《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》2. Just Friend?


My whole week went quite tiring and stressful. New meetings, new clients, new problems and new solutions. And on top of that, the continuous threats of my parents to either find a boyfriend for myself or they themselves would find an appropriate groom for me. But after all these, finally the day to visit orphanage came.

I entered the orphanage and met Miss Lee. She is a lovely lady. I am sure her husband must be head over heels for her.

After greeting her I made my way towards the children. I didn't even reach there when the sound of laughter and cheers filled my ears. Children seemed so happy. Automatically, a grin appeared on my face. In no time, I almost started running towards them.

When I reached there, I found all the children sitting in a circle facing a blonde haired man, sitting exactly in the centre of the circle, on a stool. His back was facing me, so I couldn't see his face. But then also I was able to guess who he was.

Children continuously laughed on whatever he said.

I reached him and cleared my throat, "Umm... Hello."

He quickly turned in my direction. The moment he faced me, our eyes met. He ran his fingers through his hair and my heart beat increased.

"Hello, how can I help you?" He smiled at me. Oh God, that smile! It killed me then and there!

"Unnie!" All children shouted in unison and ran towards me.

"Hey there! How are you all?" I asked with same joy those children showed me.

"Oh! So I guess you are Miss Y/n/L/n, right? Hi, I am park Jimin." He extended his hand for a shake and I accepted it, almost instantly.

"Yes, I am. How do you know?"

"Miss Lee told me. She said that children didn't miss me at all last weekend because you were here with them." He pouted like a child.

I chuckled, "Then, should I be sorry?"

He immediately smiled, "No, no. I was just joking. I am glad you were here and they were not lonely. Thank you."

"Well... Now I am also their friend so, mention not." I smiled back.

We both played with children, a lot. Whenever Jimin smiled or unknowingly acted cute, my heart raced. Though I have seen his lot of formal pictures in the magazines but still, pictures and reality has a huuuge difference. He's such an angel. No doubt, why children loved him so much. He himself becomes a child with them.


Every weekend, he and me used to visit orphanage. We used to spend a lot of time with children and each other as well. We used to talk a lot about random things other than business. 'Cause he also used to visit there to free himself from business matters for some time.

Soon, we both became very good friends. We both also started sharing the things about our past lives. It was good to know that we both spend a normal childhood. No bad experiences, no heartbreaking incidents. Once, he also confessed that he has a passion for dance and singing. Infact, he also sung a beautiful song for me. His voice is sooo angelic. I confronted him a lot for becoming a businessman instead of a singer.


He also used to talk a lot about a girl named, Sara. He told that he has a huge crush on her since his high school. It was a little heartbreaking for me, but till the time she was his crush, I was fine. I mean, we all have crushes, but it is not compulsory that they will become our boyfriend or girlfriend.


It's been three months, and I have no shame to admit that-

'I, Y/n/L/n started liking Park Jimin much more than a friend.'

But the problem is, I am not sure if he also feels the same for me. He speaks in a very informal and friendly way with me but it doesn't mean that he also feels the same for me.

One more day left to visit orphanage. In starting my parents used to love the fact of me visiting orphange every weekend but slowly, they started disliking it. They want me to go out on dates with my boyfriend rather than visiting an orphange.

But who would tell them that I visit there to meet my boy only. I have told everthing about Jimin and my feelings to Sam, my best friend, and she's so excited to see us in a relationship. She is a huge fan of our ship.

Previous weekend Jimin didn't come to orphanage, I wonder why. But I just wished to meet him next time.

I entered the orphanage, as usual, only to hear the cheerful cheers of children. Thank god he was there. I entered with a bright smile.

There, he was playing with children and... One girl was also there, standing and smiling at the children. No doubt, she was beautiful.

I reached Jimin and waited till he noticed my presence.

"Hey! We were waiting for you! Why are you so late?!" Jimin said with a pouty face.

Oh God, bless my heart...

"Umm... Traffic?" I tried my best to control my heart beat.

"Oh... Ok leave it. Today we are gonna play in the park. Ready?"

"Sure!" I excitedly jumped and faced the girl. "Umm... Hello Miss...?"

"Oh! Hi I am Sara." She said with a warm smile.

"Sara...?" My eyes widened. She was the one about whom Jimin was talking. She is his crus-

"Meet my girlfriend!" Jimin excitedly jumped and grinned like a child. But as soon as I heard the word 'girlfriend' my heart sank, and my smile immediately dropped.

"Girlfriend...?" I whispered. Girlfriend...? Girlfriend? Girlfriend!? How can- how can he?! I know I shouldn't, but I felt betrayed and heart broken. Still, I forced a smile. I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"Since when...?" I felt a lump in my throat because of which my voice came out as a whisper and was barely audible. But Jimin heard it.

"Two weeks. Remember, last weekend I didn't come? We both went on a date." Jimin had a light blush on his cheeks. He was looking sooo beautiful but I was not in a state to adore him at that time. I was shocked and hurt.

"Umm... Jimin? I think I should go now. I have some work to do." Sara said and hugged him. Sara went out of the orphanage followed by Jimin. I didn't want to but my jealousy dragged me out with them. But- I shouldn't have, I really shouldn't have.


