《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》1. Orphanage


Y/n- You (your first name)

Y/l/n- Your full name

L/n- Your last name


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*Knock knock*


"Miss Y/n, I got a call from your mother. She was asking for the time your meeting will get over and you will return home." My personal assistant, Mark asked after opening the door of my office.

"Oh! I totally forgot about that. Tell her that the meeting is already over and I will be there in around 20 minutes."

"Sure ma'am."

I immediately packed all of my stuff and left the company in my black Limo.

Really, I thought that after inheriting my father's company I would be able to live a calm and relaxed life. But who knew, my life would become more tiring and stressful.

But still, I enjoy what I do. Atleast I am independent and capable enough to share the load of my father's work.

*Ring ring*

Not again... this girl really knows how to call at the wrong time.


"Hey! How are you? Is everything okay!?"

No matter how much she irritates me but I always feel very happy whenever I talk to her.

"Hey Sam! I am good. What about you?" I said, trying to be as much cheerful I could.

"Firstly, no need to show that fake cheerfulness. I know you are not. And secondly, I am not happy at all! How can- have you lost your mind?!"

She asked. Anger and shock was clearly audible in her voice.

When she spoke those words my smile instantly dropped.

"What do you mean?"

I clearly knew what she meant but I still tried to act dumb.

"You clearly know what I mean. How the fuck can you agree for ARRANGE MARRIAGE, huh?!" She shouted. U-oh... How did she get to know about this? "I know your parents are not like the one who will force you for money or company's profit. They love you a lot and only want your happiness. Then why the fuck you agreed?!"

I knew she was as much heartbroken as I was. She only wants my happiness. Though she is my best friend and can understand all of my emotions without me explaining but this time she failed. She failed to understand what I was suffering from.


"Listen Sam, I am not in a mood to talk about that. You know what my age is and yet I don't have any boyfriend. So, I think it's better to go with arrange marriage. My parents are always so worried for my marriage. And I don't think arrange marriages are bad."

I shrugged. I don't think arrange marriages are that bad.

"And Miss, may I know why you don't have any boyfriend?"

"Excuse me? I just didn't find anyone who could fulfill all the qualities of my ideal man."

"You didn't find or you didn't search? And... Not able to fulfill the qualities of your ideal man or... 'him' ?


I was not able to say even a single word. And what could I say... Somewhere... She was correct.

"How was your job interview? Was it good?"

I tried to change the subject.

"Don't you dare to change the subject. I asked you something!"

She shouted at me.

"Okay! You are correct!" I sighed, "Now what?"

"Why are you doing this to yourself? You know you can never get him."

She said in a concerned tone.

"I know, okay? There is no need to remind me again. I can't help myself! They always say that we can truly love only once in our life. And I already lost my that one chance on someone who doesn't love me back! Why do you think I never tried to move on?! I did! I went on so many blind dates but no- nothing worked..!"

I started sobbing, tears started running down my face like a water fall. I couldn't handle it anymore.

"Y/n-ah... Please... Don't do this to yourself... Atleast try to give yourself one more chance... Marrying just anyone to forget him is not an option..."

She said in a consoling tone, like we talk to a sobbing child who lost his most precious toy.

I tried to re-collect myself and spoke,

"S-sam, I think m-mom is call-calling me. T-talk to you later-" and without waiting for her reply, I hung up. I know, that she already know I lied. But thank God she didn't call again.


After hanging up, I cried all my heart out. All the pain I was carrying in my heart for six months, I let all out in these 20 minutes of journey. Who knows, if I will ever get a second chance to let it out or not?

(1 year ago)

Finally... Finally, I earned my own money. Not my father's, not my mother's but my own hard earned money. After inheriting my father's company, I got a full control on the Seoul branch of his company.

I didn't want to deposit my first earning in some bank or something. I wanted to spend them, not in parties or bars, but in... Children orphanage.

I wasted no time and drove to the nearest orphanage. I really love children a lot, specially the sound of their laughter...

I asked my three of the servants to carry the boxes of chocolates inside the orphanage. Wasting no time, I quickly entered the orphanage, meeting the excited and laughing faces of little angels. Children never fail to bring a huge smile on my face.

"Hello Miss, may I help you?" One beautiful lady, who seemed to be in her late thirties, approached me with a sweet smile.

"Hello, I am Y/nL/n, the C.E.O. of the L/n's Corporation. Actually, I wanted to spend some time with these children. If you don't mind, can I meet the owner of this orphanage?" I smiled politely.

"Sure. Please follow me."

I followed her. She started walking towards the gallery, which was in the hall. The walls of gallery were covered with beautiful pictures of children laughing and playing. I kept on walking and observing all the pictures, untill one picture caught my attention. I stopped.

"Isn't it... Mr. Park Jimin? The only son of the owner of the Park's Corporation?" I asked a little confused. What was his picture doing there along with a little girl?

I have read about him in the magazines. Along with mine, his company is also one of the most famous company in South Korea. Just for business purpose, I have read a bit about him.

"Yeah... He is. He comes here every weekend to spend some time with these children. He also loves children a lot." She said with a warm smile.

"Oh... That's good. So, it means he will come today also? As it's a weekend."

"No, today he has some work to do." She said a bit disappointed. "Children are missing him very much. I am glad you are here, maybe they will cheer up a little." She smiled brightly.

"Yeah... I wish they will. Let's meet her."

"Yeah, sure!"

We entered a room, which seemed like an office. In there, a lady was sitting on a chair who seemed to be in her mid fifties. I bowed and greeted her with a smile. She was referred to as Miss Lee. Yeah, she was unmarried.

I was very sorry to know that when she was nineteen, she met with an dreadful accident in which she lost her boyfriend, her unborned child and also the ability to become a mother again. That's why she decided to open an orphanage to shower her love and affection on those children who lost their parents in their early ages. But after all these incidents too, she was a cheerful and lovely lady, just like my mother.


I gave almost half of my earnings as donation. I felt really relieved by helping her.

After some time, I exited her office and met with those pretty, laughing and cheerful faces again.

At first, they didn't interact much with me and tried to avoid me, maybe because I was a stranger for them but when I promised to give them chocolates, they quickly pounced on me and hugged me tightly. I know right, no one can resist chocolates.

I played with them for almost the whole day but it seemed like a very short time. They started liking me and asked me to visit them often. I felt like I won a great award when they said that they liked me. No matter what, I would try to visit them every weekend..


. 😜

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