《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》7.2 Mission


We both took a seat near the window which was separate from the other seats in one of the restaurants in the mall.

"I think, I deserve some explaination now." Nikki crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Okay listen... I know you won't believe me but... Sara is not a good girl. I mean, she already had a boyfriend but still she dated Jimin for his money."

Her eyes widened. "And... How do you know that? Have you ever seen her with someone like... Umm... Kissing or doing stuffs?"

"No. But Mrs. Park, I mean mom told me that. Actually, she asked me to marry Jimin because she didn't want him to marry Sara. She said that she saw Sara doing those stuffs..." I just stared at my hands. I was quite nervous.

What if she doesn't believe me...?

"Oh..." Was all that left her mouth.

I was confused. "Oh? You believe me?"

"Yeah. I do."

My eyes widened. I felt a gush of happiness but still...,"W-Why?"

"What do you mean by 'why'? Are you lying?"

"What?! No!" I slightly raised my voice in defense.

"Then... Yeah, I do believe you." She bent a little and kept her elbows on the table to support her chin. "You know, I never liked her (Sara) since day one. I always felt something fishy about her. When Jimin told me that he was going to marry but not Sara, I felt really happy. I thought that everything was true and he finally found the truth."


She leaned back on her seat comfortably and started tapping her fingers on the table. "In high school, there was a rumour about her among the girls that she was a slut. She wanted nothing but money. Though, I ignored all these as I knew that my best friend (Jimin) had already fallen for that 'slut'. And all these were just rumours, nothing was proved." She sighed. She looked at me and gave me a warm and loving smile. "In all... I am happy that he married you."

I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. Everyone loves me and ship us...but him.

"Nikki... I need your help. He hates me a lot because I agreed to marry him even though I could have denied." I wanted to cry.


"Hmm... That's a problem." She thought for a bit. "Just try to make him fall for you. Don't try to take the place of Sara but try to make your own place in his heart."

"But how...?"

She said nothing but called for one of the staff in the restaurant. They both talked for a bit and then the staff went away. After few minutes, that same staff returned with a pen and a piece of paper and handed it to Nikki with a smile. She smiled back and then looked at my confused face.

"Here." She shifted the paper and pen towards me.

I scrunced my nose and then frowned in confusion. She lightly chuckled at my reaction.

"Note down everthing that I will say. Now, I will give you some tips to make Jimin fall for you. Just follow them and I am sure he will be after you."

My frown replaced with a huge grin. I quickly wrote the heading on the paper with block letters.

She chuckled at my childish behavior. "Okay so, step 1-"

Cook romantic food for Jimin.

"Romantic food?" I asked. Will that really help?

"Yup. Jimin is a big foody. I am sure that if you will cook a romantic dish for him, it will definitely make a soft corner for you in his heart."

"Oh... But I prepared that today itself in the morning. He didn't even react." I puffed my cheeks like a child.

"Great! Don't worry~. I am sure it would have worked. "

"Hope so..."

"Not bad, girl~. I have not even started and you have already completed the step 1. She wriggled her eyebrows. She chuckled at her cuteness.

Cook romantic food for Jimin.✓

"Okay so, step 2-"

Give him a surprise.

"I know... This is a bit cheesy and mostly girls prefer this but...-" she bent towards me and whispered, "-he is not less than a girl in choices." She giggled. "But don't worry. In bed, I'm sure, he is a man." She smirked and I blushed hardly. She leaned back again and kept on smirking.

"Okay okay. What's the step 3?" I asked in a little irritated tone.

Gain his sympathy.

"Sympathy? Why and how?" I asked a little confused. What's the need to gain his sympathy? I need his love not pitty or sympathy.


"Listen girl. To gain his love you will have to develop a soft corner in his heart for you and for that, sympathy is the first step." I nodded.

"And... How?"

"C'mon. Atleast do work yourself."

"Okay." I sighed.

Be nice to his loved ones.

Gain love from his loved ones.

"Step 4 and 5 are kinda related. You cannot complete step 5 without 4. And... It's also a little difficult." Nikki said seriously.

"Hmm... But Mrs. Park-I mean mom already likes me."

"That's good! You are already close then!" She smiled. "But still, you need more love. Just try a little. I know you will be great and everyone will love you!" She grinned.

"Thanks.. "

Act cute and be generous.

"It's the most important one and I think... The easiest one for you." Nikki said, trying to hide a large grin from appearing on her face.


"Cause you are already cute and generous. So, you don't need to 'act'."

"Thank you. You are also cute." I slightly blushed.

"Aish... So formal..." She rolled her eyes.

Make him jealous and possessive for you.

"Hahaha..." I laughed continuously for atleast five minutes.

"What... Are you laughing for?" She raised her eyebrows and looked at me as if I was a clown.

"Jimin... And jealous?" I laughed so hard that people next to us gave us wierd looks. "Sorry... These words don't fit in the same sentence."

Nikki also started laughing even though she didn't understood the reason for my insanity.

"Wh-what happened?" She asked, still laughing hard.

"Jimin hates me... Why would he be jealous?" I wiped away my tears with my index finger, which fell due to laughing hard.

She immediately stopped laughing and stared at me with a blank expression. "Shut up. That's why we are planning this. You will have to make him jealous and that's for sure."

Protect him and gain his trust.

Help him with his problems and show him that you are always there with him.

"Means... Business problems?" I asked.

"No... Not only business ones, but life's too."


"And last..."

Seduce him.

"Seduce him? You want me to act like a hoe?" I was a little upset with her idea.

"No no no... It's the last step. When he will start loving you, then you'll have to do this. Not before."

"Oh... Got it."

"So, these are the steps. Trust me, follow them and Jimin will be all yours." She smiled.

"Wish so..."


After our conversation, we went back to the clothes shop. She asked me to buy some 'sexy' clothes even though I would not go on honeymoon. She literally went in short dresses section to buy me some dresses.

But I felt being loved at such behaviour. Even though we met few hours ago, I felt like I knew her since my childhood.

While she was going through almost all the dresses to find a perfect one for me, I asked her a question out of curiosity.

"Nikki, can I ask you a question?"

"Hmm? Sure." She looked at me for a second and then continued with her 'work'.

"Are you and Taehyung dating?"

She chuckled. "No, we are not. I already have a boyfriend."


"B-But... He said that..." I was hella confused.

"Yeah. He was joking." She placed the dress, that was in her hands, on my chest. "Hmm... This one is nice. Try this one, okay?"

I nodded. "So you mean that you both aren't dating?"

"Yeah. He is single and all time available. He is actually searching for a perfect girl for himself. And we both are best friends since high school. Yeah... Once he used to have feelings for me but now everything is cleared. He and me are best friends and will always be. He calls me his girlfriend just for fun."

"Hmm... He will soon get a girl. There is no chance he is going to be single with such a face." We both giggled.

Suddenly, her phone rung. She answered it, had a little conversation and then hanged up with a bright smile on her face.

"What happened?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Everything is settled!"

"What is settled?"

"Amusement park. I asked one of my friend to buy four tickets for the amusement park. Tomorrow, you, me Jimin and Tae are going to amusement park." Her smile never dropped even for a second.My eyes widened out of excitement.

"Be ready." She smirked at her words.


"Tomorrow, you have a chance to complete any one of the step."

I suddenly started feeling nervous.

What will I do, tomorrow?


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