you to be the first person I see. I-I wanna kiss you so bad... I want a beautiful daughter of ours... I want OUR daughter to call YOU mom and ME dad... I love you so so so damn much...'


I wanted to say all of this so bad... I wanted to tell her about everything what I feel for her... But... After seeing her shocked face... I just couldn't...

"Pfftttt!" I started laughing loudly.

"Wha-what?" She gave me a confused look.

So cute...

"Yo-your face!" I started acting. "So funny!" I pretended as if tears started streaming down my face due to laughing hard.

"Brian!!!" She whined and started hitting me.

"Ou-ouch." I ran away from her. "You really thought I love you in that way!? I love you as a friend, pabo!" I shouted.

"You are so dead today, Brian!" She glared at me and ran after me.

I love you, Y/n... I love you so much...


After three months, I went to America to study. I was upset and heart broken because I couldn't confess my love to her but if I give this a second thought, I guess it's for good. Right now, I am not rich enough to provide Y/n a luxurious life. I will study hard in America and earn a lot of money so that when I will see Y/n again after five years, I will have enough money to provide her a luxurious life and also we will be old enough to marry each other.

You are only mine and I am only yours, Y/n-ah... I promise that I will always protect you...


Now, I have returned back after five years only for you, only to keep the promise that I made... To tell you about my feelings, to marry you... Bu-but this is how I find you... Y/n-ah.. where are you my Y/n-ah... This is not the Y/n I knew... My Y/n was a cheerful and happy person... But no-now, you barely smile. I thought that afer meeting me after so long you will be very happy or probably even hug me tightly but... You didn't do anything...

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that it was already evening. When my stomach grumbled due to hunger, then I realized that I haven't eaten anything since morning.

I ordered two pizzas, because Y/n loves Pizza. I wanted to talk to her but I thought that I should give her a little more time.

Till then I changed my clothes, chose a nice movie for us to watch together, poured red wine in two glasses as she likes wine and switched off all the phones present in the house. I didn't want anyone to disturb us...

After sometime the bell rang, I received the pizza and after thanking the delivery man, closed the door. I kept the pizzas on the table and finally decided to 'greet' her again.

I knocked at the door of her room expecting her to reply but she never did. I knocked again, but silence.

I panicked a little.

Maybe she is sleeping...?

I opened the door, and thankfully it wasn't closed. I found her lying on the bed with closed eyes. I couldn't help a smile to creep up on my face after seeing her peaceful and beautiful face.

"Y/n-ah..." I softly called for her. "Y/n-u wake up." I kept one of my hands on her cheek.

She was burning!

"Y/n!" This time I shouted a little. "Y/n wake up!" I shook her body, lightly slapped her cheek to wake her up but to no avail. I immediately checked her temperature with the help of a thermometer and it read !

I brought a glass of ice cold water and sprinkled some of it on her face. She scrunched her face because of the water... But at least she moved....


"Y/n-u... Wake up..." I shook her body a little and fortunately this time she responded. Slowly, she opened her beautiful eyes and started looking at the surrounding as if trying to figure out the place.

Finally, her eyes fell on me and I passed her a little smile. "Hey beautiful... How are you feeling...?" I asked while caressing her hair.

"Not good." She said in a hoarse voice. I chuckled at her voice. "Yahh!" She laughed a little and looked outside the window. "Oh... It's already night?"

"Mhm... Since when are you unconscious. Any idea?" I asked, still caressing her hair.

"I don't know... The last thing I remember is-... there was some light outside though..." She looked at me.

"Mhm... It's okay." I passed her a little smile. After staring at her for a few minutes, I climbed up the bed and sat beside her. I kept her head on my lap and started petting her forehead. "Now." I began. "You will HAVE to tell me what's going on... I can't tolerate it anymore..." I looked at her and saw that her eyes were closed. "And you can't fool me pretending that you are asleep because even if you actually are, I will wake you up... So you better start telling me everything. And everything means EVERYTHING."

I heard her sigh. She opened her eyes and started looking out of the window. "It started around a year ago... It was the first time I met Jimin..."

"Jimin? Who is he? I never heard that name before..."

"Jimin..." She smiled a little after referring his name. "He is... My first crush, my first love, my everything, my... ."


She started telling me everything, about how they met for the first time... How she felt after seeing him... What she felt when she met his girlfriend, Sara. She told me everything from beginning to the end. Even about the sweet romantic moments they shared together... All the time she was smiling brightly and her smile brightens more whenever she used to take his name... 'Jimin'.

"S-so you are already ma-married...?" I was shocked, upset, bewildered, confused, devastated... I was feeling so many emotions at the same time that I felt like I would blast at any minute.

"Y-yeah..." She was smiling the whole time she was telling me her story but suddenly her expression changed. "B-but after yesterday... I regret everything. I regret marrying him, I regret coming in between him and Sara. I regret loving him... I-I thought-t-" her voice started cracking. "I-I thought-t that as the time will pass, I will be able to make my place in his heart... B-but... I was wrong... I was so so so wrong... He still loves Sara and will always love only her..."

She hugged my waist tightly and started crying hard.

While crying she told me about everything he did. That f*cking bastard hurt her... How dare he hit my Y/n!? I am not gonna leave him...

"I-it's okay Y/n... You have me now... I will always be there for you... Don't cry... Please..." I petted her head and hugged her tightly. She needed comfort and I wanted to be the one providing her that... She needed me... Not that f*cking bastard...

