《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》6. Wedding


Finally, the day for which a part of me wanted and a part of me didn't, arrived. The day of my marriage...

I was fully dressed. I wore the dress which 'Jimin' bought for me with white high heels. I also wore a beautiful diamond bracelet which my mother gifted me. My hair were curled and were tied up into a beautiful bun.

I sat silently on my chair and fidgeted my fingers in nervousness. I was impatiently waiting for my father in the room. After a short time, which seemed forever to me, my father entered the room.

The moment he saw me dressed up in my bridal gown, tears dwelled up in his eyes. And after seeing him like that my eyes became watery. He approached me and gave a sweet peck on my forehead.

"I didn't know that my Y/n-ah grew up so much..." He said and hugged me tightly.

I stood in front of the door which led to the main hall. I was shivering due to fear, so I tightly hugged my father's arm.

The doors opened. We both started walking inside. I didn't dare to look at anyone due to nervousness. I hugged my father's hand more tightly. I think, he understood that I was nervous because he kept his free hand on top of my wrapped one and gave it a little pat.

Finally, after gathering all my courage, I decided to look up. The moment I looked up my eyes met with a beautiful pair of eyes staring warmly at me. 'He' was staring at me.

We shared that intense staring moment for the rest of my aisle walk. He was looking no less than a handsome prince. I felt so blessed at that moment.

We both snapped back to reality when my father called Jimin and handed me to him. He gently took my hand, like a gentleman, and helped me to walk up the stairs.

"Please take care of her, my child. She is the most precious thing I have ever had." My father said softly with tears in his eyes.

Jimin smiled. "Don't worry Mr. L/n-" then he looked at me, "-I will definitely take care of her." He smirked. I knew that there was some other meaning of his sentence. He didn't actually meant what he said.

We both walked towards the centre of the stage. The priest opened his book and started reading the vows.

"Mr Park, please repeat after me..." The priest asked Jimin. He said the vows.


"I, Park Jimin, take you Y/l/n to be my wife, my partner in life and my one and only true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow and forever. I will trust you and honour you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully through the best and the worst, through the difficult and the easy. Whatever may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold so I give you my life to keep." He spoke those words with so much sincerity and love that I thought he really meant them.

"Miss L/n, now can you repeat after me..." Priest asked me. He said the vows.

I held both of Jimin's hand, looked deep into his eyes and repeated each and every word with full of love...

"I, Y/l/n, take you Park Jimin to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow and forever. I will trust you and honour you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully through the best and the worst, through the difficult and the easy. Whatever may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold so I give you my life to keep."

I thought after such a romantic speech, I will atleast earn a genuine smile but he just stared blankly at me.

"Now, both of you can exchange the rings."

We both exchanged the rings. The ring which Jimin gave me was simple yet very beautiful. It had a beautiful diamond in centre and the carvings around it were incrediblly beautiful.

The ring which I gave to Jimin was of platinum followed by a big diamond in centre and small diamonds surrounding the whole ring.

"Since you have consented to join together in a bond of matrimony, and have pledged yourselves to each other in the presence of the Lord and these loving friends, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The moment priest said these lines, Jimin and I shot a look at each other.

Oh no... I totally forgot about this...

Jimin slowly approached me and I started blushing. The thought of his lips on mine only send shivers down my spine. He heaved a heavy sigh and held my hand. Then, slowly he pulled me towards him. Both of us closed our eyes and started bending towards each other till our lips met. His lips were so soft, so plum, so mesmerizing... That I totally lost myself. I have craved and suffered a lot since six months, just for this moment.


Everyone started cheering and clapping for us. Jimin immediately pulled back. I was disappointed. I wanted more but still... This was also somewhat... Satisfying.

My cheeks were already red as a tomato but I didn't expect him to turn red. 'He' was also blushing...


"Congratulations for your marriage, Jimin and Y/n."

"Thank you, uncle." Jimin gave a warm smile to his uncle.

"Aigoo... You look so good together. You are a made for each other couple." Jimin's aunt wished us, while hugging both of us at the same time.

"Thanks aunt." Jimin gave a fake smile at his aunt's comment. But my smile was genuine. After all, I wanted someone to say that we are a perfect couple.

After receiving all the gifts, wishes and greetings we both took a seat beside each other on one of the couch present over there. None of us shared a word but it was a comfortable silence. And as if to break that, the face which I hate the most, appeared.

"Hey Jimin-ah!" That witch came to us.

I hope you understood, who this 'witch' is...?

"You look handsome." She gave him the sweetest smile and I felt disgusted.

"Hey Sara." Jimin was bewildered. But still he managed a smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah... Why? Were you thinking that if you didn't invite me, I would not come? How can I miss the marriage of the love of my life?" She bent down and pecked Jimin's right cheek.

Disgusting... Now, he is my husband witch!

Jimin blushed. She looked at me and smiled. "Congratulations Y/n. You are really lucky to have him (Jimin). Now... If you don't mind-" she turned towards Jimin, "-Can I have the honor of dancing with this handsome young man?" She extended her hand towards Jimin.

I was speechless. I wanted to shout and say 'No witch! He is mine!' but I was not having the guts. Not because I was scared of her or something but what if Jimin wanted to dance? What if he would start hating me more?

But whatever the consequences would be, I was not ready to let that witch dance with husband. "N-" I started but was immediately cut off by Jimin.

"Sara-ah, you should go. It will give you nothing but pain. So please... Go. Now, you don't have any rights on me. And I would like to dance with Y/n, not with you." Instead of Sara's, he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the stage.

Everyone started cheering and clapping. He dragged me to the centre of the stage. He kept his one hand on my waist and with other, he gently held my hand. I kept my free hand on his shoulder. I was not able to overcome the fact that Jimin 'willingly' chose me over Sara that he suddenly pulled me towards him and started moving our bodies on the beat of romantic music.

My heart was beating crazily. I felt that it would jump out of my rib cage at any moment. But unfortunately, Jimin was not looking at me. He was continuously staring at so called 'heartbroken' Sara. I rolled my eyes.

So, it was to make 'her' jealous...

For atleast five minutes this process continued- We both dancing on a romantic song with Jimin staring at Sara and me at him. After that Jimin finally looked at my teary eyes.

"You should not feel bad. You don't have any right to feel bad." Jimin whispered so that only I could hear. "I am not dancing with you because I want to. I just want to show Sara that I moved on and she should also move on. I am trying to show her that I am 'HAPPY'." He emphasized the word 'happy'.

The tears which I was holding back fell, one by one. Even though I knew that, but still his words felt like daggers hitting my chest. I quickly wipped my tears and nodded, "okay..."

Jimin loves Sara a lot... Is it possible to build even a little feelings for me in his heart?

What if Mrs. Park was wrong? What if Sara really loves Jimin and is a nice lady? What if Jimin would hate me forever...?


Hey guys! Sorry, for updating late. I was little busy. 😅

So, do you like the story till now? What do you think, Is Sara really a slut or Mrs. Park is mistaken?

Comment your reviews!

Love you all a loooot! 😘

Please vote, comment and stay healthy!


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