《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》8.2 Soft


My heart began beating crazily. I tightly clenched my fist and without giving it a second thought, I ran to Jimin and threw that spider away from his back with my BARE hand. I screamed, "Jimin!"

He immediately turned around and the moment he turned around, I tightly hugged him. At first, he was confused and didn't hug me back infact he tried to push me away but when I pointed at the spider and he noticed it, he immediately hugged me back in a protective way. Though, that was the moment for which I longed for so much but that spider didn't let me enjoy it and the fact that I touched that creepy creature was not helping me at all.

We quickly exited the place. I was so traumatized that I kept on clinging on him and thankfully he didn't leave me. And kept on caressing my hair.

He called one of the staff working over there and complained about the spider. The staff quickly went inside and brought the spider out. The moment I saw that spider again I hugged him more tighly, if possible. I literally thought that his shirt would tear for sure.

"Please get a room." A female voice spoke. Suddenly, I felt someone's hand on one of my shoulder. But I still didn't leave Jimin.

"Oh... Hi Sam. I think that's your name?" Jimin spoke.


"Yeah. Hi Jimin." She spoke.


I quickly parted away from him.

"Are you okay, now?" Jimin asked while caressing my hair. I felt so much loved at that time. I blushed a little and nodded.

"Why? What happened?" Sam asked.

"Nothing. I just touched a spider." I said.

"What?!" She shouted. Jimin and I flinched at her sudden change in voice. She quickly hugged me actually choked me. "Are you okay?!" She cupped my cheeks with both of her hands. Though people may think that she was over reacting but believe me, she wasn't. She is the only one who has seen me in my worst conditions. Once, I even passed out due to my phobia.

"Yeah... Don't worry. I am fine!" I held her hands and winked.

She sighed, "Thank God."

"Hey! How was the experience?!" Someone suddenly screamed in my ears and wrapped their hand around my shoulder. I looked up at the one and was shocked to see Tae. I blushed a little.

"The experience was awful." Jimin said. " See, there are so many scratches on my arm." Jimin showed his arms to Tae and glared at me. I looked everywhere except him.

"Ooo..." Tae bent a little backwards. Then, he noticed Sam. "Hi...?"

"Oh! Hi. I am Samaira. Friends call me Sam." She smiled. Or rather say, blushed.

Tae also blushed a little. "Hi. I am Taehyung. Friends call me Tae." He smiled.


"Oh..." Sam looked at her feets. Her cheeks were red and same with Tae!

Oooo, Am I missing something? Let's try to play the role of a cupid.

" Tae, where is Nikki?" I asked.

"Oh... She found her boyfriend so, she left me." He pouted.

"She left you? Can't believe this. She can't leave you alone." Jimin raised his one eyebrow.

"Uh... Actually she asked me to be with them but I didn't want to disturb them so... I left them." He grinned and rubbed the back of his head.

I smiled. "Sam, are you alone?"

"Yeah for now. I came here with one of my friend but she had to go early. So, I thought of continuing alone." She smiled.

"Oh..." I smirked. Jimin noticed my smirk and I think he also understoond what I wanted to do.

He pulled me towards him, out of Tae's grip. "I want to spend some time alone with my wife. So, can you both leave us alone? As you both are alone now so, you both can be together." He shrugged.

Tae looked at Jimin then at Sam. "Umm... I don't have problem but..."

"She is also fine with it!" I held Sam's hand and dragged her to Tae. "You both can enjoy!" I cheerfully exclaimed. I took Jimin's hand and dragged him away from them.


We both were just walking in the park. Jimin clearly denied to try any ride because he is scared of heights. I was so bored that once I even regretted my decision of letting Sam go. But still, I can't be selfish.

"Let's eat some ice cream." Jimin broke the silence between us. He held my hand and dragged me to one of the ice cream parlor.

We entered the shop. It was huge. I took a look at the menu and was shocked to see so many options. There were all kinds of flavour.

"Which one do you want?" Jimin asked.

"Umm... I am not able to decide." I put my hands on my hips. "I want Caramel chocolate chip but I also want Cherry chocolate chip." I pouted.

"Well, I can't allow you to take two. You may catch cold. It's not that I care for you but I don't want mom to be angry at me. She cares a lot for you." He looked at me.

I looked at Jimin and then again at the menu. "Fine! I'll go with Cherry chocolate chip!"

"Please give one Cherry chocolate chip and one Caramel chocolate chip." Jimin ordered. I looked at him. "What? I like Caramel." He said in a defensive tone.

