《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》3. Deal


Tears were streaming down my face. Jimin was shocked, but not as much as I thought. I think, he already knew about my feelings. We both kept on staring at each other without saying anything, for like eternity. Finally, he broke the silence by saying those words, after which I lost all my senses.

"Never show me your face again." He simply spilled out while staring deep into my soul. He stepped back and released his grip from my shoulders. I felt numb. My world stopped. I was so shocked that my eyes went dry.

"Y/n, I love Sara very much and I will never leave her. I see you only as my best friend. And as a friend, I care for you. That's why I am saying that we should never meet again. Whenever you will see me with Sara, you will get nothing except pain. And maybe you will never be able to move on in your life. So, it will be better to separate our ways."

And with that, he left me... Forever...

Now, it's been six months and I have not seen his face even once. I had been to orphanage many a times after that in hope to meet him atleast once but he never showed up. I was so heart broken. I truly fell for him... I love him with all my heart...


The driver parked the car in front of my house and quickly got off the car to open the door for me. I stepped out and entered my house.

Yeah, my house.... I live with my parents. I am a little concerned for their safety and I am also afraid to be alone as it gives me the feeling of loneliness...

I didn't bother to change my clothes, because I wanted them to accept me the way I am or you can say... I didn't want them to accept me at all. I was not ready to marry, yet.

I entered the living room. My mother welcomed me with a sweet and warm smile.

"Y/n-ah... " She approached me. "You are a little late, honey. What took you that long ?" She whispered.

"Nothing... Just meeting. Are they here?" I whispered back.

"Yeah... They are. I really liked them. And the boy is also very handsome. I don't think there is any chance to reject him." She smiled.


"We will see that, mom. Let's meet them."

We both entered our 'special room' meant only for special guests. The moment I entered, my mom forced me to bow. She didn't even give me a chance to atleast see their faces.

She is way too much excited...

"Hello, I am Y/n/L/n. Nice to meet you."

"Y/n-ah..." A woman said. Strangely, the voice was a little familiar. I stood up and was shocked to see the lady sitting in front of me.

"Mrs. Park..." And just beside her, 'he' was sitting with the same shocked expression as mine. We both kept on staring at each other. We were not able to avert our gazes from each other due to shock. The room was deadly silent untill Mrs. Park broke it.

"It's nice to meet you again, Y/n. How are you?" She smiled politely.

"I-I am f-fine Mrs. Park. How are yo-you?" I stammered. I was still not recovered from the shock.

"I am absolutely fine." She sounded very happy.

"You... Already know her, Mrs. Park?" My mom asked, a little confused.

"Yeah...I do. We already met before. And I am very happy that it's you Y/n. I always wanted you to be my son's wife." I blushed, hard.

"T-Thankyou Mrs. Park."

I faced Jimin. He was still staring at me with a shocked expression. Suddenly, he smiled. But it didn't seem like he smiled at me. He was thinking something.

"That's great!" A male voice, which was of Mr. Park, interrupted. "If you (Mrs. Park) already like her and want her to be Jimin's wife then, we should not wait for anything. I think, we should fix the marriage date!" He said excitedly.

On hearing the word 'marriage' and that also with him, my heart pumped crazily.

"D-Dad, before taking any decision, I think we should atleast talk with each other. Right, Y/n?" He smiled at me.

How can you say 'no' to that smile?

"Y-Yeah... Sure." I nervously smiled.

I took him out of the house, in my garden. We both took a seat opposite to each other on the chairs, already placed in the garden.

For some time, none of us spoke a word. It was kinda awkward. But after some time, Jimin broke the awkward silence.

"Hey... Long time no see." He smiled.


"Yeah...Hi... How are you?" I was nervous as hell. So I was just speaking the first word which came into my mind.

"I am good. How about you?"

"I am also good."

And then again... We came to the same situation. AWKWARD, DEADLY SILENCE! We could only hear the sound of the water pouring down the fountain.

After some time, Jimin again broke the silence.

"Umm... Y/n?" He seemed nervous.

"Yes?" I asked, trying to be sweet and calm.

"I am very happy to know that it's you..." He smiled.

"M-me? What do you mean?" Till that time, I was freaking out.

"I am happy that the girl with whom my marriage is going to be fixed, is you."

My heart was almost going to jump out of my ribcage. My cheeks turned bright shade of pink. And all I was able to say was "Oh..." I looked at my feet.

"Umm... Y/n, I want some favour from you." He asked in a serious tone.

I was having some kind of bad feeling but still I replied, "What is it?"

He sighed, "As you already know about the relationship of me and Sara. And you also know that how much I love her. So..."

My face turned pale, my breathing stopped. On hearing that he still loves her, I just wished to run away from there. I tried to stay as much calm as I could but I felt like crying. I was not having a good feeling. This is not going in a good direction.

"So...?" Somehow, I managed to whisper.

"... Can you please say 'no' for the wedding? I don't want to marry you. It's not that I hate you... You are a great girl, really! But I want to marry Sara. I still love her very much..."

He continued to speak but his words were no more audible to me. My heart sank. I literally wanted to run away and cry all my heart out. But still, I wanted answers for some of my questions. So, I gathered all the courage left in me and managed to ask.

"Then why were you h-happy th-that it was m-me?"

"Because I thought that you would be able to understand me as you already know about us."

So, he was happy because he thought that I would say 'no' for marriage and he will be able to be with Sara?! How mean...

"Why did you even agree for arrange marriage? You could have told your parents that you want to marry Sara."

"I asked but... they denied. They think that Sara is not a good lady. They think that she is a s-slut." His voice cracked. "That's why they are forcing me to either find someone else for me or marry a girl of their choice. Mom said that I would have to choose between her and Sara. If I chose Sara, I will have to leave mom and vice versa. But I can't leave mom. She is my everything and same goes to Sara. I love her very much." A hint of sadness, annoyance and anger was clear in his voice.

"Then, how can I even help you?" It was still not clear. If I will deny to marry him then his mother would find someone else for him.

"After begging her for countless times, she agreed me to marry Sara but only on one condition." He became serious. "I will have to see five girls, whoever mom wants, for marriage. I am not allowed to give any of my suggestion on girls. My mom will decide it herself. And after five girls, if mom finds no one capable enough to be my wife, then I will be allowed to marry Sara." A bright smile appeared on his face. "Thankfully, three of the girls are already rejected by mom. Fourth one was having a boyfriend and fifth one-"

"And fifth one is me?" I asked.

"Yeah... Only you need to do is deny for the marriage. Then, I will be able to marry Sara. You will do this for me... Right Y/n?"


Soooo! Do you like it? I tried my best to make it less depressing, I swear.

Please give me your reviews, and ask me whatever you want to ask except for the suspense. I will try to reveal it as soon as possible.

Will Y/n listen what Jimin wants and say 'no' for marriage or she will listen to her heart and agree for the marriage or... There will be some twist in the story...?

Stay tuned for more interesting chapters!!

Love you a loooooot! 😘

Please vote, comment and stay healthy!


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