《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》12. Driving lesson


Mom went back, Jimin 'officially' started going to office, I sadly shifted back into my room, Jimin forced me to write so I started writing again and yeah... everthing is back to normal leaving just one thing, 'Jimin's previous behaviour'.

I am still very confused that how come Jimin changed but whatever the reason is, I am very happy that he changed. Now, I don't have to bear his usual cold looks and answers. He has finally 'friend-zoned' me. Though, I am not happy with it but it is still better than being 'enemy-zoned'.


Jimin is in his office and he has forced me to write something. He said that he will check it at night like a teacher checks a student's homework. And yeah their will be a 'punishment' if I don't complete it.

I am very happy that he cares a lot for me. This past week has been the best time in my life. He started caring for me more since he came to know about my past. I am so happy that I shared it.

I was sitting in living room with a blank notebook in front of me. I was bound to write something about my story because it was my dead line. If I don't write anything, Jimin will give me a 'punishment'.

But the problem was that my mind was blank! I was not having even a single idea! It's been a long time since I last wrote something. And I was not able to think properly because of dead line's pressure.

I read many articles, guidelines, novels and many things to help me get an idea but it all went in vain. Finally, I got an idea! I picked up my pen to start writing but suddenly...

When I finally had some idea and started writing, then only, to distract me and of course to make my mind blank again, my phone rung.

I took a deep breath before answering the call because I didn't want to scare away the person by shouting at him. I read the caller's Id and it read 'hubby.'

A wide smile automatically appeared on my face. I forgot all of my anger and answered the call.

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"Hello ma'am. I just wanted to inform you that you have won a lottery of two thousand dollars. Congratulations. Would you like to keep the amount or donate it to some sort of orphanage or something?" Jimin answered in a polite tone as if this was really his job. I chuckled.

"Really Y/n? You don't know ?" He tried to sound disheartened.

"Nope. I don't know you." I blurted out.

Jimin chuckled, " I would have loved to play along with you, but I am in a hurry right now. Please do me a favour."

"Oh. What is it?"

"Actually, I left one of my important file in my room. Can you please bring it? I need it urgently." He asked in a little 'begging' tone.

"Sure. Can you tell me something about the file, so that I would pick the correct one?" I got up from my seat and I started moving towards his room.

"It would be on the dressing table, I guess. Just check it there first."



I entered his room and went to his dressing table. I instantly found the file. I smiled. "Got it!"

"Great! Now please bring it."

"Don't say 'please' again and again. I will bring it, don't worry~." I got a little irritated because of him saying 'please' again and again.

"Okay." He chuckled lightly. "Tell me, how is your story going on? Have you written anything, yet?"

My smile instantly dropped and I made a 'duh' face. "Don't ask. I was finally going to write something after an hour of struggling but I forgot everthing because of you!" I whined.

"Really? You forgot everthing because of me? Were you missing me that much?~" I could feel him having a large grin on his face while saying this.

"Yeah yeah. Be happy. I wasn't missing you at all." I smiled lightly. I could feel him pouting at it. I let out an in-audible chuckle.

"Okay okay, fine. Bring it fast." He hung up the phone.

I kept on grinning widely even after he hung up the phone. I called for one of the maid.

"Yes ma'am? You called?" One of my maid came and asked.

"Yeah. Ask any one of the driver to be ready with the car. I gotta go to Jimin's office."

"But ma'am none of the driver is available. Two of the drivers aren't well, one went back to his home because his daughter is ill, one is with Sir (Jimin) and one is out for grocery shopping." She said. My steps halted

"What do I do then?!" I faced her and asked with a kind of scared expression.

"Ma'am, though driver isn't available but car is. You can drive the car." She smiled.

I just stared at her. "I don't know how to drive." I mumbled. Her eyes widened in shock. "What? I never felt the need to learn driving so.... I never learned. Do you know how to drive?" I looked at her with expectant eyes but sadly she shook her head.

Whenever there was a need for a driver, he was always available or in case he wasn't then I used to ask my mom for help who readily used to agree. But what now? Jimin asked me for help for the first time. I can't call him and say that 'Sorry Jimin, I can't come because I don't know how to drive.'

After debating for a long time, which was only few minutes, I decided to take a taxi.


After thanking and paying, I exited the taxi and started moving towards Jimin's company. To my surprise, Jimin was already standing out of the building, probably waiting for me, and was staring at me with a confused expression.

"Hey! I brought you the file." I said and stood next to him.

He turned to face me. "Why did you come with a taxi?"

"Actually, none of the driver was available."

He raised his one eyebrow. "You could have driven yourself."

I looked at my feet and started swinging back and forth a little. "Umm... I don't know how to drive." I mumbled but Jimin heard it.

"You don't know how to drive?!" He repeated with a shocked expression. I nodded. He sighed,"Okay. Wait for me over here, I'll take you home. There is no need to go back with a taxi again."


