《ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ | xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜰɪᴄ》Part 66



It was nothing out of the ordinary that you were driving yourself to school. You had just gotten your license being the age of 16 and you'd often drive yourself when your parents couldn't do so.

However, you were still young and inexperienced. When you saw a crowd of boys fighting with one another, it was no surprise your attention drifted to them instead of the road.

Of course at the time you didn't think much of it when you were more focused on the group of boys fighting.

But it was until you noticed one of them having his eyes fixed on the road ahead of you that made you pay attention to where you were driving. As you glanced back at the road, you saw a little girl fallen on the ground.

Your eyes widened as you finally snapped back to your senses. You immediately hit the break in panic and the car began screeching.

But it had been too late, you weren't able to react quick enough.

You remembered how fast your heart had been beating, how petrified you were. And the same question that kept repeating in your head. 'Did I hit her?'

Being in a complete state of disbelief and fear, you couldn't leave the car. Your hands stayed on the steering wheel as your eyes remained wide open. You waited for something to happen.

You waited for someone to tell you that you didn't hit her. Some time had passed before you began hearing sirens and loud chattering as officers began taking over the scene.

Someone knocked on your car door, to which you immediately opened. It was an officer. He told you to leave the car and then asked some questions.

Everything was happening so fast, you were far too shocked to even give proper responses.

Your parents arrived at the scene and they spoke with the officers. Soon, they walked to you and your mother gave you a hug.


While she tried reassuring you, you slowly began processing everything that had happened. You realized that the girl did get hit.

As more fear overtook you, you began panicking while tears formed in your eyes. Guilt wrapped around you tightly to the point of it suffocating you. You couldn't breathe. You tried inhaling and exhaling to the best of your abilities but it was no use.

You saw your mother give you a worried look as you tried composing yourself. You held your chest tightly and got on your knees, while trying to take in deep breaths.

Then suddenly, everything went blank.

And after that, you couldn't recall a single thing from the accident.

It was as if it never happened at all.

Your mind refused to accept it.

And that was until the day Xiao had reminded you of it once more.

"Wait Qiqi!"

You began panicking as you saw the little girl cross the road. "Huh?" She stopped in her tracks as she shot you a confused look.

This had also caught Xiao's and Zixin's attention as the two quickly looked her way.

"Qiqi!" You cried out once more before running to her.

At that moment, everything came running back to you. Every memory from the accident. You remembered every small detail and how horribly guilty you felt.

But Qiqi standing on the road didn't only blossom your memories, but Xiao's and Zixin's as well.

The two could remember that day vividly. And before you knew it, all three of you had begun running towards the little girl, who continued to look at you in confusion.

Qiqi only assumed that you three were running to her simply because you had missed her just as much as she had missed you. Thinking about that rose a smile on her face.

But it was quite the different scenario. You three couldn't allow history to repeat itself, so you ran. You all ran as fast as you could to get to her.


You did what you weren't able to before. Remembering it all brought tears to your eyes as you continued running.

The day of the accident flashed before Xiao's eyes the moment he saw Qiqi, along with Zixin, making the two go into a state of urgency.

Soon, all three of you embraced the purple headed girl who happily hugged you back.

The others simply watched in confusion, wondering why you three were in such a hurry only just to hug her.

But of course to you three, it was a completely different scenario as you all ran on instinct.

"I understand you missed her but please don't hug her so tightly! She's only just recovered!" The caretaker cried out, trying to pull Qiqi away from you.

Suddenly realizing the situation, you all quickly jumped back. "Sorry! I got carried away!" You quickly let go of her, with Xiao and Zixin doing the same.

"Apologies." Xiao cleared his throat while Zixin rubbed his neck. "I guess we all got carried away," The black headed male nervously chuckled.

"No worries... just give her some space." The caretaker smiled, before patting Qiqi's head. "Are you alright?" She asked the little girl.

Qiqi nodded with a smile. "Yes."

You sighed in relief, then shifted your attention back to the others.

"You guys alright?" Heizou asked, earning a small nod from the three of you. "We should head back to school now. But you know, you guys can take the day off since a lot has happened," Keqing suggested.

"What about the festival? Hu Tao will be pissed," You sighed, knowing fully well that Hu Tao's probably already pissed at you guys for being so late in the first place.

"That's fine. We can postpone the festival to tomorrow, you all should rest. Besides," Keqing said, before facing Qiqi. "It wouldn't be polite to leave Qiqi here since it seems she came here to visit you."

"Keqing's right," Heizou agreed but Keqing knew he only agreed because he wanted to miss school, which caused her to shake her head.

"Alright then." You chuckled nervously, fearing Hu Tao's reaction. The others all exchanged one last nod before turning around to go their own ways.

"Thanks for the help," You said to Heizou and Scaramouche. "Yeah yeah whatever," Scaramouche scoffed. Heizou noticed that Xiao had been waiting for you, so he patted Scaramouche's shoulder to get his attention. "Let's go now."

Scaramouche shrugged his shoulders before walking away, and Heizou went along with him.

Meanwhile, you noticed Xiao waiting. As a small smile tugged your lips, you walked over to the teal headed male.

"Waiting for me? Haha," You teased him, earning a small chuckle from the male. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, right?" Xiao asked while looking at you attentively.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. How about you?" You said. Xiao sighed before walking up to you and grabbing your cheek with his hand. "You have tears in your eyes," He pointed out.

You smiled as he wiped your remaining tears away with his thumb. "I really am fine," You repeated, to which he hummed at. "I'm fine as well."

You then wrapped your arms around him, giving him a tight hug. Xiao smiled and closed his eyes, while wrapping his arms around you as well, further tightening the hug. You remained in that position for awhile, before realizing that Qiqi was still waiting.

"Oh, right." You pulled away from Xiao, causing him to raise a brow. "Hm?"

You turned your head towards where Qiqi was standing, with her hand being held by the caretaker. "Let's go talk to Qiqi now."

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