《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》5. Shopping


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It had been three days since I last met Jimin. Marriage was going to be on Saturday. On the request of Mrs. Park, marriage was planned to be held early. I think, she was scared that I would change my decision. Jimin was going to pick me up for the shopping of our marriage. I was excited but nervous too. I didn't know what that day would bring.


I sat in his black Mercedes-Benz on passenger's seat. For the whole ride, we didn't exchange any kind of words. He opened his mouth only once and that was also to ask me to hurry up as he had to attend some important meeting, later that day.

He parked his car in the parking. As expected, he didn't open the car door for me.

How disappointing...

We entered the mall. Then, we started walking towards the tuxedo's shop. Actually, started 'walking', only if we consider it a walk. I was literally running after him. Around four times I almost tripped, considering the length of my heels and he didn't even bother to help me out or to atleast walk slowly.

We finally entered the tuxedo shop.

"Wait for me here. I'll take hardly five to ten minutes to search. That's why, we came here first. Then you can take as much time you want for your dress, but of course not the whole day." He said and went inside.

I don't know, but I was feeling very uncomfortable with Jimin's calm behaviour. I mean, though he was not nice with me but still he was not acting like a jerk. His tone of speaking was not soft but not harsh as well. Mrs. Park must have said something to him.

Really, Jimin took only ten minutes. He bought his tuxedo and we left for bride's dress. On our way, I was not able to handle my curiosity any longer so I asked, "Jimin, are you alright today?"

"Why?" He looked at me confused.

"Strangely, you are not rude to me today. I thought you... You hated me." I hesitantly said.

"Well, yes I hate you VERY MUCH." He blankly stated.

This broke my heart into pieces. I knew he hates me but still, listening directly from his mouth, hurts.

"But I am being nice to you because unfortunately I promised mom that I will be nice to you and will not be rude." He said.

"Oh..." Was all I could say.

We entered the shop for bride dresses. All the dresses were amazing. I wished to buy three to four dresses instead of one. I chose some dresses with the help of the staff girl present there.

She took me and Jimin into some private room, called VIP room which was a little far away from the shop. It was a large room. Inside that large room ,there were two sections. One section was for waiting and one for changing.


One by one, I tried many dresses. I showed all the dresses, which I tried, to Jimin but he didn't seem to be interested because all the time, either he would hum or just nod. Sometimes, he didn't even look at me.

Last dress was left. It was a long and flairy dress with a long zip at its back, which extended till my lower back.

I tried to zip up my dress but the zipper was very tight. The zip was not ready to move up. I decided to call one of the staff girl for help. "Excuse me!" I shouted, "Is anyone there?!"

I was lazily sitting on the couch and was playing games on my phone. Really, this girl was taking too much time to buy just a simple white gown. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was my secretary.


"Hello. Good evening, sir."

"Good evening. What happened?"

"Sir, your meeting is going to start in half an hour. I called, just to remind you."

"Half an hour?! But it was going to be at six?!" I was shocked.

"Yes Sir. And it's already 5:30 p.m."

"5:30 already?!" I literally freaked out. I quickly glanced at my phone's screen and it showed 5:32 p.m. I sighed, "Okay. Make sure everything is ready. I will try to come as soon as possible."

I hung up.

Seriously, we entered the mall at around 1:30 p.m. and it's already 5:30 p.m. We haven't even bought our rings. I walked near the section where Y/n was changing. I was going to call out her name when I heard, "Excuse me." It was Y/n's voice. "Is anyone there?" The voice was muffled as it was coming out from the closed doors of the other section.

I immediately searched my surroundings but no one was to be found. I again went near the section.

"What is it? Why are you calling?" I asked.

For few seconds there was no reply. Then she spoke, "I need help with my dress."

I again looked around but there was no one. Seriously, who leaves their customer alone in the shop? I pressed the bell provided there, for the three times in a row. But no one responded. I guess the bell was broken.

Great, just great!

"But no one is here to help you." I replied. I heard a sighing sound from inside. "Just hurry up! I have to attend my meeting in just twenty-five minutes!" I shouted.

"I can't help. This is my last dress and I love this one. I am not leaving it without trying!" She seemed desperate for that dress. "Just search for someone. My zip is not going up."

