《ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ | xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜰɪᴄ》Part 60


She's not safe. She's not safe. The little girl is hurt. Help her. Why won't you help her? She's not safe. She's hurt.

She's alone. There's nobody else to assist her. Do something. Help her.

Xiao softly gasped as he quickly rose from his bed. "A nightmare," he uttered, whispering to himself while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

He looked to his side and saw you still sound asleep. Taking in a deep breath, he laid back down beside you.

But his worries remained. Moments later, you noticed him trembling, which caused you to wake up as well. You quickly shot him a concerned look. "Are you alright?"

Xiao bit his lip as he gripped onto the bedsheet, anxiety swarming over him. "Can we visit Qiqi before going to class?" He asked you.

Albeit a bit surprised by the sudden request, you nodded. "Yeah, of course. Did you have another nightmare?"

He hummed while moving his front bangs backwards with his hands. You got up and held his hand. "I'm sure she's fine," you tried reassuring him.

But Xiao remained silent, with you frowning in response. He noticed this and lifted himself up again, sighing at himself. "I apologize if I worried you."

"It's alright, don't worry about me. But are you okay?" You asked him once again with worry. He brought his hand up and gently patted your head as he smiled. "I am."

"But you're crying," you mentioned, although hesitant at first. Xiao's eyes slightly widened as he quickly wiped his eyes, not noticing the tears. But he still refused to say anything.

You softly smiled before wrapping your arms around his waist, embracing the teal headed male. "It'll be alright," you told him, to which he simply smiled to with a soft sigh.


Nov 27


"She should be awake by now, you can visit her if you'd like," the nurse told you both. Xiao nodded and began walking to Qiqi's room, you walked next to him.

As you approached the little girl's room, you noticed a small black cat walking by. It seemed familiar.

It walked next to you before stopping, causing both you and Xiao to halt in your steps. "You again." You recalled the last time you saw the cat, which was when you tried chasing after it. This sent a shiver down your spine.

"Ah, so you've already met Fu." You both heard a recognizable voice coming from behind. Turning around, you met the gaze of a black headed male who seemed surprised to meet you both here.

"Zixin, you're here too?" You asked him, to which he nodded at while getting on his knees to pick up his cat. "So that cat belongs to you," Xiao crossed his arms.

"Indeed. And I'm assuming you're both here to visit Qiqi?" He glanced at Xiao, where Xiao then nodded with a hum. "Then I'll leave you two to it. Till we meet again," Zixin bid you both farewell before turning around.

"Are you still paying for Qiqi's bills?" Xiao asked him. Zixin slightly turned his head before replying, "I am. Why do you ask?"

"No reason," Xiao averted his eyes elsewhere, while you stood there awkwardly.

"Oh, alright then." And with those words, the tall male took his leave. You sighed in relief, "That was awkward."

"Incredibly." After quickly shaking his head, Xiao grabbed your hand. "Let's go."

"Right." You both entered Qiqi's room and it didn't take her long to notice you two. "Hiii, how are you feeling?" You asked her, taking a seat next to her bed.


Qiqi's face immediately lit up the moment she saw you both, a bright smile appearing on her face. "Qiqi is fine. Qiqi hopes you've been fine as well."

"Aww, yes we've been fine as well." You patted her head, while Xiao still had his arms crossed. "So, what have you been up to?" You asked her, in an attempt to begin a converstation.

Qiqi put a finger on her chin and began thinking deeply, before her eyes widened in excitement. "Oh Qiqi made a new friend, Fu."

"Do you mean Zixin's cat?" You blinked. "Yes."

"Ah, that's sweet." You glanced at Xiao, who felt just as awkward as you. He then cleared his throat, "That's very nice. Do you like cats?"

The little girl yawned, before laying down on her bed. "Cats are... nice," she said slowly. "Are you tired?" You asked her, to which she hesitantly nodded to.

"Then we should get going," Xiao patted your shoulder and you nodded. "Alright, goodbye then Qiqi. We'll see you later." You gave her a small kiss on the forehead, with Qiqi smiling at you both.

"Thank you for taking care of Qiqi... Qiqi is happy to have met you. Tell Zixin Qiqi is happy to meet him too," she quietly mumbled, before closing her eyes. You felt your heart ache at how adorable she was. "Of course," you whispered, before leaving the room with Xiao.

The two of you then left the room, closing the door from behind.

"She'll be ready to go back to her orphanage soon," the nurse mentioned while you and Xiao were headed for the exit.

"Oh, she's an orphan?" You asked the nurse, suddenly feeling a bit bad.

The nurse nodded with a frown. "We don't know what happened to her parents, we were only told of the orphanage she goes to."

"Oh..." you didn't say anything after that, causing Xiao to respond for you. "She's very strong," he praised.

The nurse smiled, "She indeed is." The atmosphere went silent before Xiao decided to speak again.

"Thank you for letting us know, but we should get going now," he said while grabbing your hand and continued to walk. The nurse waved to you while you waved back.

After exiting the hospital, Xiao halted in his steps. "Qiqi's doing fine after all," he sighed in relief.

"Told ya. I'm always right es em aych," you said with a grin, causing Xiao to let out a small chuckle.

"That you are."

Nov 27





blame childe

now isn't the time to blame anyone lol.

we need to finish prepping

are we not almost finished

besides the disaster of decorations, yes we are

let childe and scaramouche finish those then

y/n bestie, did you not see what happened last time

we can't let them do the decorations again

well i'm not doing it

let me do it alone


shut up for a moment

hu, did you add heizou here



scaramouche, heizou, childe and zixin can finish the decorations

what if they fight again

then heizou and zixin can stop it

is that alr with you both

as long as i don't need to do anything else.



heizou after we're finished, let ningguang know


gl don't mess up again

we won't!


we're still doing teal, right


of course



alr now get to it 😒


Seen at 3:16pm

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