《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》15. Hurt


I can't believe that it's already been a month since we're married. In this one month a lot has happened and many things changed too. Earlier, Jimin used to hate me with all his heart but now... I still don't know what he feels for me but I am sure that it's at least not hatred.

Our office work load has also increased because of which we are not able to give much time to each other. And on top of that whenever I get a free time, Jimin forces me to write my book. I appreciate that he is trying his best to support my dreams and help me but... I want to rest and spend some time with him too! He is more important to me than my useless book!

Out of revenge, I decided not to show him my book before it's completed. He was completely against it but being a stubborn me, he wasn't able to win against me. *Wicked smirk*

Anyway, today is our one month anniversary and I have decided to make it special. I returned back from office much before time and cooked all the favourite dishes of Jimin. Everything is set for today. When he will come we will have dinner together, after that we will sit in our lawn under the roof of stars and over there we will watch a movie together. And at last, I will show him a video that I prepared myself. That video contains all our sweet moments together. Ahhhh! I can't wait to see his reaction after watching it. I just wish he return back home on time.

I quickly finished my work in the office because it was already quite late. My mood was off today because it's mine and Sara's one year anniversary. I mean it would be if we were still together. I know I am married to Y/n and no doubt she is a great lady, but still we cannot forget our first love that easily. I won't lie, but I still got some feelings for Sara.

To ease my mind a little, I decided to go to the bar before going back home. I thought of calling Y/n and telling her about it but the battery of my phone died and the stupid me also forgot to bring the charger with me.

"I will return back soon..." I muttered to myself and removed my blazer.

When we arrived there, I jumped out of the car and entered the bar as quickly as possible. I ordered a drink for me and sat down on the chair nearby.

Memories of me and Sara were playing in my mind continuously. I couldn't help but think about how it would be if we were still together. I let out an exasperated sigh. I was tired of all this... I will have to admit it now that I am married to Y/n and no matter what I will have to spend the rest of my life with her only. I will HAVE to forget Sara.

Bartender passed me my drink and I drank it all in a single gulp. "One more please." I asked. When I was waiting for the drink, my gaze automatically fell on the people who were dancing on the floor. I kept on staring at them envying that how much relaxed they all were looking when my gaze fell on a really familiar figure.

"Sara?" I whispered and automatically a smile crept up on my face. Though, I am married but talking to her would not harm right. I stood up and started walking towards her smiling like a child when I halted in my steps. I was shocked at the sight in front of me. Sara was on the dance floor... Dancing with a boy with arms around his neck... And.... A-another boy behind h-her and g-grinding on h-her...


It didn't seem to like bother her at all, she was enjoying it. I felt my heart shatter into million pieces. The girl I loved with all my might is actually a slut. My mom was correct... Sara IS A SLUT.

My legs were trembling, I couldn't move at all... Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the bartender standing with my drink in his hand. "Sir, your drink." He said.

I looked at the drink and then at him. "Make me something strong." I said. He went back and started making what I asked for. Somehow, I managed to walk back to my seat (with trembling legs and without falling). The bartender gave me my drink and I chugged it down in one go while staring at Sara's figure with those boys.

I wasn't able to look at her anymore, so I averted my gaze and asked the bartender to hurry up. While I was drinking, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around only to see Sara with a stupid smile on her face.

"Jimin! Long time no see!" She exclaimed and hugged me. I swear I never felt so much suffocated before. I just felt like pushing her away and yelling at her at the top of my lungs.

With my burning eyes fixed on her, I said in a sharp tone. "Mom was correct. You ARE a slut." I tried to speak with as much venom as I could. "Why did you do that to me?"

She chuckled. "Jimin Jimin Jimin..." She sighed. "You are so innocent. Your mom indeed was correct and I was ALWAYS into boys. I never loved you in the first place." She smirked. "I never wanted anyone's heart. I just wanted money and... D*cks." She leaned a little towards me. "And you had both, that's why I was with you." She shrugged.

"You are a b*tch. You played with my h-heart." I tried my best but my voice cracked in the end and tears started falling down my eyes.

