《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》7. New friends


We were in Jimin's car, heading towards 'our' house. As usual, the car was deadly silent. None of us spoke a word for the whole journey.

After the dance, nothing special happened. Just, everyone praised us, Sara was already gone, I greeted my parents for the last time and then we both sat in his car and drove to his- our house.

He opened the gate of his house and we both stepped in. My jaw dropped on the ground. Even though, his and my parents' financial status is equal but his house was still bigger than mine. And was very beautiful as well.

"Your room is upstairs, next to mine, on the right side." Jimin spoke, finally breaking the silence. He spoke very fast without even framing a proper sentence. I was not able to understand what he meant.

"Huh?" I looked at him, confused.

"Your room. It is upstairs on the right side. It is next to mine. If you need anything, don't you dare to disturb me. Ask any of the servant for help."

He started walking upstairs but stopped midway and turned to face me. "You weren't planning to stay in my room, right?" He lifted his eyebrows.

"U-uh-umm... N-no, I wasn't." I gulped.

"Good." He turned around and walked off, I guess, into his room.

Of course I was! I was planning to share the room with him! I thought that if we will be in the same room then the differences between us would slowly disappear. But now... What will I do?!

I slowly walked upstairs. I turned to right and started walking through the hallway. I noticed that the light of one of the room was switched on and that was the last room in the hallway. I guess, that was Jimin's. I entered the room right beside it.

The room was beautiful and big but I was not interested in praising the room's beauty. I just cared about my broken heart.

I quickly changed into my night clothes, which along with all of my accessories arrived before me. I jumped onto the bed and snuggled down in my blanket. I was so tired that I immediately fell asleep.


Next morning, I woke up earlier than needed, to cook a good and romantic breakfast for Jimin. I entered the kitchen and asked the maids to help me a bit in chopping the vegetables. I planned to make a chicken club sandwich with seasoned Mexican salad and strawberry milkshake.

After completing, I set all the dishes on the dinning table. I was really excited to see his reaction. I rushed to his room and knocked twice before entering. He was sitting on his bed. He looked at me with a blank expression and raised an eyebrow.

"I-I prepared breakfast f-for you." I don't know why, but I suddenly started feeling nervous.


"So?" He asked, still with same expression.

"H-Have some." I nervously smiled.

He ignored me and continued to do what he was doing, that is , doing something in his phone. I sighed. "I am waiting for you." I closed the door behind me after exiting his room. I went back in the dinning area.

After thirty minutes he came. I smiled excitedly like a child and jumped up from my seat. He stood beside his chair and looked at the food then at me.

"You haven't eaten yet?" He asked, a little shocked.

"I told you that I will wait." I smiled.

He said nothing but just stared at me for a moment and then took his seat. I quickly served him. He took his first bite and then paused for a moment as if he was enjoying the food.

"H-How is it?" I asked a little nervously.

"Edible." He said without even looking at me. I was hurt. He should atleast have looked or smiled at me.

"Today-" he spoke while wiping his mouth and hands with a napkin. "My friends will come. They both are my best friends, but because of flight delay they were not able to attend our marriage. So, they are coming today to congratulate us. They both are fashion designer and were in Paris due to some business."

"Oh... When will they come?"

"Don't know. They can come at any t-" he was cut off by the shower of ringing bell. "-ime... I think, they are already here." He quickly jogged towards the main door and opened it. I followed him.

The moment he opened the door, one girl jumped on him and hugged him. He immediately hugged her back. I felt a ray of jealousy immerging out of me.

"Jimin!~" that girl screamed while Jimin spinned her around.

"Yah! Leave my girlfriend you pervert!" Suddenly, one boy came running towards them. He tried to separate them till they both broke the hug.

Strangely, Jimin and that girl started laughing and on top of that, that boy also started laughing. Like... What was that? And then, Jimin and that boy hugged each other.

Finally after sharing their moment, they noticed me. That girl passed me a smile and I smiled back.

"Nikki, meet Y/n, Y/n, meet Nikki." Jimin was literally smiling and gesturing like a five year old child. It was very cute...

"Hi Nikki..." I smiled and waved my hand.

She ran to me and wrapped her hands around my neck so tightly that I was choking.

"Y/n! Nice to meet you!" She cheerfully exclaimed.

"N-N-Nice to-to m-" I started coughing and pushed her away. I took a deep breath like the one who was inside water for a long time and was finally able to breathe.


She patted my back. "O-Oh sorry. I am really sorry." She kept on rubbing my back untill I was okay.