After taking our ice creams, we took a seat opposite to each other. "Is it good?" I asked. He was smiling while eating his ice cream. I guess it was really good. I should have ordered that one!


"Yessss. It's amazing!" He smiled like a child.

"I knew it! I should have ordered that one!" I looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Wanna taste?" He asked and lifted up his cup.

"Yes!" I jumped up.

He giggled. "Okay. I will let you but on one condition." He put the cup down, rested his elbows on the table and crossed his fingers. "Tell me, why you removed that spider from my back? I remember that you had an arachnophobia and the reaction of Sam told me that you are still afraid of them." He was serious.

I gulped. "Because it was moving to your neck. If I would not have removed it, it would have bitten you." I looked at my ice cream and started playing with it.

"Why does it concern you? You are hella scared of them." He was a little mad. "So, you are trying to say that you neglected your fear JUST because of me?" He raised his eyebrows.

I nodded. I looked up at him. He was staring at me, intensely. "You did it for me?" He asked again. I nodded, again. He kept on staring at me. His eyes softened. There was some look in his eyes but I was not able to figure it out.

||Step 3: Gain his sympathy.


25% (Completed)

Step 8: Protect him and gain his trust.


50% (Completed) ||

He passed me his ice cream. "Here, try it." I blinked. He was serious about giving me his ice cream to try?

I passed mine to him. "You can also try it." I took his ice cream and ate. It was amazing! The ice cream melted in my mouth and the mixture of caramel and chocolate was amazing! I closed my eyes for a minute and enjoyed the lovely flavours.

I opened my eyes and saw Jimin also eating my ice cream. "It's amazing!" I said.

"I told you." He said while still eating my ice cream.

"Here. Take it." I offered him his ice cream back.

"Keep it. I like your's more so I will eat this one." He said. He didn't even look at me. I was confused. I thought he liked caramel more then cherry. And my ice cream was not that good.

"But..." I started.

"Did you like your's more than mine?" He asked. Finally, he looked at me.

"No... Your's is better."

"So, just eat it. You saved me from that spider so it is the pay back. I never keep anyone's favour with me. Especially yours." He said with a blank face and started eating his ice cream again.

I can't understand Jimin. He is veryyyyyyy unpredictable. At one instant, he is rude with me and at another he is sweeter than a chocolate.


Jimin was driving the car and I was sitting on the passenger's seat. Tae and Sam were continuously talking about how they enjoyed. They ate cotton candy, rode roller coaster, went inside a maze, blah blah blah...

Actually, I was not even listening to them. I was very busy looking out of the window.

After dropping Tae and Sam home, we both went back home. Jimin parked the car in front of the house, and from there his one of the driver took the car in the garage.

We entered the house. One of the servant came to us with two glasses of water. We both took one and sat on the couch to rest. I closed my eyes. The sun was already set but there was still a little time left to call it a night.

"I was waiting for you both. Where were you?" Suddenly someone spoke. It was a female voice. I opened my eyes and looked at the owner of the voice. I was shocked.

"Mrs. Park?" I said. I was happy but as well as shocked.

Jimin quickly jumped up from his seat and ran to her like a child. He hugged her. "Mom! I am so happy to see you!" Mrs. Park giggled.

I also got up from my seat and went to her. I waited for Jimin to part away from her. When he did, I immediately hugged her. "It's so nice to meet you Mrs. Park." She patted my back.

"It's 'mom' for you, Y/n." She said.

"Okay mom." I smiled and hugged her tightly.

Three of us sat on the sofa. "So, what is it that brought you here?" Jimin asked while rubbing his hands.

"Why? Can't I visit my children?" She asked teasingly.

"No! I mean yes! Of course you can! I was just asking out of curiosity." Jimin tried to defence him.

'Mom' chuckled. "I know. Just I wished to meet my children. I hope you both are doing fine, huh?"

"Yes mom. We are." I answered.

Jimin got up from his seat. "Mom, I want to talk with you a looot but please give me few minutes. I want to freshen up first." Jimin smiled.

"Sure, my child." Mom smiled.

Jimin went upstairs to freshen up. I also got up from my seat but she held my hand and pushed me on the sofa again.

"I want to talk to you, Y/n." She said.

"What is it, mom?" I asked while caressing her hand which was holding mine.

"Not here. In private." She sounded a little serious.

I gupled. "Okay."

To be continued...


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