"Oh my... Is my poor Jimin-ah crying?" She pretented as if she was worried. "As if I care." She said those words in a cold tone and went away with her new 'prey'.

I was shattered. I wanted something to ease myself so I ordered myself more drinks. I continued drinking till I completely lost my senses. It felt nice... My heart was not aching anymore and I was feeling light headed. I wanted to drink more but... These bar people denied to give me more drinks because according to them I drank too much and it's not good for my health. Bullshit.

I asked my driver to drive me back home. I want to drink more...

It's already past 3 am and there is still no sign of Jimin. I called him for like hundred times but it still give the same answer ' The number you are trying to call is either switched off or is out of coverage area.'

I prepared so much for him but there was no sign of him. I didn't even eat a single piece of food I made even though I was hella hungry. I was worried for him. What if something happened to him? What if he met with an accident?! What if he is in hospital now and need me by his side right now?! I got Goosebumps only at the thought of Jimin lying on the hospital bed with bandages around him.


"Where are you Jimin?" I asked myself and started moving back and forth while waiting for him patiently, which I was loosing slowly.

Finally, I saw the man entering the house. His hair was all messy. He wasn't wearing his blazzer anymore, some of the buttons of his shirt were opened and the thing that caught my attention the most was, he was not able to walk properly and was supported by his driver.

I rushed to his side. "Jimin!" I cupped his cheek. He was smelling alcohol. "Where were you? What happened to you? Why are you like this? Did you drink? Of course you did! But why did you drink so much? You never do so!" I bombarded him with questions. But he didn't even say a single word and gently pushed me aside.

He walked into his room with me following him. "Jimin!" I called him but he didn't respond. He opened his cupboard and took out a bottle filled with alcohol. My eyes widened. "No! You aren't drinking more! You are already drunk for God's sake damnit!"

But he ignored me, and continue to open the bottle. I ran to him and tried to snatch the bottle out of his strong grip. "JIMIN GIVE THIS BOTTLE TO ME!" I glared at him and kept on pulling it towards me.

"F*ck off! Let me drink!" He tried to push me away from him. "Just leave it already and let me drink!" Though, he was wobbling because of alcohol and was not able to stand straight but still, God knows how, he still got so much power to hold that bottle and push me away at the same time!

"Jimin stop this nonsens-" Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain run through my head. Jimin pushed me away so hard that my head crashed against the wall. I kept my hand on my head and felt something wet over there. When I brought my hand in front of my eyes, I saw a few droplets of dark red liquid. "Jimin..." I mumbled.

But he still didn't care and was busy drinking. I was shocked to see him gulp down the whole bottle in one go! I tried to get up and stop him from drinking more but the moment I tried to get up, a sharp and throbbing pain ran through my leg.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed and sat back on my butt. My leg was killing me. Maybe when Jimin pushed me away, at that time my leg twisted.

I tried again and again to get up but the horrible pain that my head and leg was suffering from wasn't helping at all. "Jimin stop it! Stop drinking! Please!" I begged. I care for his life way more than mine! I can take care of my leg and head later on but... What if something happened to him after drinking so much? I will never be able to forgive myself...

"Jimin, I am warning you!" I tried to threaten him. "It will not end good if you will drin- ahhhhh!!" I screamed and covered my ears with both of my hands when Jimin threw him empty alcohol bottle at me. By my luck, he missed his target, that was me, and the bottle broke into millions of pieces just a few centimeters away from me.

"Stop it you bitch! Just stop it! Aish.... you are giving me a headache!" He shouted and held his head with both of his hands. He dragged his body towards the bed and threw himself on it. And in an instant, he fell asleep.

"J-jimin..." I sobbed. "H-how ca-n u-u-" I couldn't control my tears anymore and I became a crying mess. I hugged my legs tightly and buried my face in my legs. I felt really scared at that time.

I woke up because of the horrible pain in my head. My head was spinning and was aching so bad that it felt like someone hit me hard with a hammer.

"Urrghhh" I groaned in pain. I wasn't able to remember even a single event of last night except the fact that... T-that... Sara... Leave it. I don't wanna ruin my mood again by thinking about it.