I smiled, "Okay." I went into the company and one of his servant showed me the way to the 'V.I.P area.'

I took a seat and to spend my time, I started surfing Internet.

After some time, one girl came to me and offered me a cup of coffee. "Oh, Thank you but I didn't ask for it." I smiled.

She smiled back. "Ma'am, sir (Jimin) has sent this for you."

"Oh... Okay." I immediately accepted the cup of coffee. I felt happy that even though Jimin was busy with his meeting and stuff, he still cared for me. I was not able to control my smile, each time I took a sip.

I waited for around half an hour and was busy on my phone. "Let's go." Someone said. I jumped up a little because of the sudden voice. Jimin suddenly appeared out of no where.

He giggled a little. I smiled and said, "Okay."

We exited the building after sometime. When we were going down the stairs, he said, "Sit in the passenger's seat."

"Huh?" I was confused. Why would he ask me to sit in the passenger's seat with his driver? But my confusion was cleared when I saw him taking the driver's seat. I got into the car without any further questions and Jimin started driving.

"Where is the driver?" I asked.

"I sent him home."


"Because I wanted to drive?" He looked at me for a second and then concentrated back on the road.

"Where are we going? This is not the way for our home, I guess?"

"We are going on a 'hunt' of some empty road." He smiled at his own joke.

I giggled. "And why are we going on a 'hunt' of some empty road?"

"Aish! You ask so many questions! Can't you stay quiet for just ten minutes?! You will get to know everything later on." He shouted a little.

"O-okay." I shut my mouth and didn't dare to ask any other question.

After fifteen minutes, he stopped the car in the middle of some empty road.

"We are here~" He literally sung these words.

"We are where?~" I tried to copy him.

He gave me an irritated look. "Get out."

I was a little shocked. "Huh?" I should have felt it coming. He brought me to an empty road and now he will leave me here so that I would never be able to return back to him.

But to my surprise, in place of me he himself got out of the car and opened my door. "Get out."

"But why-"

"Just shut up and go on the driver's seat." He said.

"Driver's seat-?" He kept his index finger on my lips and dragged me out of the car. He took passenger's seat. I just stood there totally dumbfounded.

"Yah! We don't have the whole day!" He shouted.

"Oh-okay." I ran to the driver's seat and took a sit.

"Okay so, do you know anything about a car? I mean anything about how to drive it?" He asked.


"O...k...a...y..." He stretched the word a little. "Today I am gonna give you some driving lessons so that you can drive in an emergency or situations like today. Okay?"

"Okie." I smiled. I always wanted to learn driving but because of lack of time and need I never learned.

"You are lucky that I am your tutor so you will easily learn how to drive." He gave me a proud smile.

"Mhmm." I nodded.

"Slowly press the accelerator. It's on the right side."

I pressed the accelerator as he said, but not slowly. I pressed it very hard due to which car started moving at it's full speed.

"Y/n, I told you to press it slowly!" He shouted.

"Sorry, but what to do now?!" I panicked.

"Press the brakes!"

"Brakes?! But where are they?!" I started searching for brakes.

"Brakes! Near your legs!"

"I am searching over there only! They aren't here!"

"On the left side of the accelerator, stupid!"

I pressed the brakes. "Shit! They aren't working!"

"You gotta be kidding me." His eyes widened.

"No! I am not! They really aren't working!" I pressed hard on the brakes.

"Y/n, do something there is a tree over there!"

"I can't do anything! I am giving up!" I crossed my arms.

"What?! No!" Our car kept on moving towards the tree. Jimin tightly shut his eyes and held my hand. He squeezed my hand and at that time I realized something.

The car stopped with a jerk just an inch before crashing with the tree. Jimin slowly opened his one eye followed by the other.

"How... How did it stop?"

"Sorry... Actually, I was pressing the clutch and not the brakes." I rubbed the back of my head.

"You...Y-Aish!" He face palmed himself. "You are so stupid."

I grinned. "I know." I looked at Jimin and kept on grinning.

He started laughing. His eyes disappeared. "Aish... You are-" He continued to laugh. After a while he calmed down a bit and shook his head mumbling "cute".

Jimin thinks Y/n is cute (3).

I was continuously staring at him with a grin. He looked at me and our eyes met. I swear I saw a light blush on Jimin's cheeks. He was blushing.

After sometime he averted his gaze and cleared his throat. "O-okay. Let's start again but this time be careful."

I nodded like a kid.

Maybe time is changing, opinions are changing and most importantly, feelings are changing.

Maybe, there is still my chance. When 'he' thought that we are going to die, he held my hand. Maybe, he has forgotten Sara. Maybe, I am successful in making MY place in his heart. But still it's... 'Maybe'. '


Ayo Ladies and gentlemen! How are you all? So, here is one more update for you all😁. Some fluff and cute scenes. Well, I tried my best to make them cute😅.

Love you all a looooooot! 😘

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