《ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ | xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜰɪᴄ》Part 64



Xue bit his lip, conflicted about what to do. On the other hand, Zixin and Xiao could only stare at him, waiting for his response.

"Can you think faster? I need to get to Y/n," Xiao deadpanned, causing the blonde to grow more anxious.

"Fine. I guess we can go to Feng now," He sighed, finally giving in.

"Great. Let's go." Xiao quickly composed himself before turning around and running along the sidewalk to your home.

Zixin and Xue followed him from behind.


Qiqi made it to Xiao's home first, with her caretaker driving her there. Her caretaker rang the doorbell three times, before Zhongli had opened it.

Upon opening the door, the first thing Zhongli saw was the little girl looking up at him. "Oh, hello Qiqi," He greeted her with a smile. Qiqi smiled back at him.

"Hello Mr. Zhongli. Qiqi wanted to meet with Xiao and Y/n," The caretaker briefly explained to him. "Ah," Zhongli nodded. "Well, the two have gone to school. I'm afraid you'll need to wait a bit."

"That's fine. We can wait," The caretaker smiled. "We'll just go on a small walk in the meantime. After all, Qiqi has just been released from the hospital, she needs to walk."

"That would be a wise decision, yes." Zhongli agreed, while patting Qiqi's head. "Enjoy your walk."

Qiqi simply smiled as the caretaker held her hand. "We'll be back soon."

Zhongli then watched the two take their leave.


"Don't worry, I won't take too long." The short male grinned confidently.

You shook your head, while Feng prepared himself to fight the auburn headed male. He began the first move by flinging his fist towards Heizou, with Heizou quickly grabbing it.


"Wh—" Feng then threw his other fist at him, before he caught it once again. "You lost." Heizou's grin widened.

"You didn't even fight," Feng retorted with a small scoff.

"Didn't need to," Heizou responded while shrugging his shoulders.

"Coward, why don't you fight me properly?" Feng tried escaping his grasp, but Heizou's grip only tightened.

The auburn headed male shook his head while clicking his tongue. "Tsk tsk tsk, you just can't keep your mouth shut, can you? You know what they say about people with big mouths, right?" He smirked before leaning in closer to his ear.

"They aren't good liars. Tell me, what will you do when you'll be taken to the authorities and forced to confess your crimes?" He whispered into his ear, taunting the brunette further.

Feng clicked his tongue, before trying to kick Heizou, to which Heizou instantly dodged. He then grabbed Feng's arm, swiftly moving behind him and pushing against his back till he fell downwards. Feng's face was now colliding against the cold sidewalk.

The brunette remained silent in rage as he looked at you while his body was being pinned down by Heizou.

"What's wrong? Why'd you stop talking?" Heizou continued to taunt him while pushing his face further down, causing Feng to wince.

But their fight was soon interrupted when you heard someone approaching you. And it sounded like more than one person.

You turned your head towards the source of the noise and caught sight of Xiao, Zixin and Xue all running towards your way. Your eyes widened as you quickly lifted yourself off the ground.

"Xiao!" You exclaimed before dusting the dirt off of your pants.

"Ah, about time you show up." Heizou lifted himself off of the brunette, releasing him from his grip. Feng quickly got up and glared at Xue, who failed to deal with Xiao.


"Y/n. He didn't hurt you, right?" Xiao asked you as he shot Feng an angered glare. "I'm alright," You told him.

He nodded, then turned to face the brunette. "Feng." Xiao began walking to him, before he was interrupted by Zixin grabbing his shoulder. "Allow me to deal with him," He suggested, to which Xiao only nodded at.

"You traitor," Feng scowled. "How dare you betray us?"

"I didn't betray anyone," Zixin responded calmly. "You did. You betrayed the only two who actually cared for you. You chose this dude, someone who couldn't care any less about you, over us, your friends," The brunette continued.

"I only did what was rational." Zixin sighed at his friends' actions, as he rubbed his forehead in disappointment. "I thought you'd learn something after getting expelled."

Feng clenched his fist, "You bitch. How dare you."

"Wait. Don't fight guys," Xue interrupted them, before Feng instantly shunned him. "Shut up, Xue."

"Calm down, Feng. You're upset. Why don't you calm yourself down first and then we can talk, yes?" Zixin suggested.

"We were supposed to be in this together. You were supposed to be by our side. We are the same. You're different than them. Why are you choosing to side with them?" Feng ruffled his hair in frustration.

"We aren't the same. You chose revenge while I chose to leave it. And besides, neither of us are in any position to seek revenge in the first place. If anything, you should go after redemption."

"Shut up, stop spouting bullshit. Enough of this. I've had enough of you, you traitor."

"Because of your foolishness, you'll be given a worse punishment than mere expulsion this time."

"I said shut up!" Feng tightened his grip, before his gaze shifted to you. "Huh?" You raised a brow.

Soon, the brunette ran your way and grabbed both of your arms once again, keeping you hostage. "Y/n." Xiao's eyes widened as he shot Feng a fierce look.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He scowled.

"If you come any closer, I'll hurt them," The brunette threatened.

"Why do I keep getting captured?" You deadpanned.

"Feng, stop this. Don't involve Y/n in your petty revenge," Zixin sighed while crossing his arms.

"Shut your mouth, Zixin. Y/n is the whole reason for this. It was their mistake, not ours. Yet we were the ones punished. Do you have any idea what we've been through? Getting expelled was the least of it. Why did we have to go through all of this just for Y/n's mistake?"

"It wasn't only Y/n's mistake, shut the fuck up." Xiao took a step closer, before Feng took another step back. "Stay away. I'll hurt Y/n if you don't, I swear."

"Feng don't," Zixin warned him once more. "Let them go. Or you'll seriously regret it."

Xue looked at his friend in concern, hoping he'd give in. But Feng remained persistent.

"I won't. I can't. Just shut up already. Why don't you understand?"

Feng kept you locked in position, while you heard him mumble a few curses under his breath.

Meanwhile, the others looked for a way to get you out of his grasp.

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