'They both were kissing right in front of my eyes.'

I literally wanted to cry aloud at that time. Then, Sara sat in Jimin's car and his driver drove away to her destination. After she was gone, he turned around and saw me. A large smile appeared on his face. I didn't want to hurt him so I smiled back.

"Hey~ congratulations on your success!" I tried to pretend cheerful and happy.

He came to me. "Thanks, I am so happy. Finally... You know, I wanted her to be my girlfriend since high school and see, finally we are together. I love her so much that I can't express it in words." He smiled and blushed. I wanted to cry so badly but I still managed to smile.


Children were enjoying themselves in the park. I wanted to join them but I couldn't. Again and again the thought of Jimin having a girlfriend, their kiss and Jimin's extreme love for her was tossing in my mind. I desperately wished to take Sara's place.

Suddenly, a voice broke the chain of my thoughts.

"Hey lazy bug! Get up! Why are you sitting?!" Jimin shouted, still playing with children with a ball.

"I am fine! I-I don't want to play!" I tried my best to avoid cracks in my voice.

He started walking towards me.

Please don't...

"Are you okay? Why aren't you playing?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"Yes Jimin. I am really fine. Please, you go and play."

"I am not going without you." He held my hand and started pulling me up.

His hands were so soft and warm.

"Jimin, I am fine."

But he kept on pulling me up and at the end he succeeded. I stumbled towards him, and our faces were only inches away from each other. My heart started beating like crazy, but it didn't seem like he was affected.

"You should have listened to me earlier." He started dragging me towards children.


"Y/n come on, don't be a coward!"

"No means no! Till the time 'it' is here, I am not going!" I pointed at the spider that was hanging down the tree, on the only entrance to the second part of the park.

I have an arachnophobia. I cannot bear even a single and small spider near me. Even if it is an artificial spider.

"Y/n, it will not eat you."

"I said, NO!" I tried to pull my hand away from his tight grip but he held it more tightly and pulled me towards him. I bumped into his chest.

"Y/n. Don't you trust me? Nothing will happen. I promise."

I lost the ability to speak anymore. My heart beat accelerated, my face became red as a tomato and automatically a huge grin appeared on my face. He was not able to see my such a condition because my face was hidden in his chest.


He, in the same hugging position, took me to the other side of the park while protecting me from the hanging spider. I swear I never felt so happy after seeing a spider in my entire life. But my bad luck, he immediately pulled away after safely reaching at our destination.


Days passed by slowly. Instead of weekends, we both started visiting there thrice a week. Some times, Jimin used to bring Sara along with him. No doubt, she is a nice girl but because of my jealousy, I always used to behave coldly and rudely with her. And the worst part was, Jimin noticed it. But thank God he never asked the reason.

One day, Jimin brought a lady with him but she was not Sara. She was his mother.

She really is a great person, just like Jimin. We both talked for like hours. And I was glad that she started liking me.

"Y/n, you are such a nice girl. I am still not able to understand that how my son found such a girl in 21st century." Mrs. Park said, in a very sweet and loving voice.

"Thank you very much Mrs. Park. I am glad you like me. And you are also a wonderful lady." I smiled back.

"I can't understand that why Jimin likes Sara leaving you. I really want you to be my son's wife, not her. I don't like her at all." She said in a playful tone. Though she tried to show it as a playful comment but by looking at her expression anyone could make out that she was deadly serious.

I blushed, " Sara is also a great lady, Mrs. Park." I smiled.

"Yeah.. I hope she is..."


Whatever Mrs. Park said that day gave me confidence, that I am perfect for Jimin. But still, he is not mine.

Soon, my confidence changed into over confidence and I started acting obvious. Whenever I used to get a chance I used to stare at Jimin, even after he used to catch me. I became more rude and cold towards Sara.

After some time, when I crossed all the limits and started behaving more obvious, Jimin had no other option but to talk to me about my problems.

"Y/n, I want to ask you something." He spoke in a calm but serious tone.

I gulped, "What is it, Jimin?"

"Why do you behave so coldly with Sara?"

Shit! Shit! Shit!

"I don't." I lied to him for the first time. I was not able to look at him anymore so I averted my gaze. I looked everywhere except him.

"Y/n, don't lie. I have been noticing this since a long time. But I am asking now because you are crossing your limits. What's wrong with you, Y/n? Earlier you were not like that!" He slowly started to raise his voice. He was boiling with anger but still, he tried to be as much calm as he could.

I kept quiet. I was not able to come up with any excuse and I didn't have the courage to accept my feelings... Yet.

He became impatient and lost control over his anger. He stepped forward, held my shoulders tightly and shouted, "Y/n, answer me! Silence is not an answer! Why are you so rude with Sara?! Why do you always stare at me?! What happened to you?! Y/n, speak up-"

"Because I love you damnit!"



So guys, time to clear some doubts.

Yes, this whole chapter is a flashback. If you have anything else to ask, feel free.

Stay tuned, more chapters and twists are waiting for you... 😉

Love you all a loooooooot! 💖

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