Somehow, I managed to comfort her and convince her to eat pizza. I couldn't believe that she was not ready to eat PIZZA, HER LIFE! This only proves that how much hurt she was and, how much she loved him...

After eating, I took her to the terrace for star gazing. She always loved watching stars... Maybe it will provide her some comfort.

"So... You like it?" I asked her. We both were sitting on a swing which was placed on the terrace, beside each other.

"Yup. I love it." She gave me a cheerful smile.


"That's good that you love it." I smiled and looked at the stars.

"You know..." She looked at me. "Once... I did star gazing with Jimin too... It was so beautiful, so romantic..." She looked back at the stars. Her eyes were shining under the moon's light because of the salty water that started to form in her eyes.

I couldn't help but be jealous. Here I was trying my best to cheer her up and most probably that Jimin would be enjoying at home with her girlfriend, Sara but still... She cares about him more than me...

"Y/n stop caring or thinking about that person. His chapter is close now..." I said in an irritated tone.

"Closed?" She chuckled. "It will never be closed, Brian... I love him and will always love him only..." She looked at her hands. " I know what he did was wrong... But.. still I can't help myself but to love him even more... I miss h-him so muc-h..." Her voice started cracking and lastly, she broke down into tears.

"Y/n..." I hugged her. "Don't cry for him... I am sure he must be enjoying with his girlfriend at home right now... Forget him and move on." I said.

I will do anything to make you mine, Y/n... You are only mine... Only mine...


A week passed by easily, without any problems. Y/n wanted to go back to Jimin but I somehow managed to convince her that Jimin doesn't care about her.

To cheer up her mood, daily I took her out. We went to many coffee shops, I bought her new clothes, we went out to watch movies, went to amusement park, I did everything I could to make her laugh and smile like she used to do five years ago but I failed... No matter whatever I try, she was not ready to stop thinking about Jimin even for a minute and this was pissing me out.

I decided to take her to a fare. Maybe it will lighten up her mood a bit.

We both entered the fare, and started walking like lost souls without any destination. Brian offered me a lot of things to do, but I wasn't interested in doing even a single thing. I just wanted to be with Jimin at that time... I know that Brian is working so hard to make me feel better. But I just can't forget Jimin at all and this thing makes me more upset.

After roaming around for like hours which were definitely only a few minutes, I finally found something of my interest. "Brian!" I said cheerfully. " I want that!" I pointed towards the stall of cotton candy.

He looked at the stall and then at me. "What are you, five?" He asked and started laughing.

"Yah! Don't laugh. Is it a rule that only children can have it?" I crossed my arms over my chest and puffed my cheeks.

"Aww... My five years old Y/n~ I will get that for you, happy?" He pinched my cheeks and started swaying my head left and right.

I grinned and nodded. "Yess!" He laughed a little and went away to buy the largest cotton candy for me, I hope.

When Y/n was busy laughing with Brian, little did she know that someone was watching her continuously.

Mrs. Park...

She was so angry after watching her laugh with some other man. Only a few hours ago she met her son, Jimin. She was broken after seeing him cry for Y/n... But after seeing the girl laugh and that also with some other guy, she was fuming in anger.

She didn't know anything about why Y/n left Jimin or what actually happened between them, but one thing was crystal clear for her that no matter what happened, Y/n didn't have the right to leave Jimin alone in a miserable condition and herself have fun with some other guy.

Without wasting a single second, she ran back home to Jimin to inform her about what his wife was doing.

"Jimin! Jimin!" She started shouting the moment she entered the house.

"What happened mom?" Jimin asked immediately after seeing his mom in so much hurry. "Is everything okay?"

"Nothing is okay, my son. I am so sorry. I was so wrong about her..." Mrs. Park was almost gonna cry.

"About who, mom? What happened?" He asked, now a little worried about what his mom was talking about.

"Y/n! I was so wrong about her... She is no better than Sara!" She covered her face with her hands.

He didn't like his mom comparing his wife with that slut... " Don't compare her with Sara, mom. Y/n is way more better than her..." He said, trying to protect his wife.

"No! She is not! Just now I saw her laughing with some other guy, and over here you are not eating and sleeping properly because of her!" She shouted.

"You did what....?" Jimin asked.

"She was with some other guy laughing and over here-" Mrs. Park tried to speak but her sentence was cut off by Jimin in between.

"You saw her today!?" Jimin asked in an excited tone. "Where!?" His voice showed urgency.

"In a fare nearby but that doesn't matter-" Jimin ran out of the house before Mrs. Park could say anything. He drove the car as fast as possible to reach to the fare.

The moment he reached, he immediately jumped out of the car and entered the fare. His eyes were searching to see the face of only one person he wanted to see so desperately. "Y/n!" He shouted even though he knew that no one was gonna hear him shout her name in such a noisy place.

He searched at almost all the places but there was no sign of the girl.

"Where are you Y/n...?" He asked himself and suddenly he heard an announcement. ''The firecracker show is gonna start in just few minutes.'' He smiled a little and without wasting a single second, he ran away.

On the other hand Y/n was standing near the sea, waiting for the fire cracker show to start. She was missing Jimin so much as she wanted to see the show with him only...

Finally, the show started. At first, there were only a few lightings in the sky but after a few minutes the show finally started. And coincidentally, the moment the first cracker burst she heard someone say, "Found you." And... That voice was hella familiar.


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