《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》4. Decision



Tears were struggling to come out of my eyes. Thank God, his phone rang. He excused himself for a minute and I wasted no time to run inside the house.

I was not even the half way to my room and I already became a crying mess. I was almost going to enter into my room when someone gripped my wrist. I quickly wiped my tears and wore a fake smile. I turned around to look at the person.

"Mrs. Park?" I was confused. What was she doing there? Suddenly, she hugged me.

"Y/n, can we have some private talk please?" She asked while caressing my hair with one of her hands.

"Sure, Mrs. Park."

Then we both entered my room. She locked the door behind her and faced me. I was confused.

"What is the problem, Mrs. Park?" I asked.

She smiled. "Call me 'mom'. Whenever you call me 'Mrs. Park', I think that we have a very formal relationship."

"Mom...? But how can I...?"

"Why? After all, you are going to become my daughter-in-law. Daughters never call there mom with name."

I became silent. I was not able to say anything.

"Y/n... I know what you and Jimin must have talked about." I looked at her in bewilderment. "My child, believe me. I am Jimin's mother and I only want good for him. Sara is really not a good lady. She is a slu-"

"But how can you be so sure about that?!" I cut her off. First Jimin and now she. Both of them really wanted to check my patience.

"One day, my friend arranged a party at the club. Over there, I first saw her dancing with three boys. You won't believe but she was kissing each one of them one by one. And after that... When I went inside the bathroom, I saw her with one of the boy with whom she was dancing. And I assume... you must have imagined what they were doing over there." She sounded extremely disappointed and angry.


I was shocked on hearing that. How can Sara be like that? When I met her, even though I was rude to her, she was very nice to me. And she didn't seem a slut at all.

"At that time she didn't know that I knew her as Jimin had already shown me her picture." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Serioulsy, at that time I wished to just run to her and give her a nice tight slap but I controlled myself as it could make things even worse." She looked directly into my eyes. "I tried millions of time to explain this to Jimin... But he is so blindly in love with her that he never listens to me." She put her hands on my shoulders, "Y/n, only you can save him. If you will deny for the marriage, then as per the condition I will have to allow him to marry her. But his life will get destroyed. Please my child, say 'yes' for the marriage. Now, the decision is upto you..." She gave me a sad smile and left the room.

I was still shocked and was trying to absorb whatever she said. On one side it was Jimin and on other, it was Mrs. Park. I was not able to understand that to whom I should believe and to whom I should not...


I entered the 'special' room only to find all the curious eyes staring at me. I guess, all were waiting for me only.

"Umm... I-" I started.

"What's your decision?" My mother cut me off and asked excitedly.

"Jimin said 'yes', we are only waiting for your decision, Y/n." My dad said.

I looked at Jimin. He was smiling at me. I think, he was sure that I would deny for the marriage. Then, I looked at Mrs. Park. She was looking at me like at any moment she would burst out in tears. I was clearly able to see the pain and truth in her eyes. She was begging me.


"I-I... My decision..." I stuttered. What to say?! I was so so so confused. I wanted to say 'yes'! With all my heart, I accept him as my husband not only to save him from Sara but because... Because I love him way too much. But, I know that if I said 'yes' he will hate me, maybe forever. But still it's... Maybe...

"I-I..." I pursued my lips. I tightly shut my eyes and said, "Yes. I am- I am ready for this marriage..."

After I said that, loud cheers filled the room. My mother immediately ran to me and hugged me. But I didn't dare to open my eyes. When she parted away, within seconds I again felt the warmth of someone.

"Thank you..." Mrs. Park whispered.

"Thank you Y/n-ah... Thank you very much..." She hugged me more tightly. I dared to open my eyes only to meet with the pair of furious one. Jimin was furiously staring at me as if he would kill me at any moment.


The whole time, Jimin was looking so pissed off that I didn't dare to share even a single word with him.

When everyone were happy and celebrating, Jimin quietly dragged me out of the room. He harshly pinned me against the wall and spoke in a low, deep, husky but scary voice, "What do you think you are doing?"

He stared directly into my eyes. If eyes could kill then I am sure I would have died right then and there.

Somehow, I gathered my courage and spoke, "I did what I think is correct." I tried to sound confident even though my legs were shaking due to fear.

He looked even more pissed off. He tightened his grip on my wrist. It started hurting like hell. "You think it's correct?!" He nearly screamed. "Trust me, it's the worst mistake you would have ever made." He smirked.

He sighed and spoke again but in a little calming tone, "Listen

Y/n... It's not late, yet. Just go inside and deny for the marriage."

"No." I said.

"No?" He asked angrily. He squeezed my wrists. "No...?" He asked in a deadly mocking tone. "How dare you say 'no'?"

The pain became unbearable. "Jimin leave! You are hurting me!" I struggled in his grip.

"It's hurting you?" He asked with a smirk. "Believe me honey, it's nothing. I will make sure to make your life a living hell. I know you are marrying me because you still like me or because of your some greed. But remember, I will never be able to return you that love, NEVER!"

He left my wrists and walked out of the house. I sat down onto the floor and hugged my legs tightly. I tried to control my tears but they kept on running like a waterfall.

What have I done to deserve this...?


So, please tell me how is the story? From now onwards the main story will get start that is, the heated and cute love story of Jimin and Y/n. 😁

I hope you all will enjoy it! Sorry, if you found this chapter small. More updates are waiting for you all!

Love you all a loooot! 😘

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