Somehow, I managed to hold up my shaking body. Oh God, how much I drank last night?! I started walking slowly towards the bathroom door when my eyes fell on the unconscious body lying on the floor. My heart stopped beating right then and there when I saw her lying there on the floor like a lifeless soul...

"Y/n!" I screamed and ran to her. I held her pale face in my hands. She was burning! She was as hot as a burning charcoal! "Y-Y/n!" My vision blured because of the salty water which filled my eyes.

"Y/n... Please open your eyes. Jagiya, please. Ple-please open your ey-eyes." I started shaking her head impatiently.

My body relaxed a bit when I felt her hot breath hit my palm. I took a deep breath of relief.

She is still breathing... She hasn't left me...

I stood up in order to carry her to the bed when I felt a sharp stinging pain under my ankle.

I hissed in pain and immediately lifted up my leg to take a look at it. I found two medium sized glass pieces which dug into my skin. Then, my gaze fell on the other broken pieces of glass which were lying around. My eyes widened in shock.

Who the hell did it...?

I was more than confused at that time. I plucked the pieces out of my ankle and carried her bridal style to the bed. My bleeding ankle was my last priority at that time.

I immediately called our family doctor and asked him to visit home as quick as possible. I asked one of my maids to clean up the mess that was created.


"Thanks a lot, doctor." I shook his hand and smiled at him. According to him, nothing was serious. Y/n was just having a high fever and fainted maybe because of some shock or fever. But I was still confused about the fact that how her head and leg got hurt. Her leg was swollen and a little bruised. And there was a cut on her forehead.

Out of respect, I followed the doctor out of the house and thanked him one last time before closing the door. I ran back into my room and sat beside Y/n.

After seeing her in that condition, automatically my eyes dwelled up with tears. And I was also scared, really scared. What if...

I am the one who did this to her...?

My body quivered only at the thought of this. I felt disgusted of myself... Even though it was not confirmed yet, that I was the one who did it... Still, somewhere I knew that it was me who did it...

I lyed down beside her and started caressing her hair. I was ready to accept whatever punishment she would give me for my inhuman behavior...

"Just... Wake up Y/n-ah... I am ready to take any punishment you will give me... But just... Wake up..." I whispered in her ears and buried my head in the crook of her neck.

I was going to fall asleep when I felt her body move. I immediately shot up to look at her face. "Y/n?" I called her in a soft voice. "Can you hear me Y/n? Y/n? You awake?" I started caressing her cheek with my hand.

She moved her head right and left and then slowly opened her eyes. She blinked a few times to get her eyes used to the bright light. "You okay?" I asked again.

She slowly looked in my direction and passed me a warm and loving smile. I continued to caress her cheek while staring right into her eyes. This moment continued barely for a few seconds when I felt her eyes widened.

Her eyes widened, her lips parted a little and her breathing quickened. I got a little worried, as her face slowly started turning pale.

"Y/n what happene-?" She abruptly sat up and dragged her body away from me. "Y/n what happened?! Why are you running away from me?!" I tried to hold her hand but she was quick enough to stand up on her feets.

"No!" She shook her head vigorously. "Stay away from me!" Tears started falling down her eyes like a waterfall.

I started walking in her direction. "Y/n please don't do this to me-!" I ran to her and quickly embraced her, tightly. "Please Y/n... Please..." I begged her like my life depended on her.

But she pushed me away so hard that I fell on the floor. "Stay away from me!" She started walking towards the gate while still looking at me with that horror expression pasted on her face which hurt me more than anything.

"Y/n try to understand! You are still not fine and your leg-! How come you are walking so good with your those swollen legs!?" I looked at her in shock. Though, doctor gave her a few medicines and injections for fast recovery but I never thought it would be this fast.

"My leg is my last priority right now! All I want is just to run away from a monster like you!" With those last words she turned around and ran out of the house.

I wanted to follow her but my legs felt so numb. I was shocked after what she called me. "Monster".

Now, I am no more than a 'monster' for her...


And sorry, If this chapter disappointed you. You must be expecting a lot from me but... I ruined it. I am soo sorry for that.

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