"But here is to help you. And the main shop is far. I cannot go over there and then search for someone and THEN bring them here to help you! I don't have that much time!" I said.


"So, what do you want me to do? I need someone. I cannot zip my dress up myself." She said, irritated.

I sighed, "Open the door."

"What?" Her voice told that she was confused.

"Open the door. I'll help you." I said while slightly pushing the door.

"N-no... H-how can y-you help me?" She stuttered.

She was literally getting on my nerves. I was also not interested in seeing her bare back. But I was getting late for my meeting. I swear, if I got late because of her, I'll kill her for sure.

"Open the door! I don't have time for your rubbish! I am getting late for my meeting!" I was pissed off. I started banging on the door which separated the two sections.

After around two minutes she opened the door. I entered the other section. Surprisingly, the lights were off.

"What happened to the lights?" I asked while closing the door behind me.

"I-I turned them off. I don't want you to see my bare back, yet." She hesitantly replied.

I was still able to see her silhouette. "Whatever. Just turn around. I don't have much time." I started walking towards her. She thought for a minute and then turned around.

Damn it, the dress was too deep. Though, I was not able to see her back much but still I could tell that the zip extended till her lower back.

I tried to zip her dress up without touching her skin. The dress was almost going to zip up but mistakenly I touched her skin. She flinched and I quickly apologized. Her skin was very soft and shiny.

After zipping up, I immediately backed away and turned the lights on. I looked at her and she turned towards me. The moment I looked at her my heart skipped a beat, my jaw almost dropped on the floor and I was lost.

She was looking very pretty in that dress. Her long and naturally curled hair were falling on her bare shoulders. Her light make up and the light falling on her skin were making her skin shiny and it was looking beautiful. Her long and flairy gown was making her look like a princess. She was looking so beautiful and on top of that, the pink shade on her cheeks, which I guess was her natural blush, were making her look adorable...

Without even thinking, I just kept on staring at her till I heard a knock at the door. I snapped back to reality. I noticed that she was looking down at her feet and was blushing very much.

I cleared my throat and opened the door. It was one of the staff. She looked at me in shock and then smiled when she saw Y/n over there.

"Sorry Sir, for disturbing you." She smiled teasingly. I ignored her and walked out of that section.

"Y/n hurry up. We have to leave." I sat back on the couch. I felt my cheeks burning. I think I was blushing...

The way he was looking at me made me go crazy. My body was burning under his intense stare. I thought I would burn down into ashes at anytime. Thankfully, someone interrupted the moment. I saw that Jimin was blushing hard. Aww... He was looking sooo cute.

The staff girl entered the section when Jimin left. "You look great Miss. This dress is looking amazing on you." She smiled warmly.

"Yeah... I also think so." I remembered, how intensely Jimin was staring at me. There is no way I was leaving that dress. "I would like to buy this one." I smiled.

"Sure ma'am." She smiled again and walked out of the section.

I quickly changed and handed that dress to that girl. After that, we both (Jimin and me) went back to the shop. Jimin payed for the dress. He didn't say even a single word. Then we both exited the mall and entered his car.

"Jimin, what about the rings?" I asked.

"I think you can buy the ring yourself. You took so much time in choosing one dress that no more time is left for the rings and I have an important meeting to attend." He replied coldly. "We can do one thing. You can buy the ring for me and I will buy it for you." His tone was still cold.

I nodded. Old Jimin was back. Sometime before he was looking so intensely at me and now... *Sigh*

He stopped the car near the taxi stand. "Get out." He said coldly.

"What?" I asked in bewilderment.

"I said get out. Take a taxi and go home yourself. Your house and my office are in opposite directions. I am already late for my meeting, thanks to you. Now please get out, I don't want to get more late." He said almost shouting at me.

I silently got out of the car. He was not late because of I didn't ask him to stare at me for like ten to fifteen minutes.

He drove off without even caring if I got a taxi or not. Thankfully, I soon got a taxi.

For the whole journey, I was just thinking about how Jimin was looking when he was all flustered. He was looking soooooo cute. I think there is a hope of both of us getting together.


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