《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》Preview


The whole time, Jimin was looking so pissed off that I didn't dare to share even a single word with him.

When everyone was happy and celebrating, Jimin quietly dragged me out of the room. He pinned me harshly against the wall and spoke in a low and deep voice which sent shivers up my body, "What do you think you are doing?"

His eyes were penetrating my soul. If eyes could kill then I am sure I would have died right then and there.

Somehow, I gathered my courage and spoke, "I did what I think is correct." I tried to sound confident even though my legs were shaking in fear.

He looked even more pissed. He tightened his grip on my wrist which started hurting like hell. "You think it's correct?!" He nearly screamed. "Trust me, it's the worst mistake you would have ever made." He smirked.

He sighed and spoke again but in a little calming tone, "Listen

Y/n... It's not late, yet. Just go inside and deny for the marriage."

"No." I said.

"No?" He asked angrily. He squeezed my wrists. "No...?" He asked in a deadly mocking tone. "How dare you say 'no'?"

The pain became unbearable. "Jimin leave! You are hurting me!" I struggled in his grip.

"It's hurting you?" He asked with a smirk. "Believe me honey, it's nothing. I will make sure to make your life a living hell. I know you are marrying me because you still like me or because of your some greed. But remember, I will never be able to return you that love, NEVER!"

He left my wrists and walked out of the house. I sat down onto the floor and hugged my legs tightly. I tried to control my tears but they kept on running like a waterfall.

What have I done to deserve this...?


It's my first time writing any fanfiction. Hope you enjoy it. This book is totally based on my ideas.

Mature language, a bit mature scenes and other such things are included in this book so read at your own risk.

Status: Ongoing

Started: June 1, 2018

Ended: ---------

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