"I-It's *cough* okay." I said.

"Sorry, I became excited." She smiled appologitically.

I gave her a warm smile. "That's fine. Nice to meet you too."

"Hey Y/n. I am Taehyung. Nice to meet you." That boy came to me.

"Hello..." I smiled shyly. He was very handsome. His smile and charm was way too much to handle. But still... For me, my Jimin is more handsome.

"Wohaa Jimin. I never expected that will have such a beautiful wife." Taehyung observed me from head to toe and his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.


I blushed a little hard.

Jimin laughed. "I think you need spectacles, Tae..." My smile and blush immediately faded at his comment.

"Yah! Behave nicely with your wife 'chimchim'!" Nikki hit hard on his chest.

"Aish! Don't call me that!" Jimin crossed his arms in front of his chest, in a protective manner, to protect himself from any more punches." Nikki laughed.

"Ok so, Y/n get ready." Nikki said with a grin.

"For...?" I was confused.

"For a Girl's Day Out!" She threw her arms in the air in excitement.


"No buts, move your butt!" She slightly pushed me towards the stairs.

"Ok ok. Calm down. I am going." I quickly ran to my room and changed into casual but smart clothes. I wore a white, printed crop top with denim shorts. Then, I tied my hair into a pony tail. I quickly wore my black boots and rushed downstairs.

"Wohaa... You look amazing." Nikki said with wide eyes.

"Thanks..." I blushed a little.

"Is it necessary to go, babe?" Taehyung asked Nikki and back huggs her.

Aww... So cute! I wish Jimin would also do something like that...

Nikki nudged her elbow into Taehyung's stomach. He groaned and immediately left her.

"Firstly, I am not your 'babe'. We are not DATING. And secondly, NEVER EVER touch me without my permission. Got it?" She glared at Taehyung.

He gulped. "Okay..." Was all he was able to say.

"Let's go!" Nikki turned towards me and grinned. Wohaa... Not even a second ago she was looking so scary and then suddenly... She turned into an angel.


We both entered one of the Seoul's biggest mall.

During the whole journey, from house to mall, Nikki spoke non-stop. She shared her some of the high school experiences with me. She also told me that in high school, Jimin was a total naive and was very conscious about his looks. He used to think that he was the ugliest man alive. But no one can say that now. In fact for me, he is the most handsome man alive.

After listening to her, one thing was crystal clear to me and it was that these three are best friends since middle school and can do anything for each other.

Snapping me out of the trail of my thoughts, Nikki dragged me into one of the clothes shop.

"Hmm... Perfect. Now, quickly choose yourself some hot and sexy dresses." She said while already searching for some 'hot' and 'sexy' dresses.

"W-Why?" I asked.

"What do you mean by 'why'? Go on. Search for some good dresses for your honeymoon."

"Honeymoon?!" Bewilderment over took me so badly that I didn't even realized the sudden increase in my voice.

"Why are you so shocked? Every couple goes for a honeymoon after marriage." She rolled her eyes and continued her search. Suddenly, she stopped and looked at me with a serious face. "You both... ARE a couple, right?"

What did she mean? "Of course. We are married."

"I mean... You both love each other and married with your own will. Right?" She raised an eyebrow.

I was silent. Not even a single word left my mouth. "Y/n, you are scaring me." She nervously chuckled. "Answer me."

Tears started streaming down my eyes. All of the Jimin's words came rushing in my mind. 'I hate you, Y/n.'

I can't... I can't lie on the first day of our friendship...

"Fine... Just answer me one thing. Do Jimin still has a 'thing' for Sara?" She asked with an annoyed expression. I simply nodded. Her eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped. "How- then why the heck Jimin married you?!" I looked at her, a little hurt by her words. "N-no. Don't take me wrong please... I just wanted to say that if Jimin loves Sara, then why he married ?"

"Be-Because of his mother."

"Means?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"I will tell you everything. But, can we not talk here please?" I begged her with my watery eyes.

To be continued...


Heyooo! This is the first part of chapter 7. I had to divide this chapter in two parts because it is quite long. I am sorry for updating late. I was at my grandmother's house. 😅 I hope you will enjoy it!

What do you think about Nikki? Is she a nice girl and will help Jimin and Y/n to be together or will try to separate them?

Answer me in comments! You will get the answer for this question most probably in my next update! But still, give me your answer! Who ever will give the correct answer will get a beautiful picture of their favourite bias! 😁😁

Love you all a looooooot! 😘

Please vote, comment and stay healthy!


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