《ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ | xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜰɪᴄ》Part 62


Nov 29


It was finally the day of the festival. And you had to admit, you were excited for it. Especially after spending so much time and effort preparing.

As of the moment, you were headed towards Xiao's home so that the two of you could walk to school together.

However, while walking down the sidewalk, you noticed someone else also walking on the same path as you from afar. But you thought nothing of it, since it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

But it was until that person began approaching you that had earned your attention. You narrowed your eyes, trying to get a closer look.

And you couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy the closer he got. The male had brunette hair and dark brown eyes. And his attention seemed to be fixed on you.

You halted in your steps, nervously adjusting the school bag hanging from your shoulder. The brunette eventually stopped as well.

It felt as if you've seen him before but you couldn't place your finger on it. "Can I help you?" You raised a brow at him.

He took a step closer and smiled, the smile being anything but friendly.

You bit your lip and gripped onto the edge of your hoodie, taking a few steps back. A few moments of silence passed until the brunette finally spoke.

"So you're Y/n," He said while crossing his arms.

You slightly tilted your head, "Yeah, and you are?"

"Call me Feng," He kept his smile. To your dismay, you weren't able to recognize that name.

"Is there something you need?"

"Actually, there is." He took a step closer, urging you to take another step back. "You're the one who ran over the kid, right?" He asked, now raising a brow at you.

You felt your heart immediately sink the moment you processed his words and various questions had already began flooding your mind. "How do you know about that?"


The brunette burst out laughing after you finished your sentence, which only made you more confused. "How do you think? I was there when it happened."

"What do you want from me?" You deadpanned, growing more and more frustrated.

"There's nothing I can possibly get from you. Nor would I want anything from you," He scoffed.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You're the one who ran over the kid. Think about it, if the kid didn't happen to survive, you'd be in jail right now," He continued his rant, adding further onto your frustration.

Even though he wasn't entirely wrong, it was none of his concern. You were irritated that this random person popped out of nowhere and began confronting you.

"Alright." You simply shook it off while continuing to walk past him. But Feng refused to drop the subject and grabbed your arm before you could go any further.

You shot him an annoyed look as you clicked your tongue. "Let me go."

"You're horrible, you know that? Letting Xiao take all of the blame when it was you who was at fault."

"What the fuck do you mean? I never let Xiao take the blame. And if I'm not wrong, weren't you the one who prevented Xiao from helping Qiqi in the first place?"

Feng tightened his grip on your arm, causing you to wince. "So you're blaming me?"

"I'm not blaming anybody, let me go." You tried tugging your arm from his grip but it barely made him flinch.

"I won't let you go. How dare you accuse me for something that was entirely your fault? Me and Xue were the ones who had to end up getting expelled. If you had kept your eyes on the road, none of this would have happened."

"I said let me go."

"Yet you still let us take the blame. I heard you're dating Xiao now, is that true? Hah, how ironic. While me and Xue had to pay for your mistake, you're out here enjoying your life to the fullest." He laughed, as his grip on your arm remained firm.


You continued resisting but there was no way for you to escape.

"Don't you feel even the slightest guilt? What audacity you have to live so calmly after almost taking someone's life."

As much as you didn't want to admit it, his words did get to you and you couldn't help but agree. Of course you did feel guilt but never acted upon it.

It was as Heizou previously stated, "Guilt can remain internal. It won't always impact your actions." And that was the case for you.

However, you didn't feel like you had anything to prove to Feng so you chose to remain silent.

"No words, huh? You agree then. I'm glad you do. To be honest, you should leave Xiao alone. It's the least you could do."

Remaining silent was no longer possible.

"You don't know anything about me, or Xiao. Don't act as if you're aware of everything. Now let me go," You tugged your arm once more, before he grabbed your other arm as well.

"And what will you do if I don't?" He gave you a cocky grin, causing your unease to worsen.

"Please let me go," You repeated, to which he laughed. "Haha, you're really desperate, huh? I wonder how Xiao would react seeing you like this."

You flashed him a worried look, "Leave Xiao out of this."

"Aw, you're worried? But y'know, I'd be more worried about yourself than him."


Xiao waited patiently for you to drop by his house. Since your house was further back than his, he'd often have to be the one waiting for you.

But when you didn't arrive after your usual time, he began growing worried. You also didn't reply to his texts or calls which didn't help his case. He decided to walk to your home to make sure everything was fine.

On his way there, he was interrupted by a face he never thought he'd see again.

It was the same blonde who was part of the accident. Xiao immediately grew cautious. "What are you doing here?"

"You're asking the wrong thing," The blonde was quick to respond. "And that means?" Xiao walked closer to him as he crossed his arms.

"You should be more concerned about Y/n," He said calmly.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? What happened to Y/n?"

Xue succeeded in gathering Xiao's attention, all he had to do now was provoke him enough to fight.

Nov 29


guys, is y/n answering your texts?

i could try texting them, why?

they won't reply to me

perhaps they're busy.

they usually respond fast tho

and even if they are busy, they let me know they can't talk

xiao won't answer either

yeah, i noticed that too

do you think smth happened?

today's the festival, i doubt they'd miss school without letting us know beforehand

you're right...

should we try checking up on them?

good idea

heizou, go check up on y/n 😋

what, why me.

bcuz it was your idea

and also bcuz i can't go rn

i'd love to but unfortunately, i don't know y/n's address.

nice try, i have their address

whatever, fine i'll go.

what abt xiao

thank you for volunteering to check up on xiao, zixin😋


you read me

and try hurrying up both of you

i can't allow anything to go wrong in this festival

Make sure they aren't dead or smth

don't joke abt that...

My apologies

i hope they're okay though

i'm sure they're fine, it's prbly nothing

hopefully, you're right

Seen at 8:01am

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